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Difficulty offloading players

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I have given myself a youth challenge in which I want to improve the youth system at Hull City to the top level and only sign young homegrown players. In the first season I want to offload some senior players as well as some youth players that won't make the cut. A model somewhat similar to Dundee United or Southampton.

I want to offload the likes of Meyler, Aluko, Quinn, Bruce, McShane and Jakupovic. Now in the real world these players would be easy to offload and if they did become available there would be a cue of clubs in line for them. However. The vast majority are impossible to get rid of regardless and it is a part of the game that really bugs me and always has because I find it incredibly unrealistic.

I transfer list them and also offer them to clubs but get no nibbles. I could offer each one away for £0 and still I would get no bites and this can sometimes persist into the 2nd and 3rd season. Obviously I wouldn't want to lose them for nothing but even freeing up the wage budget would have its benefits.

I understand transfer budgets at clubs may not be high in the first season but nominal fees or even frees for players valued up to 8million should be snap up. Fair enough the wage demands could be too high for clubs to come in but surely the low or non fee offsets that.

Sometimes I relegate the senior players I want to offload to the U21. Would doing this have any effect on potential clubs signing a player?

Also. As for the League Two calibre U21 players I have that need offloading. Easy to do but with ridiculously high compensation packages offered to them between 50k and 250k. Which can either be the full price or a fraction of the price of a decent hot prospect.

So I was just looking for some advice and recommendations. As well as your thoughts on this part of the game and whether you think it should be changed.

Thanks for the help.


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1. Database size & Leagues loaded - Don't flood your save with lots of players else there won't be enough teams to employ them all and no-one will want to buy your players. Also the more leagues you load the better the transfer market works.

2. Its always much, much harder to sell in the first transfer window because the starting squads are based on RL squads in September. This means squads have already been finalised & money spent. This tends to settle down after the first season.

3. Know your market - Who is going to buy the player you put up for sale? Do the clubs have the reputation to attract the player? the money to buy them & pay their wages? room in their squad for them? can they get better/cheaper players elsewhere?

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Having EXACTLY the same problem in the championship. Posted last night regarding it http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/416081-So-hard-to-sell-players-...

So unrealistic it is starting to make me regret purchasing it, as it saps the enjoyment of trying to your own squad. I wouldn't even mind if clubs took them on loan like in real life... this is players being offered for ABSOLUTE ZERO wages or loan fee. What exactly do the buying clubs have to lose ?

There would be a list of clubs for your players you have listed and mine on my career.

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1. Database size & leagues loaded - don't flood your save with lots of players else there won't be enough teams to employ them all and no-one will want to buy your players. Also the more leagues you load the better the transfer market works.

2. Its always much, much harder to sell in the first transfer window because the starting squads are based on rl squads in september. This means squads have already been finalised & money spent. This tends to settle down after the first season.

3. Know your market - who is going to buy the player you put up for sale? Do the clubs have the reputation to attract the player? The money to buy them & pay their wages? Room in their squad for them? Can they get better/cheaper players elsewhere?

1) Regardless of leagues loaded, a good championship/premiership player *like the hull save game, being offered for free, would be snapped up

2) My issue is second season. After players have played 20-30 times the season prior

3) i am offering players for complete free to see if that works... Loan and transfer. Also not on big wages. It's the games codings fault, not us

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That's weird. I play as Hull in second season. Meyler was sold for 6 mil to Swansea who were playing EL. Jakupovic to Norwich who managed finish 4th first season premier league. Aluko went for 12m to Southampton already have like 6+ players in his position. McShane was sold to Palace for 1m. All great players who teams definitely would want to have. I think your save is bugged. Maybe post in bugs forum?

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That's weird. I play as Hull in second season. Meyler was sold for 6 mil to Swansea who were playing EL. Jakupovic to Norwich who managed finish 4th first season premier league. Aluko went for 12m to Southampton already have like 6+ players in his position. McShane was sold to Palace for 1m. All great players who teams definitely would want to have. I think your save is bugged. Maybe post in bugs forum?

Yes. That is interesting to know. I may start the game again to see if the problem persists. I'll also put it on the bug page.

Call me a perfectionist but I find it distracting knowing there are a bunch of players at the club that I don't want and are sapping resources.

What was your process of getting shot of them?

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They simply don't need your players so money isn't an issue.

It falls under 3. above - Know your market.


Did you upload your save like Alex asked for in that thread?

Yep, did that and PM'd him to no avail.

If you look in the bugs forum there have been rafts of people moaning it is impossible to sell players

There is obviously a serious issue, hence the multiple users having problems, so why the constant excuses and trying to make it out as the user as the problem ?

Small database, large database, 4 or 10 leagues, a player (well 2 in my example), 23 years of age, good championship player (one who'd been on loan and played a full season in the championship), offered for ABSOLUTE ZERO, first transfer, then loan, would be a) snapped up regardless, but b) taken over the free transfers (who've been released for a reason) anyday of the week.

Wages are also not an issue.... £5-8,000 topps, similar contract extension request salary as well.

It's not a league issue, it's not as if I'm offering a 35 year old for £4million ....

It needs sorting as it is totally unrealistic in terms of the real life game, which this prides itself on trying to be.

I mean, a championship club, offered a good player for absolute nothing on loan.... and not a single team would be interested..... give me a break

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1) Regardless of leagues loaded, a good championship/premiership player *like the hull save game, being offered for free, would be snapped up

2) My issue is second season. After players have played 20-30 times the season prior

3) i am offering players for complete free to see if that works... Loan and transfer. Also not on big wages. It's the games codings fault, not us

Glad I aren't the only one.

I just find it impossible to believe that no clubs would be interested in these players;

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You aren't

Look in the bugs and game feedback forums. It's one of the common issues..... SI will just try use "database size" or "oh the teams won't want them", rather than admit a mistake and fix the coding.

It happened last year, after multiple complaints, they released it as part of a patch to tweak ease of player sales.

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Lets just be clear I have absolutely nothing to do with SI and all my observations are from years of playing the game as a user.

Over the years I've tinkered with different database sizes, different amounts of loaded leagues, managed different teams in different countries, sold players, bought players and took my time to understand the game.

Based on that, I'm not saying the transfers are perfect by any means but I rarely encounter the excessive problems other users do. Based on my personal experience I can only presume that those users do something different to me and whatever they do makes the transfers worse or that they simply have unrealistic expectations to begin with.

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1. Database size & Leagues loaded - Don't flood your save with lots of players else there won't be enough teams to employ them all and no-one will want to buy your players. Also the more leagues you load the better the transfer market works.

so if you want to have lots of offers then size small plus many leagues is best?

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so if you want to have lots of offers then size small plus many leagues is best?


People expect AI to act like human managers. But in some ways it just doesn't. For example, if their roster is full, and no budget, they won't be still looking to strengthen the roster (but we all do). So, even if you offer your best player for free to such an AI team, they will not be interested if that's the case. They will start looking only when they have an open spot, and budget, and at that point AI can scan through all the available players in the game, and if you play with large DB, with not many leagues active, there will be tons of players available for free, and asking for lower wages then the ones you are trying to offload. So, even if you offer them out for free, AI will still find better options out there.

Like Cougar2010 said, the transfer system is not perfect by any means, but it produces quite realistic results if your game has a proper setup.

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So gameplay has to be slowed down, more processing has to be done of fixtures, to make the transfer system realistic ?

Correct me if I am mistaken, I genuinely am struggling with selling players on this version, with multiple sides I have tried.

Not necessarily. In your current setup, keeping everything else the same, by just switching to small DB from large DB, not only you will achieve more demand for players (yours and others) by decreasing the supply, but also decrease the processing time simply because there will be less entities (players in this case) in the game.

What you should NOT do, is to have very few leagues active and chose large DB.

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In the premier league now, 3rd season (pre season)...

Striker (aged 26) who played 30 times last season, scored 11 league goals, on £12,000 wages. Value £6million...

Sign a better bosman striker, so try to offload said striker ... at value ... no takers .... offer half value... no takers ... offer £500,000 no takers ... offer, on loan, for free, no takers.

CDM (aged 25), played 29 times in prem. Value £4.8million .... offered him both for transfer and loan for FREE ... not a single taker.

I thought it was just the 1st season, but this is making the game unplayable.

Is someone trying to tell me this transfer system isn't broken ?

and yes ... I have uploaded my save and been told someone will have a look Monday ...

I've added part 2 .... SWFC HuddsOwl2 .... to the upload save game as well ...

I need help, as I honestly cannot carry on being unable to remove players I don't want and it's totally ruining my career.

Are there any other ways I can get rid, off the wage bill without paying up a contract (which by the way, my board won't let me do !!!)

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I need help, as I honestly cannot carry on being unable to remove players I don't want and it's totally ruining my career.

Are there any other ways I can get rid, off the wage bill without paying up a contract (which by the way, my board won't let me do !!!)

You uploaded a save in the bugs forum, right? Alex from SI said he will be looking at yours and the other user who uploaded on Monday. Why not wait to see what he says. You might have run into something buggy, and if that's the case, nothing you can do for now will help. There might other explanations that will help you out, but not until you hear back from SI.

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On the contrary to all of the above.

Started a new save yesterday with Tottenham, large database with England,Spain,Italy and Germany loaded.

I sold all the players I wanted to in the first window for no less than 80% of their value offering them out just once in the main.

Players that didn't go, either went in January or the end of the season and were used in the cups to rest players.

I then replaced them with the youth targets I had.

I brought in around £120m and spent around £75m.

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