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[Suggestion] online revamp


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Hi all

My suggestion is based on just my thoughts and feelings about where the game is at now and how/where I would like to see it develop in the future. It's also a little about how I've begun to lose the bug for playing career every year and how I've found myself losing the interest to play. I've played some great online games with friends recently, custom DBs and other things and it's been great but as players in our late 20s early 30s with kids, jobs etc we find it difficult to maintain a long term online save. However when I have been able to go online and play against real people I've felt the bug again and I long for the ability to put my skills to the test against a wider range of people in a more seamless and organised manner.

So... my suggestion would be for SI to look at how other games now have really started to tap into the world of multiplayer and to try and take FM online more. I know people will say you can go on the forum and organise a game and I know people will say they've done this before with FM Online and it didn't work BUT I think worldwide server based multiplayer, being able to load up and instantly play against others has become a staple of the modern game and to just ignore this aspect or leave it as it is I think could become detrimental to the game in the future. Again as I said before this is just based on my opinion and nothing else. Take the first person shooter as an example. 10/15 years it was mainly offline with massive campaign modes. Now huge multiplayer content, small insignificant campaign modes, and most people I know who play these games say they only play online now.

Now I don't want to to see the career mode go away but I know that a real upgrade of the online/multiplayer mode would really peek my interest. I would love to see something where you can load up the game and have the option of career and multiplayer. Career as normal. Then on multiplayer you could for example sign up to a cup competition played over the course of 3 hours, or sign up to a long term league campaign where a season is played over a few weeks perhaps with 3 games a night. If you can't play every game then your ass man plays with your tactics. You could include your fantasy draft mode where you can play against anyone out there looking for a game. Just lots of one night game modes, week long sign ups and long term sign ups. These would be hosted by SI so you don't have the scenario me and my friends have had where if I can't come online tonight my mates aren't playing with their online teams which is hugely frustrating for them.


I just think SI have an amazing match engine which just keeps getting more and more realistic, but it would be great to see that put to further use and a constant, persistent multiplayer option hosted by SI would, for me, plug the final gap in the game and really take it to the next level.



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