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Football Manager for the PS3

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i think football manager would be fantastic on ps3 the online capabilities of the ps3 would make the game really good also PC's are unreliable so when they break or get a bug you cant play fm where the ps3 would be built for the game not the other way round. iv been hoping they would make 09 on ps3 but not so hopefully next year PLEASE GUYS

cant wait for 09

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i think football manager would be fantastic on ps3 the online capabilities of the ps3 would make the game really good also PC's are unreliable so when they break or get a bug you cant play fm where the ps3 would be built for the game not the other way round. iv been hoping they would make 09 on ps3 but not so hopefully next year PLEASE GUYS

cant wait for 09

stop with the XXX websites then

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i think even if it was out on ps3 i wouldn't play it on it, Its a pc game in my eyes

It would be great on the PS3 with keyboard support enabled imo.

Online games should be so much easier to setup and hopefully be more responsive.

I also think it would be better, if using the controller, you still had a cursor and the game worked exactly as it does for the PC.

'L2/R2' could be used for backwards/forwards.

'X/Square' etc could be used as shortcuts, continue game, etc (instead of them being displayed on-screen like the xbox)

'Start' could be used for a shortcut to preferences

Essentially the game would be the same as using a joypad to navigate the PC game, full database/legues included.

SI have to get the console version to this level before releasing another one.

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Can't remember if it was a forum post, a podcast or an interview but I did read somewhere Miles saying they were unhappy with the 360 implementation, hence no consoles this year. They will be reviewing it and deciding if they can do FM justice on a console platform. If they can they'll do it, if not then it will not be on consoles for the foreseeable future.

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I once bought either Fm or CM on the xbox, can't remember which it was. It just wasn't the same as playing on the PC

On my PC I can have FM in windowed mode and play while I do course work or browse the internet or chat on MSN and listen to music. It's just more convenient

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  • SI Staff
I also think it would be better, if using the controller, you still had a cursor and the game worked exactly as it does for the PC.

I think that would get very annoying very quickly and would be alien to a lot of regular console users

'X/Square' etc could be used as shortcuts, continue game, etc (instead of them being displayed on-screen like the xbox)

X is always used on Playstation to select or confirm so it couldn't be used as a shortcut. How would you select something? Also, circle is generally used as back / cancel so that would rule that out. Now we're running out of buttons!

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I think that would get very annoying very quickly and would be alien to a lot of regular console users

X is always used on Playstation to select or confirm so it couldn't be used as a shortcut. How would you select something? Also, circle is generally used as back / cancel so that would rule that out. Now we're running out of buttons!

My apologies Ter.. you got the gist of the idea though ;)


How about you hold down L1 and the top option on the left menu is highlighted. You can then navigate down the menu with L1 held in and select what you wish.

Anyhoo, a PS3 version would be great (if in full, glorious detail)

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  • SI Staff
My apologies Ter.. you got the gist of the idea though ;)


How about you hold down L1 and the top option on the left menu is highlighted. You can then navigate down the menu with L1 held in and select what you wish.

Anyhoo, a PS3 version would be great (if in full, glorious detail)

That seems a bit power user though. People on consoles like selecting things and pressing buttons.

I just don't think trying to emulate the PC interface would be the best approach to take.

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To do it justice (on 360 or PS3) you'd have to redesign the interface, from the ground up.

I wouldnt underestimate the thinking time involved in doing so (1-2 people for a great many weeks) then you have the artwork, coding implmentation and QA (testing two radically different interfaces adds a bit more QA hassle too) and so on.

You also have to keep in mind the distance from which some people will sit from their screens when using a console, be they looking at a monitor, HD screen or SD screen. If you take account of the latter (and you'd need to for maximum market reach), you cant have fantastic detail. Try playing FM on an old TV and sit 3-5metres away, you wont be able to read naff all let alone see the arrows and buttons ;)

I guess you could support multiple resolutions, but wild extremes cause GUI design headaches. It might work fantasically well at a high res/player close to screen but then be awful for Mr Smith who sits miles from his black and white 15'' portable (TV).

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Agree, to a certain extent.

SI probably know more than any of us, if it'd sold well on console last time out they'd probably be making another one. It doesnt really have the presentation (we all know it doesnt have the right GUI) for console...

I think it could work though. Some people just dont have PC's at home, or if they do they are very old and/or stuck in an office/old room which isnt suitable for long gaming sessions.

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