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Suicidal, Job less and nobody wants me!


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Hi, Let me introduce myself, my name is Monty Stone a 30 year old guy born and bred in the heart of Birmingham, England.

I had recently split up from my a long term girlfriend which had resulted in me moving back home with my family. My mother was a school dinner lady and then there was my lazy father who spent endless days sitting on his back side pressing the buttons of the TV remote control and flicking through the channels. I have a younger brother Tiger a 24 year old night howler a constant whinger, and then you have the 3 cats Charles, Domino, and Jack.

I arrive at home dad in the lounge remote control in one hand, can of beer in the other. Mother in the kitchen again cooking the tea, and Tiger hanging around looking for a clean shirt to wear. I enter the kitchen and mother asks if I have had a good day at work. I look at her and burst into tears. I'm quite an emotional guy who is going through a stage of depression following the relationship breakdown. "I've had the sack, they've sacked me, I can't believe it what else can go wrong? Why me?"

I was managing a local Tier 3 football team, I had achieved 3 straight promotions with them and had guided them to mid table safety this year. We had a tough run in and lost valuable points and hardly won a game in the last 10 this season.

The Chairman had dragged me to the bar after todays match, "Look Monty we think you have brought the team as far as you can, and think that fresh blood can help us next year, we have had our slight problems, especially the financial situation, so we think its best if you move on" I shouted back at him "WHAT!!!! So your sacking me what for, after all what I have done for you lot, bloomy charming"

I admit that I had caused the board problems especially the financial front I was a manager who wanted success (don't we all) and had ignored the wage bill and I was driving the club into financial ruin. But looking at it, on the other hand look at how far we had progressed in such a good time.

I sit staring at the tea that was placed in front of me. "I'm not hungry mom". What was I going to do? All I had really done was managed local football teams and pulled a few pints in the local pub.

Football was what I lived for and now I had nothing. No girlfriend, no house, no job and now no money.

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Hi, Let me introduce myself, my name is Monty Stone a 30 year old guy born and bred in the heart of Birmingham, England.

I had recently split up from my a long term girlfriend which had resulted in me moving back home with my family. My mother was a school dinner lady and then there was my lazy father who spent endless days sitting on his back side pressing the buttons of the TV remote control and flicking through the channels. I have a younger brother Tiger a 24 year old night howler a constant whinger, and then you have the 3 cats Charles, Domino, and Jack.

I arrive at home dad in the lounge remote control in one hand, can of beer in the other. Mother in the kitchen again cooking the tea, and Tiger hanging around looking for a clean shirt to wear. I enter the kitchen and mother asks if I have had a good day at work. I look at her and burst into tears. I'm quite an emotional guy who is going through a stage of depression following the relationship breakdown. "I've had the sack, they've sacked me, I can't believe it what else can go wrong? Why me?"

I was managing a local Tier 3 football team, I had achieved 3 straight promotions with them and had guided them to mid table safety this year. We had a tough run in and lost valuable points and hardly won a game in the last 10 this season.

The Chairman had dragged me to the bar after todays match, "Look Monty we think you have brought the team as far as you can, and think that fresh blood can help us next year, we have had our slight problems, especially the financial situation, so we think its best if you move on" I shouted back at him "WHAT!!!! So your sacking me what for, after all what I have done for you lot, bloomy charming"

I admit that I had caused the board problems especially the financial front I was a manager who wanted success (don't we all) and had ignored the wage bill and I was driving the club into financial ruin. But looking at it, on the other hand look at how far we had progressed in such a good time.

I sit staring at the tea that was placed in front of me. "I'm not hungry mom". What was I going to do? All I had really done was managed local football teams and pulled a few pints in the local pub.

Football was what I lived for and now I had nothing. No girlfriend, no house, no job and now no money.

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The sacking had not sunk in so I was a bit reluctant to look for another job, my mother was nagging me pointing out that if I didn't do anything then I would end up like my father.

I pick my lap top up and design a kind of advert. Young, energic, motivated, manager available to a good home. Will consider options in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Excellent CV available for your perusal. Contact 07812939329 for further information. Satisfaction guranteed.

It was like an advert for an escort but it was a start, I posted it to all forums on the football websites that I thought may attract attention. I trail the managerial available list, Mansfield, Bury, Yeovil, Tamworth and Dublin City. None of them really interested me but I couldn't sit on my backside doing nothing all my life.

I emailed Mansfield, Tamworth and Dublin City requesting the application forms.

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The application forms land in my inbox. With the criteria that they;re looking for. I match them, I'm capable of achieving things and they're looking for an ambitious manager.

I tap in my personal details and study on the final section why do I want the job.

Well I'm skint, bored, depressed and suicidal and just need a break, being at home all day isn't as nice as I what I thought it would be. I need to do something and football is what I want to be involved in. I sit at the lap top as each application form is emailed back.

I await the results with anticipation.

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I receive 2 quick decline emails from Dublin and Mansfield quoting my lack of experience as one of the main reasons for being unsuccessful. I obtain an interview for the post at Tamworth.

Now Tamworth were struggling, there was no doubt about that, now I know I wasn't get a job in the Premiership but hey this was going to be a challenge, but I had to get the job first.

I walk up to the ground, stare at the main stand, stare again and blink, I mean it was no Stamford Bridge, Old Trafford or Anfield but there was just nothing there. I walk into the stadium and I am greeted by a lovely young lady. "Can I help you?"

"Erm, yeah I'm supposed to have an interview at 2 but can you tell them I've changed my mind, the names Stone, Monty Stone, thanks" I hurry out before I change my mind.

There was something there, could it be that it was to close to home, to much of a challenge even, or just didn't like it, I didn't know and I was the only one with the answers.

It was to be another long study at the jobs pages and there were no jobs coming up.

Months pass and how I now wish I would have gone for the Tamworth job, if only just to get experience and a few pounds in the back pocket. How silly was I.

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Its the beginning of November and still no sign of a job, there maybe a couple of openings soon as Sligo Rovers, Gainsborough and Dundalk are on the look out for new managers.

I don't particularly fancy Gainsborough as they are bottom of the Conference North and a few points adrift and is a move to Ireland what I'm looking for. After careful consideration I decided that I could not turn my nose up at anything. My application forms were completed and sent, only a matter of time before the decline letters come back.

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Whilst reading the football daily I come across Morton currently 6th in the Scottish 2nd Division, there going through a really bad patch and the fans are calling for Jim McInally's head.

I call the Morton Chairman, "Hi, hear your going through a bit of a sticky spell, I'm interested in Scottish football so if your considering a relacement then please consider me. I'll fax/email my CV to you if you like so you can have a look"

"And you are?"

"Oh yeah, sorry Monty Stone"

"Monty who, never heard of you, whats your background?"

I wheel off my past irrelevant experience and begin to wonder if I have really set my sights to high. The phone conversation ends but I'm not hopeful for the job even when it does become vacant.


Whilst scouring the Scottish FA website I notice an interesting headline.

Unknown interested in Morton

Unknown Monty Stone has made a surprising call to Greenock Morton chairman Douglas Rae throwing his name into the frame should current manager McInally fail to turn Morton's fortune around.

Mr Rae laughs of the possibility of replacing McInally as he has the full backing of the Board. When questioned about the approach Rae replied "If we look for a replacement I will be looking for a bigger name than Monty Stone"

Well I never, get knocked back for jobs that aren't even available, slandered in the press, I'm going to keep myself to myself and just apply for jobs when they become vacant. Lets hope I hear something soon.

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November comes and go's with no interviews. Gainsborough and Sligo not even acknowledging my application form.

St Mirren and Thurrock sack their managers and I apply for both of these positions, my fingers are firmly crossed but not hopeful.

As I predicted St Mirren was a firm no, don't bother applying again kind of response. Thurrcok ponder about their decision and I sit and wait with anticipation, its now the middle of December and I'm skint, my parents are moaning as I'm constantly borrowing money. One day I will pay them back.

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Its 2006, jobless still and no interviews in the pipeline. I've been linked strongly with the Wrexham job but can't see me getting it. If I can't get a job at Gainsborough I'm not getting one at Wrexham.

Lets hope that a start of new year will start a new career.

I have applied for 4 jobs, Wrexham, Peterborough, Huckhnall & Thurrock. I am really considering looking at a career change if nothing comes of these.

The Overdraft has got to a considerable amount, the credit cards are all used to their full limit, the switch card won't take any more transactions and I have an appointment with the bank manager next week. Money is needed fast and in plenty.

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I dread the sound of the telephone, and now the sound of the letterbox. Debt collecters at the ready taking my prized possessions, now I have nothing, the CD player, lap top and I pod have now gone.

The job centre have been really helpful and now I working as a waiter in some greazy spoons roadside cafe, its 12 hour stints and the truckers don't give me any tips they save that for the boss who happens to be a leggy blond with quite a big chest. I ask if she wants to share the tips we get she laughs "only coz you don't get none". Well it was worth the ask.

Money is slowly coming in, I just needed to show the bank manager that I could pay some debt off on a weekly basis. I mean lets face it £5.03 an hour, its better than a kick in the teeth. I'd been sacked from the pub due to excessive drinking whilst at work, and was accused of having my fingers in the till rather than ask me outright, they just accussed me straight away. I suppose who could blame them I was stink. I didn't do it though......I promise you of that.

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"Hello is that Monty Stone?"

"Yeah who's that?"

"Barry Norgrove, Chairman of Kidderminster Harriers"

I gasp how has he got my number, what does he want the position wasn't available I'd kept my eye on it to be honest as Stuart Watiss was always slandering the referees and arguing with the players and the fans were still fuming from their relagation from the League not that that was Watkiss' fault.

"What can I do for you?"

"Well, between me and you Stuart is on his way out and we'll looking for a replacement, your name was linked to the Wrexham job and we've been doing a bit of background research and surprised that nobody has snapped you up, so we'd like you to come to Aggborough, your the ideal replacement"

Well I never I'd a late Christmas present, and one I would never have dreamt of.

"What you reckon, you interested?"

I didn't have to think of it, I wasn't bothered about salary or anything like that, it was a job in football.

"Of course just a bit shocked, when do you want me to start?

"Stuart is out this afternoon, and you will be unveiled immediately as the new manager tomorrow morning be at the ground at 8, we'll sign the deal and then its up to you"

"Ok, thanks and see you tomorrow"

I couldn't sit down I was getting orders of sausage, egg and chips wrong, dropping plates, charging people wrong I was just so excited.

"Look Chrissie (the blond waitress) I'm going to jack this job in, something better's come up, something I can really get my teeth into not these rubbery sausages and runny eggs and mouldy bread, I'm going to be a football manager. I'm going to do something that I enjoy."

She looks and laughs at me (again) "Yeah right, you couldn't manage a p*** up in a brewery"

I hand her my apron "and I'm leaving now, one day I will be back, I can prove you wrong"

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Tuesday 31st January 2006

Its 6.30am and the sound of the alarm wakes me up, I've had a weird dream, Kidderminster get relegated 2 seasons on the bounce, thats all I need, doubts in mind before I even start.

I walk down the stairs mother is at the stove slavng away as normall. "Morning Love, you all set for your big day, bet your excited"

"Yeah bit nervous hope you aint doing me much"

"You need your strength for today its going to be a hard day for you"

"Yeah but a day I'm going to enjoy, you ever been to Kidderminster?"

"Think so, its not far its ok, you'll be able to drop me off on Saturday's so I can go somewhere else shopping"

"Yeah mom of course"

I look at her and wonder how she has put up with me for so long whinging about anything and everything bored senseless and having to pick me up when those continous unsuccessful letters get received. "You know I will be able to start paying you back more"

"Look Monty get your feet back under the table, and worry about that later"

"Eat your breakfast and go to work, change your shirt its got a grease mark on the cuff and put that nice red tie on it will look lovely with that suit and make sure your shoes are pollished"

Remember I am 30 but my mother pampers me (to much at time) she only has my best interests at heart and I predict its because she doesn't want me to turn out like her other half. A lazy good for nothing.

I give her a kiss goodbye, "phone you later"

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Watkiss stoned at Harriers

Kidderminster Harriers have sacked Stuart Watkiss with immediate effect and appoint unknown character Monty Stone as his replacement.

Harriers chaiman Barry Norgrove reported that inconsistent league form and the failure to cement a top half position in the Conference as the main reasons for the decision. Norgrove states "It is with regret that things have not happened as the Board and the fans would have liked, and we have made the decision to bring Monty into the club, he has an excellent record in the lower leagues which is just as challenging as this one"

Stone comes to the club lying in 14th position. "Next season you will see changes at Kidderminster Harriers" added Norgrove.

Stone has 7 days to get the team focused for the match against Stevenage.

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Barry greets me at the front entrance with a firm hand shake. My hands shaking.

"Right me lad, busy day for you today, lets show you round the place, sign the paperwork, greet the players and meet the press"

We wonder around Aggborough 6,000 capacity half of it seated. We walk down the tunnel and I look at the pitch, its not in bad condition considering the weather that we have had, the ground empty not a voice to be heard. "One day this will be full" Barry said to me. "The highest attendance has been 3,800 in the cup against Hereford we need more people through the gates"

The ground is compact everything seems to be on top of everything. We walk into his office "Sit down, make yourself at home" I sit opposite him "Does that mean I can put my feet up and turn the TV on?" I replied. He sniggers and replies "Theres no time for TV at this place" He pushes the paperwork to wards me and I scan it not bothering to read all the detail. I pick up the main facts £300 per week, contract until June 2008.

"Theres no money to play around with here Monty, the wage budget is to high and you've missed the transfer window, so unfortunately you've got to manage with what you've got"

I sign the paperwork and pass it back to him ""Welcome on board"

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I am shown to my office and Barry introduces me to my assistant (Bryan McDermott). I enquire as to what the players are like and confidence and also expectations. I was a bit concerned when accepting the job as I failed to get a job at the bottom of the Conference North/South yet get the opportinity of managing somebody in the Conference. It immediately gave me the impression that they wasn't a club with great expectations I mean they have risked giving me the job.

Bryan responds "They're a good set of lads, who will carry out simple instructions, I feel we are a team capable of holding our own in this division but obviously strengthening in all departments would be required if we are to set the Conference on fire".

We go to the training field where the lads are having a kick around. "Morning boys" no response. "Hows it going?" still no response. "Want a word with you all when you've finished" and still no response.

Looks like they have taken Stuart's dismissal strongly, well not my problem I am the manager now and if they don't like it then thats there problem.

We all gather in the dressing room Bryan introduces each player one by one giving a basic run down of each players strengths, I joke "and what about the weaknesses?" no response. Things are not going well, I get the impression that they can't stand me.

Ok lads "look at like this, I have been brought into a job with this club and that is what I am paid to do and that is what I am going to do. Things will be different, I will try and build on what Stuart Watkiss has acheived and hopefully improve. From what I can gather things have been going downhill since the Harriers fell out of the League and I have set the objective of acheiving league status within 3 years. I need your help and support to acheive this and if you and I don't pull our weight then some of us will be receiving our P45. I'll be listening to Bryan's advice as he obviously knows more about you guys than me, so things won't I don't imagine be changing that much yet. Let's bring good times and happiness back to Kidderminster"

The lads walk out of the dressing room not a word set nobody looking at me. Martyn O'connor comes up to me and shakes my hand, Martyn is a coach so knows alot about the players "They'll come round they don't like change and of course they're worried your gonna make wholesale changes"

"Thanks Martyn I'll take that on board but I can't promise that I won't make changes I have my own style and thats the way I want to play"

Well its the end of the first day of my management career I never had this problem in my previous management job, I have to win over the players as well now where as before you only worried about the fans. The journey home seems to take ages but it is something that I am going to have to get use to unless I consider a move closer to the ground. I'm starving and just hope mother has cooked something nice.

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"Good dear dear?"

"Yeah it was alright, don't think they like me though, they're really quiet and haven't spoke to me. The Chairman is a sound geezer and my assistant knows his stuff, we'll just have to suck it and see. Whats for tea I'm starving that journey home takes ages"

"Its your favourite egg, chips and beans"

I eat my tea and think that things can only get better, I have set the objective of getting league football back at Kidderminster and that is what I will deliver. Anything less than that is a failure. The players don't like change but hey who does. But changes will have to be made if we are to move this club forward.

I get the laptop out and hit the Kidderminster Website. The message board has a thread dedicated to my appointment. Its a bit of a shock when I read the negative comments, although one positive one props up in between the 5 bad ones. I register and decide to add my bit.

I've read your comments and will take some of your suggestions and comments on board. However I have been at the club for 1 day and things should not be measured yet. May I suggest that you wait to see what impact I have on the club before making any judgements. I to want success for the Harriers. We need good crowds at the ground to provide resources to strengthen in departments. The financial situation is satisfactory but could always be better.

Lets get behind the lads and show them what a good set of fans Kidderminster Harriers have. Monty

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I get myself settled in to a routine and have found a couple of short cuts to reduce journey time to and from the ground.

Its the day before my first match in charge and the lads gather round in the dressing room to find out who has made it into my starting line up. They are still reluctant to speak to me but have noticed slight changes to the training schedule. "Look this is my first game in charge lets make it a good one, they are stiff opposition and will be expecting to keep the 3 points there, so lets steal them and make the fans happy, right my starting line up is

Lewis, Evans, Rafferty, Jackson, McHale, Russell, Anyinsah, O'Connor, Davies, Christie, Morrell. Subs from Danby, Hurren, Duncum, Barlow, Butler."

No response from the players. "Right come on meet at the ground tomorrow 5.15 prompt I want to get to Stevenage early and show them how keen we are"

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Wednesday 8th February 2006

Its a cold windy evening. Stevenage were lying in the top 6 whilst we occupied a mid table position. I did not know what to expect during the game, did I think we could win. Well to be honest no really especially when Stevenage rushed into a 2-0 lead before half time with goals from Berquez, Elding.

"Ok lads not the start we had hoped for, this game is still winnable, show some stength and grit, fight for the ball and put your name on it. Shoot whereever possible and test the goalie, there is nothing to lose. Your doing ok, lets just build on it and try and get something from the game"

I make no changes and decide to be faithful to the 11 that started the match. Within 3 minutes Christie pulls a goal back, we are back in this. "Go on, pass it man on" I'm really shouting from the touchline giving them encouragement where ever possible.

The last 20 minutes is hard to describe and I don't know how it came about but Morrell nets a hat-trick. Splendid goals he keeps the matchball and obviously gets the man of the match award.

Stevenage 2 Kiddi 4

After the long journey home I log onto the website to add my comments.

Thanks for those fans who travelled with us tonight, they witnessed a wonderful performance, the lads gave their all, and deserve the 3 points. Its a good start and ends the bad run of results. I hope its the beginning of good things and my fingers are tightly crossed.

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Saturday 11th February 2005

Away V York City

Bootham Crescent, York Attendance 2,545

Harries Starting Line up: Lewis, McHale, Rafferty, Jackson, Hurrell, Russell, Anyinsah, O'Connor, Davies, Christie, Morrell

Subs: Danby, Adams, Duncum, Burton, Butler

York have had loads of experience of league football and like ourselves were looking for a quick return. They were in a slightly higher position and were clear favourites with the bookies who could blame them.

Christie nets his 2nd goal under my command in the 34th minute to put us in the lead going into the break. "Keep it lads, this is good, pile on the pressure but don't get caught napping at the back, I'm sure they're going to change things around 2nd half so lets stick at it"

I was right a quick change by York resulted in 2 quick goals from French and Convery. 2-1 to York with 12 minutes later. All was not lost when Christie heads his 2nd home of the game.

Final score York 2 Kiddi 2

To be fair this was a fair result no team deserved to lose, we still remain in midtable but have managed to halt the run of defeats, I have been shown the first 2 mathces in charge that the players want to succeed and what to do well. They are a credit to the club so far, but it does not guarantee League football. I begin my search for additional players who I feel may add depth and a bit of competition amongst the team. I am sure a couple of players will be joining us before the start of next season

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My first home game V Gravesend

They were in trouble in the bottom part of the table and were heavily involved in the relegation dog fight, we were nowhere near the top and no where near the bottom. I don't change the team they are doing well, 4 points out of possible 6 not bad for an inexperienced guy. I was hoping for a big attendance today, as that would have meant that the fans are appreciating whats happening at the club, however it was not meant to be with just over 1,300 at the game.

The strike force of Morrell and Christie are scoring a few goals between them and both get on the scoresheet for todays game. A late goal from Gateshead reduces the deficit to just 1 goal, its disspoining we haven't been able to keep a clean sheet but its 3 points in the bag.

Joe Anyinsah our loanee from Preston picks up the man of the match award and I'll be looking to keep him for the beginning of the new season. We still remain in 12th position some 10 points from a play off place but the gap grows between us and the bottom 2.

I voice my concerns of the lack of fans at the game and was hoping that a crowd of 2,000 plus would not be to much to ask for, I urge the chairman to try and strike a deal with the local schools, we need to bring fans in, by inviting kids they will bring the dads, we need the fan base to expand and obviously think about the future of Kiddi. If you ask a youngster who do you prefer Man Utd or Kidderminster I'm 100% certain what the answer would be. I'm not saying we are going to be a big money earning club like them, but we need our perception to change. One day it will, I'm sure whether I'll still be manager that far in advance I'm unsure.

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18th February V Tamworth

I was forced to make a couple of changes due to the injury of Simon Russell (fractured ribs) who could be out for up to 2 months and the suspension of the in form Mark Davies. Wilson & Duncum get their opportunity but must perform well to even be considered as permanent replacement for Russell and Davies.

What a disater a controversional penalty given to the visitors in the 34th secnd of the match, their lead extended to 2 on 13 minutes after dreadful defending. The game was spun open in the 34th minute when the visitors had Nabil sent off.

However Kidderminster were unable to capitalise on anything and the score remained 2-0 a dreadful performance and one that I hope not to see in the near future.

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21st February Away V Accrington

Accrington who?

We were struggling morale was low, the lowest in fact since I had been here. We could do with a good burst of good form, instead we are struggling and failing to control any of the matches. This match against Accrington was no different.

We led through a fluke goal from Mitch Butler who I chose ahead of top scorer Christie. Christie needed a rest and Butler was the ideal candidate. His first half strike was soon cancelled out by Navarro and Mullin.

Sam Duncum has injured his shin and we await the physio response.

Kiddi drop to 13th and could be dragged into a relegation battle if things don't improve fast.

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I decide to call the team in for a team building exercise. They need motivated on and off the pitch.

A couple of players are playing well others are still finding their feet. There will be definitely changes when the transfer window opens. But who will be interested in coming to Kiddi. The Board have no money to give and a couple of players will have to be shown the door.

Its going to be a struggle but my fingers are tightly crossed we will be ok.

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Saturday 4th March 2006

Away V Altrincham

Our opponents today were lying 5 points away from safety and propping up the Conference. This game was ideal for us to boost our confidence, or thats what I thought.

A 2-0 defeat at the hands of the bottom club was not what I was expecting, but looking back it could have been worse, we were embarassing. I kept the team in the dressing room for 45 minutes after the game and really laid into them.

"If you think I can watch that week in and week out then you've got another thing coming, if your not careful, we will go down and the way we sorry you played today you deserve it"

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Next game V Cambridge at Home

Cambridge were flying high in 6th and we had dropped a couple of places to 15th. Cambridge were the form team at the moment, so surprisingly a 1-0 win thanks to a Martin O Connor penalty was the difference.

The win ends a 4 match winless streak and sees us move closer to safety.

Theres rumours of a big signing for next year possibly the name of ageing Phil Babb but don't know if the Board can afford the transfer 1k. However they inject 55k into the clubs running costs but we are still overspent.

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We were back on the road to Southport and what a thriller it turned out to be.

Final score Southport 3 Kiddi 3

I was pleased I had shown the team encouragement at half time even though we were losing 2-1. I knew we could get something out of the game I am just glad we didn't lose each point we get is another point from safety.

Big news on the managerial front as Chelsea sack Mourinho probably as they are only 7th in the Premiership.

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1st April 2006

I wake up its April Fools Day, and by jove are there a few fools at Kiddi. Some of the players are a joke, they think they are guaranteed first team football and also think I'm a soft spot. Well I will have news for a few of them especially when there contracts aren't renewed. I have potential new younger signings on the way yet, but these are yet to be confirmed.

Anyway Dagenham were the visitors they were fighting for promotion and were another of the impressive sides who I thought were capable of a title challenge.

The team has been pity stable and there has not been any real reason to change so I keep with the same starting 11.

Mark Davies scores his first goal for the club on 35 minutes and we hang on to claim all 3 points. The result sees us climb to 13th, Dagenham drop a place and Exeter extend their lead at the top to 5 points. I think the result has secured our position in the league this year, next year is the time to improve.

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8th april 2006

Kidderminster meet up with their old boss Stuart Watkiss today. Watkiss who was relieved of his duties is now in charge at Edgar Street the home of Hereford.

Hereford were lying 1 place above us, and for some unknown reason I was nervous. Probably because I didn't want Stuart thinking I was incompetent especially as he had built the squad that I am using, wonder if he'll give me some tips after the game on where I went wrong.

Hereford dominate the first half despite falling a goal behind, Morrell taking the credit. Hereford equal in the 38th minute and the teams have it all to play for. Kiddi look desperate at times and will be happy they go in at the interval level.

Hereford score 2 good goals in the second half and Stuart Watkiss has mastermined a win against his former club he silences the away fans who had given him a hard time since kick off.

We are officially safe and the lowest we can finish is 19th.

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Major clearout at the Harriers. Monty Stone today released 6 players from the U18 team today. Tom Coley, Leigh Clayton and Scott Eaton all had 1 senior cap and Luke Astley, Ryan Malcolm and Lee Williams have all been released with immediate effect.

"The guys deserve first team football they need to learn quick and it would be years before they would make the grain here, I need players for the first team now, we will build on the future when we have got it right now"

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15th April 2006

Andy Morrell scores his 8th goal in 16 starts for Kidderminster as they were held 1-1 by Halifax.

The fans are still shocked by the clearout made earlier in the week and will be waiting in anticipation for any new signings.

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The 17th April 2006 the day to forget if you are a Kidderminster Harriers fan. an away game at Forest Green seemed easy on paper, yet one man by the name of Abbey beat us. He netted an impressive 4 goals, against us, scoring a hatrick by 30 minutes. O'Neil added a 5th the only positive thing out the game was another goal for Morrell who seems to be adapting into a decent striker. Final score Forest Green 5 Kiddi 1.

Reading are relegated to League 1, with Lincolm being promoted. Altrincham drop out of Conference.

The Board are very concerned about the financial situation at the club and so am I. I am going to have to get rid of more players in a bid to cut the wage bill.

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Andy Morrell scores his 10th goal of the season but it wasn't enough to beat Morecambe this afternoon. Robinson scores twice for Morecambe in his team's 2-1 win.

Monty Stone has released Corbett with immediate effect and also asked Burgess to go, however Burgess was clear that he was not being forced away from Kidderminster.

Today saw the following teams relegated from their respective divisions





Exeter are confirmed as Conference Winners.

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29th April 2006

Away V Exeter

Exeter had been presented with the COnference Championship trophy 7 days before and were celebrating their return to the football league. They were celebrating even more after 15 minutes when Martin Phillips puts them in front, this goal was cancelled however by Steve Burton scoring his first goal for Kiddi.

Jakes Edwards puts Exeter back in front after 31 minutes and the score remained 2-1 at half time.

The Exeter lead was extended to 301 when Richard Walker nets a goal.

Mitch Butler who was brought on at half time pulled a goal back after 70 minutes and a reckless challenge by Exeter;'s Santa Gaia gave Gavin Hurren the oportunity of making it 3-3. GOAL!!!

Mitch Butler scores his 2nd goal of teh afternoon on 89 minutes that steal all 3 points for Kiddi.

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Football Headlines

Exeter win the Conference by 5 points and the following teams must fight it out in the play offs. Aldershot, Acrington, Grays and Dag & Red.

Gravesend and Altrincham have been relegated being replaced by Newport County and Hinckley.

Aldrershot defeat Halifax 2-0 in the FA Trophy.

In the Premiership Arsenal celebrate a treble winning season. Leeds head back to the Premiership.

Mark Jackson was selected in the Conference Team of the Year.

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World Cup Round Up

England cruise past Sengal 2-0 in their opening game against Senegal, other UK hopefuls Ireland are held 2-2 against Bahrain this after being 2-0 down 20 minutes.

In the second match of the groups England thrash Serbia & Mont 3-0 to ensure they progress to the next round and Ireland gin a respectable draw against Portugal.

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Back in the UK

The Kidderminster Board notify Monty Stone that there will be no transfer funds available this year, due to the very poor financial situation. The Board strongly recommend that Kidderminster give members of the youth team first team experience. A small portion of any transfer activity will be made available. And next seasons initial TV revenue has already been accounted for in the budget setting for the season.

Iysden Christie is voted Kidderminster player of the year.

The fixtures are released and Kidderminster host recently relegated Mansfield in the opening match.

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Meanwhile back in the World Cup

Its another big win for England 4-1 against USA and Ireland play out another draw 0-0 against Nigeria. Ireland remain unbeaten but still fail to progress to the next stage.

In the second round matches Brazil beat the USA 2-1 and France's hopes end losing by the same score line to England. Italy defeat Parguay and Holland beat Poland. Portugal progress through Colombia and Nigeria beat outsiders Iran albeit by a penalty shoot out. Spain and Germany are the other two teams to through knocking out american hopefuls Aregentina and Mexico respectively.


England triumph over Holland 3-2. Brazil need a penalty shoot out to defeat Italy. Portugal and Nigeria go out to Germany and Spain.

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More transfer action

Experienced player Mark Kinsella joins up with Monty Stone on a free transfer from League 1 team Walsall. Also defender Ben L'Honone joins from Stevenage having only made 2 league appearances in 3 years.

Sam Duncum's loan ends and immediately moves to Lincoln City outlining that he has something to prove to Monty Stone for failing to bring him to Aggborough on a permanent basis.

Young 17 year old Aston Goss joins from Aylesbury, 19 year old Scott Dann also from Walsall joins on a free transfer. Right Winger Andy Cargll joins from Montrose and Phil Babb makes a 1k move from Forest Green.

Venezuelan born Andreas Delgardo links up at Kidderminster from Northern Ireland Premiership team Dungammon Swifts.

There was also money exchanged as Chris Mchale leaves Aggborough in a 5k move to AFC Telford.

Monty Stone comments on these transfer activity "I have brought experienced players in to guide the youngsters who have also been drafted in, the team needs a shake up if we are to improve on last years results, it is common knowledge that money is tight around here and I will obviously be looking to make money where ever possible, some players are aware that their team here is limited as we simply can't afford to keep everybody happy"

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World Cup Semi Final

Brazil progress to the final with an extra time win over Germany and Englad end Spain's hopes with a 2-1 win.

In the 3rd place play off Germany scrape through against Spain.

Brazil score an own goal as early as the 10th minute to gift England with the trophy. Sven Ericksen secures his future at the club and the nation is ecstactic

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I am inspired by the work that Sven has done and think one day I will be there, he has the pick of the nation I have the pick from a bunch of free transfers.

Our preseason matches don't go down too well, all played at Aggborough in a bid to make some much needed money. The first fixture against Ipswich was watched by a massive 6,000 fans the rest were watched by a handful.

Results were

v Ipswich Lost 1-0

v Scunthorpe Lose 1-0

v Burnley drew 1-1

V Sunderland reserves drew 0-0

V Torquay Lost 3-2

The bookies install Aldershot as favourites at 6-4. Relegated Peterborough are 7-4 with 201 being offered to Accrington, Stevenage and Morecambe. York are 5-2. We get placed at 40-1.

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The start of a new season and there is no harder match for us to start it with. Although it's a home tie you always want to get off to a flying start. We were up against Mansfield who had recently sacked their manager following their relegation last term. We could at least measure how we compared with them. Surprisingly Mansfield were not classed as a team capable of making a quick return to the Football League.

The match was fairly even in the first half apart from a fine Morrell strike on the strike of half time which sees us going in 1-0 up.

A lapse of concentration in the first 10 minutes of the second half sees Andy Birchall fire two goals in and Mansfield lead.

Morrell seals his 2nd of the game on 71 minutes and the tie is level and that is how it finished.

Kidderminster start the season ok and land in 9th place.

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3 days later we take a trip to Canvey Island. They struggled last year and finished in 20th but they had made a couple of signings in a bid to improve their chances of survival.

Andy Morrell is the man in form scoring another 2 goals thats 4 in 2 games. I am dissappointed however as he had to come off injured as late as the 88th minute. Another injury for Kidderminster is the news that goalkeeper John Dandy had to be taken off.

Canvey scored a goal to make the scoreline 2-1 and we still remain in 9th place.

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Physio report

Andy Morrell is out for up to a period of 1 month following his nasty fall in the 2-1 win over Canvey Island. Its bad news for Kiddi fans as he's definitely the man in form. Monty Stone will have to consider his attacking options for the next match.

Goalkeeper Dandy has suffered fractured ribs following a late tackle this injury will see him on the treatment table for up to 2 months. Lewis is considered as a replacement having played games last term however Monty Stone will have problems in anything happens to him.

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