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[FM16] If I had a Nicol for every goal, I'd have just over six dollars


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League Two

Post-season - Season 2044/45

Post-season News

So what do we do now the season's over? We go to Sassuolo, and beg them to let us keep their players for another season. Unfortunately, Gianluca Vincenzi, Lucio De Santis, Daniele Biagini and Patrick Castellini all decline the offer to stay, so they'll return to Italy. Very disappointing, but that's the chance you take when you rely on affiliated club loans.


We have the spine of the team of the year, but to be honest it's a bit of a snub to Craig Duncan not to be here. He's had two great half seasons at two different clubs, but didn't make it.


This could be a problem though. A big loss made this season, even though our finances look good. Nothing to worry about at the moment, one to keep an eye on.


I'm linked to another job in Alloa, who we'll face next season. They missed out on promotion via the play-offs, so would be a step up for us. Still, not a massive step, and I doubt it'll come to anything.

Leagues Run-down





Doesn't appear that too much has changed at the top of Scotland as Celtic win the league by a distance. Rangers were a distant 2nd, with Hamilton, Motherwell and Hibernian getting the final European spots. Dundee United finished inside the top 6, but way, way behind the top 5. Dundee and Dunfermline go down, with the latter losing in a playoff to Partick Thistle.


Rangers got a bit of revenge in the League Cup by beating bitter rivals Celtic in the semi finals, but they didn't have enough to beat St Mirren in the final.


St Mirren clearly enjoyed their cups this season, but unfortunately fell one step short in the Scottish Cup, Celtic beating them narrowly.

Player Stats


This is the squad we'll go into the start of the season with. Looking to strengthen in a number of areas, but we'll see.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

Pre-season - Season 2045/46

Pre-season News


Early expectations set out, but I've decided not to risk anything. We're expected to finish in mid-table, which I perhaps don't agree with, although it's certainly possible. I'll be aiming as high as possible, but to be safe I've kept it at its lowest. The bookies appear to agree, having us at 25-1. The cup expectations are fine, although Scottish Cup could end up being tough - if we get a tough draw in the 3rd round, which is definitely possible, we'll be out.


This is very interesting. I hadn't really considered us turning professional, and we were doing fine as semi-pro. I'll need to see how this will affect us in terms of signing people up for contracts - at the moment there doesn't seem much pressure.



A good start to the season mostly. A good pre-season, but we're already out of one cup. Worse still, it was to Ross County, who we'll face this season. 3-2 seems close, but that included a very late goal once the game was already dead.



Jamie Dunn

Lee Donaldson

Kieran Burns

Sean Crane

Robbie Styche

George Easton

Steven Henry

Alessandro Caredda

Gianluca Vincenzi

Squad (post transfers)


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

August - Season 2045/46





We weren't finished with our transfer business, as Guiseppe Guidi, Tommy Deasley and Bobby Armstrong all arrive in August.



Ross Shaw and Ian Leitch move in the other direction on loan deals.



Welcome to the big leagues, son.

A very mixed bag, but flitting between either great or terrible, with little middle-ground. Early days yet, but certainly looks like mid-table form. The two Craigs, Duncan and Hay, are both on fire though.





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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

September - Season 2045/46



More fair-to-middling results, as we steadfastly refuse to draw a game. We look very much like a mid-table side.


But the table disagrees. Three wins and two losses is apparently enough to launch us up into the play-off positions. Nose-bleed.




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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

October - Season 2045/46



Back down the table we tumble, as League One continues to show us it's a harsh old world out there. Unless you're a striker named Craig. Then you're good.


Board Confidence


Nonetheless, the board remains delighted with how I'm doing. Nice to have a bit of security on that front.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

November - Season 2045/46



An unwanted job offer, but flattering at least. I'm staying in Scotland.


But this is perhaps more interesting. Livingston are a Championship side, and I'm being linked to them. It would mean walking out on Airdrie, but I'm all about myself this save.


But then I clicked the wrong button, meaning to say that I had no comment, but instead saying "Aye, why not".


The Clyde manager then left to take up the vacancy I turned down at Gateshead, giving me a perhaps more realistic option to go to.



But never mind, we had games to play. 100% record in the league, which was much needed, but disappointing to exit the cup, albeit to Championship opposition.





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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

December - Season 2045/46



Another job link, this time to Championship Falkirk. Another interesting option.


But it's a trip to Dingwall for me, as I attend a job interview with divisional rivals Ross County. To be honest, I wasn't too impressed, with their insistence on hiring high profile players setting me at odds. What high profile player wants to go to Scottish League One?


I thought long and hard, but in the end I decided to stay with Airdrie for now. I'll give it to at least the end of the season and see where we stand, then perhaps leave at the end of my contract. Unless a big offer comes up.


Something better than that, at least.



We finally had a draw to our name, but it just went to show how utterly inconsistent we are. Ross County showed me exactly what I'm missing by thumping us 5-1, and we only managed to pick up seven from a possible eighteen. Long way to go in this season, but survival still looks very much achievable. Mid-table...not so much.


But then looking at the table, we could still make the playoffs. These leagues really are oh so close. Mid-table spans about half the league at the moment, meaning we could just as likely finish in the playoffs as down in 8th.

Board Confidence



I was asked whether I wanted to change expectations, but no way. It's all so unpredictable that we can't really predict where we'll finish. I'll stick with what we've got.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

January - Season 2045/46



The job links just keep rolling in, with Championship Raith Rovers the latest. Bear in mind that for all these links, only Ross County have actually interviewed me in Scotland.


On the transfer front though, look who's back? Lucio De Santis was excellent for us last year, and he's back for another go.


Craig Duncan had a bid from Greenock Morton, which I rejected immediately. He seems determined, but there's no way he's leaving this club under my management. He's far too important.



Another mixed month, and one that probably ends our slim hopes of making the playoffs.


Just nine games to go, and saying that the four point gap doesn't seem huge. But with our consistency the way it is, it's very unlikely.




Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

February - Season 2045/46



It's been on the cards for a while, but the Hearts manager has finally been put out of his misery, and once again I've been linked to the job. Easily the biggest job I've been linked to so far, as even if Hearts aren't as successful as they once were, they're still a huge club.



Martin Ramsay is the best to come out of our youth intake, at least according to the coaches. There are better rated players, but no-one to really get excited about.




The consistent thing about us is how inconsistent we are. But you'll notice that I stopped after two games...why? Well...

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Airdrieonians - Scottish Professional Football League One

February - Season 2045/46



The club wanted to offer me a new contract, and I refused, intending to see out the remainder and then leave. As a result, they asked me what else I'd like to spend the money on. Nothing really jumped out at me, so I told them not to worry about it. I really doubt that renewing my tiny contract would mean we could afford much anyway.


And then this. I wanted to attend an interview with Hearts when offered, and it looked like it was going well until they hit a stumbling block in the shape of compensation.


I ask the board to reconsider, and they said they'd prefer I stayed. I wanted to tell them to stuff it, but wasn't given the option.


And I made my feelings known to the media, which I'm sure the board loved.



I resigned. The way our form was going, we were heading for a pretty uninspiring end to the season, so I saw no issue in jumping ship now given the other options out there.


And it's correct - I didn't make it easily, but when they blocked me moving to a much bigger club, the writing was on the wall.


Luckily, I'd acted quickly enough that those "other options" Hearts had talked about hadn't gone too far. I was offered an interview, which led to...


I'm moving to Edinburgh, to the Magnificent Gorgie Boys.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

February - Season 2045/46



So a new club, and one that most will be familiar with. They've fallen on hard times recently though, struggling to make it out of the Championship, and back to where a club of their size belongs.


And with a squad depth like this, it's baffling to think how they've struggled. Really should be doing better. Andy McLean is a particular highlight.


Glancing over the squad as a whole, it looks as though I'd be best served playing a more traditional (for me at least) 4-1-2-2-1 wide formation with an anchoring midfielder, but remains to be seen.


Youth wise, although it doesn't matter too much to me, we're doing OK. A few prospects, but probably no-one that will be anywhere near good in my time here.


Competition-wise, we're pretty much out on all fronts. Dreams of play-offs are long gone, so the final few games will be all about keeping afloat, and planning for the summer. Of course, the board disagree, and demand a play-off spot, which I can tell them right now is not going to happen. We will need to win every one of our remaining games, and then hope that the teams above us struggle badly. Unlikely.


Now this is nice to see. I thought I recognised the name, and turns out that it's THE Alex Butter, right winger of Scotland fame. I'll be sharing a warm embrace with him, and telling him how my dad's always hated him.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

End of the Season - Season 2045/46



A fairly poor end to the season, but we at least showed some fight with a couple of wins. There does appear to be something very wrong with this team though. We finish ten points outside of the play-off spots - much improvement needed next season.



This is how the season played out before I arrived, and it's clear we've had a season to forget. There's definitely enough in the squad - and in the finances - to do much better next time around.


Hmm, maybe too hasty in proclaiming everything's rosy. Not a huge transfer budget, but a bit of room in the wage budget for now.

League Round-up






Stranraer stay in the bottom tier, beating Highland League champions Clachnacuddin over two legs.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

Pre-season - Season 2046/47


Worrying news from the international camp...


Scotland lose their first two games (and go on to lose a third) in the World Cup to get sent home earlier than I ever did. Very disappointing, and maybe Ryan Christie isn't long for the job after all. Portugal ended up winning it, beating Mexico in the final on penalties.


And as expected, Christie bows out. Potentially replaced by Wesley Sneijder though, which is a it left-field. He recently left the Belgium job, where he had some success. He ended up taking on the role.


But back to club matters, and we already have a tasty match in the Ramsden's Cup. We'll face my old club Airdrie. Ooft.


The league should be achievable, but the Scottish Cup is a bit of a worry. We'll enter in the 3rd round, where we could face another Championship side, then we'd have to beat a potential top tier side to get to the 5th. Can't see it.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

Pre-season - Season 2046/47



Quite the momentous summer as we brought in a number of players, but also let go some key ones. I imagine the fans will be furious as Gavin Robson and Andy MacLean both left for decent money. I probably could have got more, but in the case of MacLean I negotiated to an amount I thought they'd reject. They didn't. At that point I didn't have the heart to reject it, and 550k for a side in the state we're in is good money.

Chris Considine

Danny Preston

Sebastian Corden

Evans Asiamah

Craig Duncan

Connor Smith

Brian Allan

Yes, you saw right. Craig Duncan is back with me, but it's probably more out of nostalgia than anything else. He's one for the future, but his ceiling probably remains at lower Championship level, and he's not quite that good enough yet. I hope to be proved wrong.




This is much better. Of course, it's just pre-season, and we only played one side of real quality in Hamilton. But still, the early win in the Ramsden's Cup was great, especially against the side that stood in my way.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

August - Season 2046/47





Two in, one out. Robbie Horn joins us.



Not a great August, and in a season where we wanted to be right up there early on, we're potentially looking at another mid-table battle.


Month Stats


Board Confidence


The board are a bit annoyed at my insistence on completely ignoring my promises when I joined. Basically, signing younger players. I thought I'd brought quite a few in, but seems I'm mistaken. Hope that doesn't come back to bite.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

September - Season 2046/47




That's a bit better. We make a slight recovery in form to win three of our four games, and this looks more like the side we should be. Still, we're far behind Kilmarnock at the top - the title is looking out of our grasp already. It's September.

Month Stats




Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

October - Season 2046/47



This is the sight of a team absolutely chucking the towel in. And maybe, just maybe, the manager has too. I tried everything, flipping round systems, even reverting back to my bog-standard 4-4-2 with no tweaks that served me well with Airdrie. But nothing worked, and we just lost game after game.


Instead of looking upwards to how close we were to promotion, we're now looking down. Just four points away from the bottom, and it's turning into a nightmare in Edinburgh.

Month Stats


Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Heart of Midlothian - Scottish Professional Football League - Championship

November - Season 2046/47


Only one match covered, and I bet you can all already guess why. Another game where we looked listless, and easily beaten despite the close scoreline. Looking down again, and it's a matter of jumping before I'm pushed.


And that brings a torturous eight months to a close. In the end, I played 22 games for Hearts, and won only 8 of them. That is absolutely dire. I'm not ready for the Championship.



But once again, I head to Dingwall, for a second interview with Ross County in a year.

But away from my own career, things look bleak again for Scotland.



136 days Wesley Sneijder lasted. Even shorter than I did at Hearts. Apparently he retired, which is a pretty odd decision to make in the situation. Still, not much to be done, and we're back to a relative unknown managing.


Good luck Garry. Seems you're going to need it.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

December - Season 2046/47


I've landed on my feet here. Just weeks after leaving Hearts, I've resurfaced in the Highlands with Ross County. They still want me to sign high profile players, but time will tell whether I can do that. I'll make an effort, and hopefully that will be enough.


On the 12th of December I took charge, and hopefully this time I can make a good fist of it. Maybe even win League One, and go after Hearts...

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Archie started very well but didn't show much Heart.


Good luck in the Highlands after making a fist of it in the capital.

It should suit me much better. The Hearts job was a big temptation, but I'm always terrible at spotting sides that are inexplicably struggling. They had the quality, but that's two managers now who've ballsed it up. Selling two of their best players probably didn't help, mind.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

December - Season 2046/47



Two promises made to secure the job - sign high profile players, and sign young players. The latter, I can definitely manage, in fact it's something I often try to do. The former...remains to be seen. I actually got sacked in a previous version for not doing so, but recently I haven't been too badly penalised. We'll see. I just need to make sure results stay positive.


In terms of competition wins, Ross County have almost done it all. It's only the Premiership title that eludes them in terms of leagues, along with the two main cups. Can I guide them to any of those? Unlikely, but hopefully I can put them back on the path to achieving that.



Very happy with squad depth here, but then I said that with Hearts. Kevin Smith is the star, undoubtedly.


Youth-wise, not too much to write home about.


Not really much in terms of expectations, which is nice. Mid-table expected in the league, which is perfectly achievable, and fourth round of the Scottish Cup, which isn't too far away.


But this early news isn't good. As soon as the board starts injecting money, that usually means financial ruin isn't too far away. Uh-oh.


Despite potential financial doom, I moved to fill a potential problem position in left midfield. Salvador, a young Spaniard, arrives on a free transfer. He's only got a contract until the summer, so should he not work out we'll probably not keep him. Pretty low risk.

But then...


Craig Duncan. The man I brought to Hearts with my heart ruling my head, has rejoined us on loan until the end of the season. I doubt we'll be able to keep him for very long, and getting him permanently is almost definitely out of the question. But for 6 months, he's going to spearhead our attack.



Ever feel like everyone's out to get you?

Archie feels that right now, as I'm sure the board are questioning why they've turned to this young upstart. We started off well in my first match, but got pegged back late on by Clyde. From then on, it was a month of misery. We're perhaps turning it around as January comes to a close, but even after that great win against Peterhead, we lost a long battle with Queens Park to close out the month.

We have to improve, and we have to do it quickly.


Ten games to go. Ten games to save both the squad and probably my job.



Team Stats


Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

February - Season 2046/47



Perhaps the green shoots of recovery in February as we picked up four points out of nine. I can't say how important that win against Clyde was, and once again it was Craig Duncan who did it for us. The boy is magic.


It looks like it's a relegation battle for us. We're unlikely to catch those mid-table sides, but if we finish in 8th, I'll be delighted. We'll get the summer to change the side around.



Board Confidence


Inexplicably, the board have my job status as secure. It's good to have backing, even if you get the feeling that that whole status is held on the back of Craig Duncan.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

March - Season 2046/47

Youth Intake



If I stay here long-term, then there's a few players in here that could do something for us. For now though, they're loan fodder.



We've finally caught fire, and I think it's all done to the system we're playing. It's a 4-4-2, but with the two central midfielders dropped to defensive midfielders. It's giving us the defensive solidity, but also allowing the wide players and two forwards to do their thing. And in March, they definitely did their thing.


A five point gap now between us and the dreaded play-off spot. Eight points behind Airdrie too - only 12 points left to play for, but four wins could push them close. Two wins should secure 8th place.





A clean-sweep of the awards, but all credit goes to Craig Duncan. The boy has now played for me at three different clubs, and has been absolutely crucial to two of them. In fact, I'd say three, because without that transfer to Hearts, I doubt we'd have been able to sign him for Ross County. I just hold out hope that Hearts will let him have one more year before they take him back.

Board Confidence


Really looking forward to next season now.


Or am I? Financageddon!

Yeah, I still am. We'll be fine.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

April - Season 2046/47




We got results in the three matches I targeted, but unfortunately lost convincingly to the Champions Elect. Airdrie ended up pulling away, but we almost caught Inverness up in 7th. Crucially though, we ended up six points clear of the play-off spot, and survive fairly comfortably.

One thing's for sure though, if Craig Duncan does leave us, he'll leave as a club icon. Another six goals in four games. Unbelievable.




Four months at the club is enough to win player of the season and top scorer.

Monthly Stats



Board Confidence



League Round-up





A bit of a change from the norm as Hamilton Academical of all sides win the Premiership, edging out Celtic by two points. Rangers weren't far behind, and you could argue neither were the rest of the top 6. Quite a close season this one. Unless you're Cowdenbeath that is.



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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

Pre-season - Season 2047/48


Not a bad budget to kick off on. It gives us a touch under 15k in the wage budget, but a pretty small transfer budget. Having said that, we're not absolutely certain to need transfer budget. I've often found we can pick up plenty of good players on free transfers and loans.

And talking of loans, it's time to try and get Craig Duncan tied up on another deal.


I'm not crying. You're crying.

It's hard to be surprised by this, but it is gutting. Hearts have a player who absolutely tore League One to pieces with us - why couldn't he do a job just one tier above? Initially they sounded like they'd do a deal if the finances were right (in other words, if we paid all his wages, and then some, plus a monthly fee). But after that, they changed to just flat out refusing. No way we could buy him outright, so looks like he'll be heading back to Edinburgh.


Leon Purcell

Will Williamson

Brad McHattie

David Dingwall

Scott Hendry

Marcos Rey

Jean-Guy Navarro

Gary Donaghy

Shaun Ferguson

Oh did I forget to mention? We have a link with Stade Rennais in Ligue 1. Which means I'll be very much taking advantage of all those very highly rated players that are far better than what we can actually afford. It's like being back at Airdrie...

Very pleased with who we've brought in, and now that we have our system sorted out from the end of last season, I think we can really make an assault on the top of the league.

Season Expectations


Continuing the theme of keeping it simple by letting the board decide what my achievements should be. For some reason, my transfer budget has been slashed considerably. Not really sure how that's happened, but to make it slightly better, we have even more room in our wage budget after letting a few players go at the end of their contracts

Other News


I'll be watching this one with interest. Stirling Albion - who will start next season in League 2 - are the subject of a possible Tycoon Takeover. Unlikely to happen, but if it does, it could make things very interesting.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

July and August - Season 2047/48



I'm a new player at the club. What do I do to really ingratiate myself with the new fans and manager? Get myself injured for 6 to 7 weeks. Cheers Gary.


Shaun Ferguson isn't quite good enough to hold down a starting spot in the side, so a loan deal to Dalbeattie Star will do him some good in the short term hopefully.


Also on loan (who says I'm abusing the system) joins Colin Sutherland from my old club Hearts. He's only just joined them, so not quite sure why they're letting a 28 year old immediately leave on loan, but he'll give us some good depth in his position.

Finally, Raphael Bompard also joins, again from Stade Rennais. With the quality we now have up front, I'm hoping we won't miss Duncan too much. Raphael has been with us in previous seasons, and he's rejoined



Just one competitive game this month, but a positive one as we move on in the Ramsdens Cup once again. An easy win, against, arguably, an easy side, but it's still a good way to start the season.


Forget the League Cup defeat, that's not important. Disappointing, of course, but not important. Annan are in our league though, so we'll need to improve in those games. Still, the league is the most important thing, and we're unbeaten so far.



Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

September - Season 2047/48



Not as good a month as September, but we picked up two wins from four, including a derby win against Inverness. Annan continue to be a bogey side for us as they smash five past us.


It looks like it's going to be another very close season, but I'd take this at the end of it.



Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career

Ross County - Scottish Professional Football League - League One

October - Season 2047/48



A last minute goal from Bompard grabbed us a 2-2 drawn with Livingston to start October off, before Formartine put up quite a battle in the Ramsdens Cup 3rd Round. 1-1 at full time, but our superior fitness told in the end as we scored three in extra-time to run out easy victors. That put us into the semi finals of the competition for the first time in my career - would be great to achieve that trophy this season. Then, a very hard fought 1-0 win over East Stirlingshire gave us another three points, which could prove really crucial



We remain in 2nd position, although St Johnstone are pulling away slightly. Things are going really well. What could possibly go wrong at this stage?



This came absolutely out of the blue. I'd literally just left the game against East Stirlingshire, and feeling pretty good about our chances. Almost a third of the way through the season and we were exceeding our targets in all competitions. Then this happens. Now I'll level with you, I do not handle the media at all, beyond a few token press conferences. In every job I go for, as a result, there's always a question about my handling of the media, which I brush off with a very insincere answer. Before now, it's never really been a problem, but now suddenly, I'm left to explain myself.


And then this. The conversation went very badly. The way it was worded, it was as though I had personally offended the press in some way, as it was all framed around "my conduct". I'm not sure if my assistant said something bad, and I'm being blamed by proxy, or whether I'm being blamed because I'm not attending, and it's just the wrong message.

Still, my parting shot ended up being a barely disguised plea to keep me on, saying it will cause upheaval.

They didn't care, and again, after less than a year in charge, I'm gone again.


I'm speechless, honestly. And absolutely furious.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish Career


November- Season 2047/48


**** you McGregor. You should be raising hell, calling the Union. I'll remember that.


Damn right I'm angry. I'm going to tell any media outlet that listens that Ross County are a shower of traitorous snakes.

But the best way of getting back at a club is to move on, get to a new club, and then bring them down from the outside.


My first attempt was with Premiership Hibernian. A big stretch I imagine, and one I'm unlikely to get, but still, worth a try given I'm unemployed. Especially given the Edinburgh side are rooted to the bottom of the table currently.


*cues inspiring music*


And another job I throw my hat into the ring for, this time Championship St Mirren. While my best bet is probably to wait for a League One job, I think I could take a Championship one with more careful planning than I gave Hearts.


Oooh, I'm a tease.


But then, this very intriguing offer. I know I said I wouldn't go anywhere other than Scotland, but for so many reasons this is the sort of offer you have to consider. Especially when it was them that approached me.

But why is it so interesting?


Because Linfield are one of the most dominant sides in the country's top division. Which would bring Champions League Qualification.


And here's 5.71 million reasons why this is a very, very enthusiastic yes.

This is actually down on what I was initially offered, with me pretty much stopping only just short of getting down and licking the boards feet at the interview. I said I would need less transfer and wage budget, and agreed to both signing high profile players, and playing attacking football. The rest is academic - I'll do whatever they want to secure this role.

And secure it I did. I'm off to Belfast.


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Good luck in Norn Iron. :thup:

Cheers! Not somewhere I've ever managed before, at least not at the top level.

Is there a chance to face your former team, Ross County? It will be more fun to do it!

There won't be in this job. Unless Ross County have a meteoric rise and end up in Europe. I'll be back for them though, don't worry.

Archie is the Darren Ferguson of the boards..

Nah, he's much more handsome than that League of Gentlemen looking mess.

Unexpected development, good luck in Northern Ireland, getting to the Champions League group stages will be a major coup!

It certainly would be. The way the squad looks, we should be pretty much unopposed for the league as long as we can stay injury free. That'll give us a 2nd qualifying round entry into the Champions League, so three ties to the Group Stage.

How do Linfield have so much money? Have they had a tycoon takeover?

I'm not actually sure - I just assumed that they'd dominated the league so much that they were getting the Champions League early round money and not really spending much. Could well be a tycoon though, will check when I next get into the game.

What I want to know is if the mighty Beanos got their tycoon takeover.

I'll check that too, but I don't think they did. Certainly didn't get any news item. They probably went to Stirling and left soon after (I know, that's harsh, Stirling is actually a lovely place)

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Linfield has some connections with Rangers. Not sure if it makes the job more or less appealing, but i'm pleased to see you there, as i had some memorable saves at Linfield myself.



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Linfield has some connections with Rangers. Not sure if it makes the job more or less appealing, but i'm pleased to see you there, as i had some memorable saves at Linfield myself.



I'd forgotten that. I feel dirty now. Ew.

I'll bear it though. Despite their links to them, they're not them. These days, Rangers aren't even Rangers anymore.

This stage is really the "re-invention" part of the career. Nothing confirmed, but I'm unlikely to be at Linfield long term. I'll return to Scotland after this no doubt, with a long-term plan to manage Partick Thistle, and a longer term plan to manage Scotland. I wouldn't rule out managing Celtic to be honest, but I would rule out Rangers. Not sure why really, as I don't particularly like either of them as clubs. Diddy team mentality or something :rolleyes:

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish (or something) Career

Linfield - Danske Bank Premiership

November- Season 2047/48


Obviously, Linfield are a club with a rich history. Formed in 1886, and 79 top-tier titles, which means that they've won a touch over half of the seasons since then. The first recorded season was in 1890, which Linfield won, and since then they've not really stopped. A good helping of other cups too, so obviously we're at a huge club.



And we shouldn't need to do much to the squad. Very strong, if perhaps a little thin in places. If we get some injuries, we could need strengthening. I've joined at a nice time for that - we'll have a month or so of battling with the squad we have, which will give me the chance to evaluate where we need additions.


Finances are healthy as you already know. No problems here, although still to find out where all this money has come from. There was a big spike a couple of years ago in terms of income, so could be a tycoon, or could've been a good run in Europe. Money's on the former though, given they expect high profile signings.

In terms of fixtures before I arrived...


They failed to make it beyond the qualifying rounds of either competition, falling at the 3rd qualifying round in the CL, and then the playoff in the Europa. My target next season will be to reach the playoff of the CL, guaranteeing us at least a Europa League spot.


It's like being back at Lincoln...an unblemished cup record, including one trophy. We're also in the League Cup semi-final, and the Irish Cup 5th round. Is a cup treble on the cards?


Not quite the same domination in the league, but we're doing not bad. Two losses, three draws, but an overwhelming majority of wins. Well set-up for the remainder of the season.


And this is how that remainder looks. I was quite happy, thinking we'd get a quick season, but turns out there is a split after these games, and we have to play another five. Hopefully we wrap it up by the end of these games - that's the target anyway.


Battle lines already drawn - apparently I don't have what it takes. I am going to end him.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish (or something) Career

Linfield - Danske Bank Premiership

December - Season 2047/48






And here come the injuries.

When I joined the club, we had two out. Now barely a month later, it's a veritable epidemic as ten clutter up the physio's office. Poor guy - it's really more of a cupboard than anything - you can barely move in there for stricken Linfield players. It's like the Somme. Four or five of those players aren't big misses of course, but the others are guaranteed starters. January can't come soon enough.




Despite our injuries, the squad showed its quality in all but one game. I'm not sure what happened in the Portadown game, but as we pushed for an equaliser at 2-1, they picked us off at will to give the scoreline a pretty undeserved look. Still, it was full steam ahead in the other games as we smashed through everyone to stay at the top. That 6-2 win on New Year's Eve was a big one - a squad ravaged by injury, and just one more game to get through before we could make changes. We battered through Coleraine impressively, and it's starting to look very ominous for the other teams in the league.


Just the point in it, but once we get some signings in and our first choice players back, I expect - and demand - us to pull away.



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Wow - I'm away from the forum for a few days and here you are! From League One to the Championship back to League One - to Northern Ireland!

Good luck keeping Linfield top of the league...

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish (or something) Career

Linfield - Danske Bank Premiership

January - Season 2047/48


I told you that we needed to limp on to January, and we did just that. Time to spend some money.


Five players join us - Pat McNeill, Kevin Dingwall, Victor Onyema, Kenny Knott and Andrew Williams - adding some much-needed depth. If we can steer clear of injuries, we'll be able to rotate a bit more, and hopefully avoid burn-out.

Then on transfer deadline day, I brought in Will Colmer to further enhance the squad.




Four wins. One Trophy. One other cup Win. 17 goals scored, and only one against.

What a January. If we keep this up, the title will be ours earlier than expected.



Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish (or something) Career

Linfield - Danske Bank Premiership

February - Season 2047/48



Look at that. Our defence is just shambolic this month. Four goals conceded! Shocking!

Our win against Glenavon puts us into the cup quarter final, and the three league wins put us even further clear at the top.


Seven points clear. Yet to play Portadown again - should we win that, we'll be almost home and dry. It'd be nice to wrap it up before the split, but it should only be a matter of time.

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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish (or something) Career

Linfield - Danske Bank Premiership

March - Season 2047/48



We moved into the Cup semi in the first game of the month, before two wins against troubled Glentoran, and then nearest rival Portadown means we're on the brink of the title.


12 points ahead with 18 left to play, so we won't be securing the title in the one game before the split by the looks of it. But two wins in the next two games, combined with Portadown dropping points will be enough.



Board Confidence


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Living up to a Legend is a Pain in the Archie

A Scottish (or something) Career

Linfield - Danske Bank Premiership

April - Season 2047/48



Safe to say I am. Predictable, but I love when you're at a club where you're clearly the best. Little challenge, but you find the little things to improve. If we look like doing the same next season, then I'll be aiming for an unbeaten season. Acing all the cups again. But ultimately, building a side that can make the Champions League Group Stages. That's the big challenge.



A Josh McDonough hat-trick gave us another win before the split, with our final five games planned for a very busy two weeks. But we also booked a spot in the Cup Final in May with a dominant display against Coleraine.


Crusaders have overtaken Portadown, but a win for us in our next game will mean that neither can catch us.


And the record of our remaining fixtures. Five games in two weeks, and four in seven days, in what seems like a very odd schedule. Then a decent gap between our final league game and the cup final, which should give us a good chance to get as fully fit a squad as we can.


With the knowledge that one more win would secure us the title, we went out and beat Portadown of all sides 1-0 to lift the trophy.



And with that, our budgets were announced. Not quite as high as I was offered when I joined, but more than enough to bring in quality.


But could we round off the league season in the same manner we have been doing?


Of course we could. Four more dominant wins, against the sides closest to us in the table. Our defending was poor in parts, but when you're scoring seventeen in four games, it's not too much of a worry.


We finish oh so close to 100 points, but just a single one short unfortunately. Disappointing, but then I won all but one of the matches since I arrived. That was that awful 4-1 reverse early in my reign. I couldn't have performed much better.



Another manager of the month award, so let's see how many that makes...


I arrived in December, and lost that game during the month. January arrives, and everything turned up wonderful. Every single award went my way, and it's quite clear that Archie Glengarrie is king of Northern Ireland. Or some kind of Emperor. Not decided yet.

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