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How do I create slow burning developing youngsters?

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Kind of hard to explain but I'll try.

Starting an experiment. Couple of young players, want them to start off pretty raw but develop into decent top level players at the very least. If they become stars then that's great too.

I'd like them to start off pretty rubbish but get good over time, is there a method to this? I know there's the 0-200 range thing and the -1 to -9 thing but I don't really get how it all works in relation to current ability.

Important thing is for them to be slow burners because if they all jump to PSG and AC Milan etc there's no fun in it. I want them to jump from a few smaller teams to make things interesting.

I've been playing with the editor for a bit but every time I do it all the big teams want them straight away. The players are from the US, it'd be cool if they started on US teams. I guess I could assign them but I like the randomization aspect.

Hopefully someone's had some experience with the editor before because I haven't had too much.


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What you could try is set their reputation to 1. This way you can give them a decent current ability. Because if their current ability is too low to start with, they will never fulfill their potential. So by giving them a very low reputation maybe they will go to a little club first. Also, give them high values for determination, ambition, work rate and professionalism. This seems to help growth.

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