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Project: Sterile Domination

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I am in my third season with Liverpool - I finished 2nd in yr 1, 1st in year two and am top by a mile half way through year 3.

I set off with a 4-2-3-1 shape and gradually tweaked it to look like this:


FB's - Automatic

CB's - Defend

CM- Defend

CM - Attack

AP - Attack

IF (L) - Support

RW ® - Support

ST - Poacher

or alternately I have a 4-3-3 which looks looks like this:


FB's - Automatic

CB's - Defend

CM- Attack

CM - Defend

CM - Attack

IF (L) - Support

RW ® - Support

ST - Poacher

My mentality is Counter and the team set up is Flexible. I play a low tempo but press the opponents especially the forward and midfield players and I ask them to work the ball into the box - i also play a narrow shape.

Initially I tried to play 'Control' and with the fullbacks on any setting I was getting hit on the break constantly down the flanks which annoyed me greatly - so the back four is set up entirely to stop that happening the full backs still get forward though but they choose their moment rather than 'bomb on'.

This tactic has really only come into being this 3rd season the other seasons being a bit of an experiment.

What I like about this tactic is that I dominate possession home and away - I average 58% per game and usually complete 100 - 150 passes more than the opponents. The key thing about this tactic is it denies the opponents clear chances - I have had games where the opponents have not had a single shot.

It combines keeping the ball and having options on the ball with hunting it down when not in possession.

What has led me to post this on here is that I have just come off the back of a 14 game streak in the Premier League where I did not concede a single goal, Man Utd score against me in my most recent game (i still won 3-1)

My record this season is:

Played: 23

Won: 20

Drawn: 2

Lost: 1

GF: 61

GA: 10

The 4-2-3-1 has evolved to the 4-3-3 formation and I think the 4-3-3 is even more secure.

I don't ask my players to take risks on the ball - rely on team shape and discipline with a dusting of individual brilliance to get results and it seems to be working.

I dont properly understand the description of 'flexible' versus 'rigid' as far as team shape goes. Rigid sounds like its what I should be using but flexible is working for now.

Ideally moving forward I would like to make this tactic even more of a choke hold over opponents and am looking for ideas to do so without sacrificing attacking intent at the other end.

Thanks for reading


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