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Markus Babbel didnt dive while he played for Liverpool, Volz for Fulham.......Robert Huth who plays for a club you seem to know quite well!

Of course Lehmann is a diver, he is the biggest diver of the lot......but thats cos he is a goalkeeper! His job is to dive and try and keep the ball out!! icon_biggrin.gif

But if we are talking of proper divers, the Italians are definately the world ranking number one though!!

What is it about your country Powls that makes you hate successful people? icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Powlay:

And whilst im on a rant they wear stupid shorts to drink in....whats that all about.

As good as question as why are middlesbrough so crap?

The answer to both questions is, its just like that and it aint gonna change! icon_biggrin.gif

Btw, they will wear that fancy outfit at the Oktoberfest in Bavaria, suppose to be very very good, I think you should go! You dont even need to wear the shorts but im sure it will be worth your while! icon_smile.gif

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Were going this year as a club trip, and damn right im wearing some of those! icon_biggrin.gif

"When in rome" as they say.

Oh i dont hate anyone who is successful....just those who are more successful then i!

Huth cant dive, he doesnt even bend he is made of steel!

Babbel he was rubbish though so he doesnt count and Volz he doesnt get a game to dive in anymore!

I admit my other country are quite good at falling to the ground when a whiff of an opponent gets to them, but they are world champs so its ok icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Powlay:

Were going this year as a club trip, and damn right im wearing some of those! icon_biggrin.gif

"When in rome" as they say.

Oh i dont hate anyone who is successful....just those who are more successful then i!

Huth cant dive, he doesnt even bend he is made of steel!

Babbel he was rubbish though so he doesnt count and Volz he doesnt get a game to dive in anymore!

I admit my other country are quite good at falling to the ground when a whiff of an opponent gets to them, but they are world champs so its ok icon_biggrin.gif

European Friendly Tour, that should be good for Middlesbrough, only way they get to play teams from the continent icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Powlay:

mickey mouse carling cup \o/

I just thought id pop in and say hello really, im prolly gonna start playing again when 08 comes out. Thought id brighten up all your lives really.

Goldy's moist at the though of it icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Dunga99:

There is a lot of junk on these forums which needs removing but what annoys me it when threads like EPL 2005 clan got deleted as were some amazing reports on it (I spent many hours on mine mainly due to Niall moaning icon_razz.gif).

Ah what a thread that was. Is it missing then?

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Yeah was gonna say that to you Dunga that it was still there along with a few other classic threads.

New people running clans should be planning and using these kind of threads as an example of how to run superb online games.

Although as always EFB > EPL Challenge!!! icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by Andy H:

lol it looked nice with everything sitting in line when I left it!! icon_biggrin.gif

"im new" what a crap excuse, you been helper long enough! Think this promotion aint working out! icon_biggrin.gif hehe

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Originally posted by Goldy:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Powlay:

hey i return to FMO and the drivvle thread has never been so lively

I guess no one drivvles as well as you! icon_biggrin.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

you and andy and davie arent far off his drivvling

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Originally posted by BelfastNiall:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Andy H:

Although as always EFB > EPL Challenge!!! icon_cool.gif

Why, I'm pretty sure we always won the best game award. icon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah we didn't need any awards to know our game was the best, all our members simply just knew. icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by BelfastNiall:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Powlay:

Ah but EMA thread and the Scots thread were by far the funniest reads.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Anyway, hopefully some of these great games will return for FM08. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Scots game never stopped, just changed its name.

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after Turps quit hosting/playing

the rest of the lads kept on going as the The Ross Turpie Appreciation Clan playing in EPL as well as Spanish Inquisition.

RTAC - hosted by Sy

SIC - hosted by JPRemington

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ah i see, i guess when he quit i was on my way out at the time as well so i didnt realise.

Saying that my berwick english side was going to kill you scots mob anyhow! icon_biggrin.gif

So hows that scots lot banter? got any better?

And has bod lost any weight?

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