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The Rangers FC Thread - Season 07/08


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Seriously think I'm falling in love with Cuellar, that gazza esque lob over their striker icon_biggrin.gif. If only Weir was ten years younger we'd have a formidable centre defence partnership for several years.

Crucial win. Tie far from over though, Red Star do have some nifty players. Beasley needs to put on another two stone, far too lightweight but hopefully he'l adapt himself for the SPL.

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how the **** did we jam that? icon_biggrin.gif

old man Walter will be happy though, he can play 4-5-1 for 90 minutes in Belgrade now icon_cool.gif embarassing atmosphere, no cheering/singing till a goal was scored but it is Ibrox I guess - although they suffer from the same

I really wish Walter would stop playing 4-5-1 though, it's mind-numbing and boring, but if we can jam it through rounds like this, then I guess I'm happy enough

BBC Scotland deciding a picture of London is more interesting than listening to hearing about Walter's tactics icon_biggrin.gif no idea how good Red Star are to be honest, they hardly got near our goal, seemed comfortable enough with the ball - hacking chodes though

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Well I said way back that Cuellar would be a great player for us and so far he continues to prove it. The guy is just something else.

Agree with Henchoz though, overall a poor performance, I think what 2 mibbe three shots on goal? Has Walter become so obsessed with not losing a home goal that he has forgotten that we also need to score a few. OK, we got one in the end, happy with that. Gonna be tough in Belgrade though.

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0-0 wouldn't have been a disaster but nicking the goal at least forces them to come at us a bit in the second leg, and whilst I reckon they can step it up a few gears no problem I fancy us to score there.

Thomson was fantastic tonight.

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Guest sav112

Agreed Cuellar looks fantastic, I only knew about him as he was one of my players in a clan game! If Walter can bank the CL money then I think he will go out and get a partner for Cuellar.

Got to love Wee Novo icon_cool.gif, off the bench to save the day. We might see JCD and Cousin play together one of these days.

I’d probably pair up Novo with Cousin and JCD with Boyd and rotate them.

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Still not convinced that Darcheville is the answer. Doesn't look to offer much and his pace doesn't seem as good as it was hyped up to be. Thought Beasley played a bit better today.

What the others have said about Cuellar and Thomson though, outstanding!

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5 games 5 wins 9 goals and none conceded. Not pretty but effective.

I don't like the lone striker but Darcheville like Boyd needs a partner. The little chest downs, lay-offs and running at the defence only for no one to be near him with a partner, a consistent partner he'll shine.

Cousin and Darcheville ftw

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aye i completely agree, we need a playmaking midfielder, i'm hopin walter isn't counting on Buffel, but yeah we still need a

dl (please god, i don't want to see broadfoot there again!, and we all know about smith and murray)

amc (everyone has been stressing the need for this)

Am i the only one wants to see Webster partner Cueller instead of Weir? Weir has been solid, but his lack of pace will screw us over soon enough.

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Time to move forward not look back...

Already, much has been written about the start of the season. Some of it is based on our reasonable start; some of it on the challenges we continue to face; and some of it understandably on past issues.

What disappointments me most of all is the continued theme of negativity throughout a lot of the online forums. While one can empathise with these feelings, I think it’s time we tried to move on from the last 2 years of non-success and the last 7 years of inconsistency. Obviously, although that in no way means we should be ignoring the continuing problems we face in some areas, I’m firmly of the opinion positivity breeds success and such an attitude can only help our club.

Let’s look at matters on the park first. Ten new signings, 5 decent results and 5 clean sheets resulting in our early position at the top of the SPL and an increased chance of our progression to the financial pot of the Champions’ League rainbow. Considering the number of new players, the short summer of rest and the fact we lost out on a few targets, all in all it’s a satisfying start.

Obviously, it’s not without its concerns. Walter’s tactics continue to be best described as overly cautious, the team are playing too deep (especially at Ibrox) and the lack of a genuine creative player is all too evident. However, in this bear’s opinion, the good far outweighs the bad.

Our central defence looks as solid as it’s been since the days of Richard Gough. Carlos Cuellar appears to be a better version of Jean-Alain Boumsong and David Weir gives the aura of an experienced teacher lending his skills and discipline to the younger players. Alan Hutton and Allan McGregor continue their development and both being called up by Scotland highlights their consistency. Sasa Papac has also contributed very well to our decent start and while Kirk Broadfoot has been less assured, he’s coped well with being thrust into the pressure cauldron of the CL qualifiers at both right and left full back.

In midfield, we’ve seen much flexibility. Our wide players seem agreeably interchangeable and while creativity is certainly short; we do seem able to enforce our play more effectively in the latter periods of games. Organisation and hard work seems the key here and although frustration can result for the fans, discipline and patience is as much a part of football as gung-ho attack. Kevin Thomson goes from strength to strength; Barry Ferguson and Brahim Hemdani bring their usual composure while DaMarcus Beasley and Nacho Novo have made chances and scored goals from deeper areas. Last and certainly not least, the much maligned signing of Lee McCulloch has shown that the big man’s industry and commitment all over the pitch will serve us well for the next 2 years.

Up front is less clear at this stage. It appears that all our strikers appear to be struggling with the lone striker role as well as finding an understanding when 2 forwards are actually deployed. Kris Boyd is short of confidence and Jean-Claude Darcheville works hard with few rewards though fortunately, Daniel Cousin has shown that he seems to have the right mix of target-man, pace and finishing qualities to get the nod. Certainly, our conservative outlook to our tactics and formations hasn’t helped the development of our forward line. With time I’m confident that will come.

All in all, our signings have started well enough and while their reputations are mainstream rather than spectacular, we should be encouraged at how they’ve gelled quickly and helped attain this decent start. Not to mention the likes of Webster, Whittaker and Gow who have not yet had their chance to impress.

Off the pitch, well, we’ll start with investment first. The playing squad needed £10million spent on it and we seem to be approaching that figure. Indeed, I’d imagine qualification for the CL Group Stage will see another 2 signings. A much needed creative influence (despite the returning Buffel) and another left-back (if the rumours about Stevie Smith’s lack of progress are to be believed) should be the main targets. While none of us have reason to trust David Murray, he does deserve praise for belatedly matching the support’s ambitions. One just wonders why this didn’t happen last summer. Perhaps, given PLG’s poor transfer market performance, it’s just as well for our finances he didn’t receive the same kind of kitty.

Unfortunately, the spectre of sectarianism reared its ugly head again 2 weeks past. While the matter was again sensationalised and exaggerated by parts the media, it was good to see the Rangers fans (via the Trust, Assembly and Association) unequivocally condemn the minority of yobs with the offensive add-ons. Given the progress our wonderful support has already made in the battle against bigotry, I’ve no doubt we’ll continue to show our detractors that we can win this war and give those of other clubs who have similar problems food for thought in their own fights.

Thus, with the club AGM being held next Thursday, the board will be feeling a bit more confident of facing the shareholders. Let them not rest on their laurels though. Much improvement is still required at the club and 5 good results and even CL qualification should not hide that. Whilst this article urges a positive outlook, the chairman and the board of directors must invoke further decisive change at our club.

Firstly, changes at board level must be sought. The debt has risen again and some directors appear bereft of ideas to change this. John McLelland, Dave King and Alistair Johnston should be doing much more to innovate, invest and improve all aspects of the club. If they can’t, it’s time they were replaced. We have several talented high net worth fans here in Scotland who have shown through their own business operations that they can provide this outlook. Are they ready to step up to the plate?

Similarly, it’s imperative that the club appoints a fan to the board at last. While reasonable dialogue has been ongoing in recent times, rhetoric and open-ended commitments must be turned into real supporters’ representation. A democratically elected executive board member is an important stage to the fans being more involved in the decision-making of the future. Given our tremendous loyalty and unwavering financial commitment of the last 135 years, our rightful place at the table must be offered.

Other challenges remain as well. Our PR continues to be well below average and our marketing and branding unacceptably poor despite the financial considerations of the JJB deal. We must also consolidate on our under 19s successes of last year and look to improve our training facilities and youth system to match the very best in the world. If Hibs can bring through and make millions on young Scottish talent, then so can we. Rangers are the world most successful club – do we want to keep that proud record?

Thus it’s from the top of the league and off the back of a good home result against a dangerous Red Star team that I issue this rallying call. Yes, let’s ensure the relevant questions about the running of the club are still asked vociferously. Yes, let’s ensure the players (new and old) are aware of what we expect from them. Yes, let’s ensure the manager is constructively criticised to aid improvement.

But, let’s start to look forward – not back. If we don’t do that, we start to put the positives in shadow, the light will fail and the vultures will circle again.

Rangers are the proudest, most successful team in Scotland. Our fans are second to none – to none – and we seem to be emerging from a dark, dark time slowly but surely. None of us want to repeat the last couple of years. We want a brighter future and we want to be the best. Let’s show it by being positive and concentrating not on the negatives but by doing what we do best – being loyal; being proud; being steadfast and being supportive.

We are the people!

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  • SI Staff
Am i the only one wants to see Webster partner Cueller instead of Weir? Weir has been solid, but his lack of pace will screw us over soon enough.


5 games, 5 clean sheets! Yeah, let's change the defence. Goodness me.

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Guest sav112

Talk about Doom and gloom, a mad Celtic Fan who does not miss a home game apart from giving birth that is has already conceded the Title. Granted the Gers are looking the best they have been for a good few season but its early days. She feels Celtic are going to be rubbish this season and she knows Celtic…..

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Originally posted by GingerFurball:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gary Toner:

Oh and for the love of God and I hate to keep harping on about it. A proper creative attacking midfielder please Walter icon_frown.gif

4. Thomas Buffel </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

He said a proper creative midfielder. icon_wink.gif

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  • SI Staff
Buffel has had his chance

I would tend to agree, but it would be interesting to see how he performs in a team with more hard working players in it freeing him up to do, er, creative stuff.

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Very good post Frankie, sums everything up quite nicely. icon14.gif

The thing that has pleased me the most with the start to the season is the effort and hard work. While we are not playing superb football there is an obvious desire and will to win which we didn't see for most of last season. The determination not to concede is good to see and that has been mainly down to the partnership between Weir and Cuellar and will serve us very well in away leg against Red Star. If we make it through to the CL then tactics will have to change because we will need to go for the points.

All in all, a good start to the season and reason for optimism.

A quick mention to Celtic as well, superb result for them last night and we hopefully see two Scottish sides in the CL!

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Originally posted by GP1873:

Buffel has had his chance

Buffel is undoubtedly an enigma- he had his chance last year in an underperforming team and looked good in Eurpe and not so good domestically. As long as he is still on the books, he deserves a chance to show what talent he has, under a new manager and different teammates. Look at Papac for example- no one rated him last year and this year is has become an integral part of the team and one of the more consistent performers.

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You could be correct FrazT, but my personal opinion of the guy is not great. For the money we paid for him, he has given nothing back to the team. You could count with one hand the amount of decent games he has had for us. I have a feeling DaMarcus Beasley will go the same way Buffel has gone, and for me that is because they are far too lightweight.

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Originally posted by Vidmar14:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by underwater sunlight:

how often do you see a title being won with the top scorer getting 10-15 goals?

granted im sure its happened on more than one occasion, but it is definately not a common occurance.

boydy has been pish so far, but its a new season, with new team mates and it is difficult to settle. especially with his style of play.

im glad he has been dropped for tonights game, but when he starts scoring then we really need that sort of person.

nacho and dado did it helicopter sunday? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


im not saying that it doesnt happen, but is not a common scenario. im sure if you look all around europe, the majority of the teams winning the trophies have a high scoring striker.

frankie - well spoken.

there are a lot of positives this season, despite the negativity, however there is definately a long way to go.

we should expect more from the suits running the club. murray has put his hand in his pocket and we have to appreciate the fact that he has spent money this season, but a club of our statur can make more money surely, and that should be the responsibility of our directors and other top brass.

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Guest sav112

Boyd and Jean-Claude on the bench itching to get on and score cant be a bad thing. Novo will score I’m sure before Boyd replaces him. icon_wink.gif

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I think he was suspended from the first two this season, but because of the U21 rule he and players like Adam are sitting in the stand

thought Webster was going to play today though, but Broadfoot is on the bench and Weir/Cuellar are the starters

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Guest sav112
Originally posted by stevethedog:

What is the deal with Webster? Is he allowed to play for you now, just I can't recall even having seen him on the bench.

Read he has had to sit out for 14 days! Uefa.

Think todays was the first match he could have played.

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