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This game makes me break my mouse

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Yeah..because it's not at all fishy how the AI sides match your results, or your supposedly international striker misses sitters. That's not bad luck, attributes or tactics. That's cheating.

So the game cheats because international strikers miss sitters?

How do you explain when that happens in real life ALL THE TIME.

I'd point you to Arsenal v Bradford in 2012. Gervinho.

Just one example of MANY. Not to mention how many real life examples of teams scoring 3+ goals in a short time have been posted in this topic?

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Sick of sides in the relegation zone scoring goal after goal without my permission. When you're up 1-0 and 23rd, you DO NOT score again. Doing so, especially with a player who simply isn't good enough, is plain cheating.

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Yeah..because it's not at all fishy how the AI sides match your results, or your supposedly international striker misses sitters. That's not bad luck, attributes or tactics. That's cheating.

So, same question that gets asked every time, and never, ever answered...

Why exactly would SI code something like this in to actively screw over a user in a single-player game?

If anyone could give me a sensible answer to that, I'd probably be more inclined not to find it hilariously paranoid every time it's brought up.

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It isnt a great tactic for trying to shut up shop. Simple as that. 6 goals is maybe harsh but did you do anything when the goals started flying in?

I did not, I didn't think going contain and play even safer would make me concede so many goals.

It's pretty obvious from all the detail given here - Genoa had lots of possession and shots on goal. Towards the end of the match Lech were just passing the ball to the opposition and then backing off.

What would you expect to happen? Genoa being the much superior team here.

Classic case of "Genoa had more legs at the end of the match".

It's an extreme case - but might as well have put the goalkeeper up front and the striker in the goal.

Ok, Genoa had more legs at the end of the match, but in real life, even Real Madrid, or any highest of the high top flight teams, being down 1-4 away in the 85th minute, I don't think they'd have the motivation to carry on. They had disallowed goals, plenty of one on ones wasted, conceded silly goals from me, they should be heart broken and want to get off the pitch as soon as possible, not score 5 goals in 7 minutes, right?

what i think is when opposite team changes their formation, u need to adjust your tactics or formation immediatley too.the most important part should be the spacing. it can solve a lot above mentioned problem.

They didn't even change their formation I don't think, they were 3-5-2 for the whole game, just more attacking at the end of the game. I have to say my team is not a team that should be challenging for anything else apart from the domestic league, but they should be good enough to have some common sense and especially with the instruction play even safer, to PLAY EVEN SAFER.

How would the OP have felt if Genoa only scored 3 goals and the game was a draw?

Would He have been less infuriated, more infuriated or the same level of infuriation?

My point is, were you upset by the amount of goals going against you or the speed at which they hit the back of your net?

I was upset because of the fact that their team was shocking (attacking wise) for the whole game until I went contain and play even safer in 85th minute. If it ended in a draw, I would believe what happened, but still be angry, but they kept going to score another 2 goals? I do have to say after they drew, I threw everything and just went on my phone letting the game finish. If you actually look at the goals they scored at the end, it's just them hoofing it into the box from the flanks and getting ricochets and hitting the crossbar and defence mistakes, that was annoying too.

Also, here's a little thing for SI developers and mods here. Have you ever seen a post where the human player had something like this happen? Losing by more than 2 goals in 80 minutes + and going to score enough goals to win AWAY from home? I think that only computer is capable of doing that, no matter how much micro management you put into your tactics during the match. Hint: Overload doesn't work, human players only concede more goals on Overload, maybe 1 or 2 past the 80th minute.

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Also, here's a little thing for SI developers and mods here. Have you ever seen a post where the human player had something like this happen? Losing by more than 2 goals in 80 minutes + and going to score enough goals to win AWAY from home? I think that only computer is capable of doing that, no matter how much micro management you put into your tactics during the match. Hint: Overload doesn't work, human players only concede more goals on Overload, maybe 1 or 2 past the 80th minute.

That only indicates that the AI teams defend better than you have on this occasion. The fact that this is also a very rare event and that yours is the only example seen also suggests that it was also just one of those occasions when the stars aligned against you.

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Just a hunch after reading the thread: 4 players set on the BWM role is eventually going to lead to outlier results. It's just not realistic and would/should lead to chaos on any backline as the rest of the defense attempts to figure out who covers for whom etc.

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The main issue related to these kind of situations is that the ME doesn't seem to be influenced by result or the time.

I often see the opposition players losing by a few goals against me but with a motivated body language and that often is the reason why you never score many goals after scoring a bunch in the first half.

Likewise, players dont seem to bother if there's only 5mins left to play and they are 3 goals down. Ok they get disenchanted or so sometimes but you dont see in the ME the type of body languages you would see in a chelsea 3-0 wigan on the 90th minute in real life.

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I did not, I didn't think going contain and play even safer would make me concede so many goals.

Ok, Genoa had more legs at the end of the match, but in real life, even Real Madrid, or any highest of the high top flight teams, being down 1-4 away in the 85th minute, I don't think they'd have the motivation to carry on. They had disallowed goals, plenty of one on ones wasted, conceded silly goals from me, they should be heart broken and want to get off the pitch as soon as possible, not score 5 goals in 7 minutes, right?

They didn't even change their formation I don't think, they were 3-5-2 for the whole game, just more attacking at the end of the game. I have to say my team is not a team that should be challenging for anything else apart from the domestic league, but they should be good enough to have some common sense and especially with the instruction play even safer, to PLAY EVEN SAFER.

I was upset because of the fact that their team was shocking (attacking wise) for the whole game until I went contain and play even safer in 85th minute. If it ended in a draw, I would believe what happened, but still be angry, but they kept going to score another 2 goals? I do have to say after they drew, I threw everything and just went on my phone letting the game finish. If you actually look at the goals they scored at the end, it's just them hoofing it into the box from the flanks and getting ricochets and hitting the crossbar and defence mistakes, that was annoying too.

Also, here's a little thing for SI developers and mods here. Have you ever seen a post where the human player had something like this happen? Losing by more than 2 goals in 80 minutes + and going to score enough goals to win AWAY from home? I think that only computer is capable of doing that, no matter how much micro management you put into your tactics during the match. Hint: Overload doesn't work, human players only concede more goals on Overload, maybe 1 or 2 past the 80th minute.

There's your problem right there. Just switching to Contain doesn't guarantee anything. You won't necessarily be solid in defence and it doesn't mean that you're going to concede none/less. The rest of your tactic needs to be decent as well. I still would love to have a look at the PKM, but I would think that the BWMs were your main issue. They aren't positionally disciplined enough and left holes everywhere. This was made even worse with the already deep Contain and Drop Deeper instructions and the lack of a proper out ball and support around the striker meant that you kept giving the ball to the opposition, allowing them to exploit those holes even more.

So I still maintain that it isn't a good tactic to shut up shop with.

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I was upset because of the fact that their team was shocking (attacking wise) for the whole game until I went contain and play even safer in 85th minute. If it ended in a draw, I would believe what happened, but still be angry, but they kept going to score another 2 goals? I do have to say after they drew, I threw everything and just went on my phone letting the game finish. If you actually look at the goals they scored at the end, it's just them hoofing it into the box from the flanks and getting ricochets and hitting the crossbar and defence mistakes, that was annoying too.

You say they were shocking, but they had far more shots than you in that match. If you dropped deep with contain, then how are you going to get the ball out of defense and stop it from being hoofed long and coming straight back at you? Defending is not all about dropping deep, it is about stopping the opposition playing their game, and stopping them creating chances. If you go to contain and they are creating the same number of chances, do something different.

Also, here's a little thing for SI developers and mods here. Have you ever seen a post where the human player had something like this happen? Losing by more than 2 goals in 80 minutes + and going to score enough goals to win AWAY from home? I think that only computer is capable of doing that, no matter how much micro management you put into your tactics during the match. Hint: Overload doesn't work, human players only concede more goals on Overload, maybe 1 or 2 past the 80th minute.

I once came from 4-0 down away to Spurs to draw 4-4, with all my goals scored in the last 15 minutes of the match. Sure, I did not win but that was a mighy impressive come-back. Everything went my way in the second half, and we scored a goal and suddenly everything clicked and we looked unstoppable. These things can and do happen, but just as in real life they are rare. If this is happening to you all the time, then you have two options. The first is to look carefully at how you are set up tactically and try to work on it ('its your tactics') or submit a bug report with pkms of matches you feel are dodgy ('it's a bug').

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Also, here's a little thing for SI developers and mods here. Have you ever seen a post where the human player had something like this happen? Losing by more than 2 goals in 80 minutes + and going to score enough goals to win AWAY from home? I think that only computer is capable of doing that, no matter how much micro management you put into your tactics during the match. Hint: Overload doesn't work, human players only concede more goals on Overload, maybe 1 or 2 past the 80th minute.

Not quite the same, but I turned a 2-1 scoreline into a 2-4 away win, scoring in the 90th, 91st and 92nd minutes.

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