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Does Anyone knows how can read TEAM RATINGS from a .pkm file?

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in other words, have someone decoded the .pkm file (saved match file)?

I find an artical about grab AI's tactics from .pkm file, so in the same way, the team rating & team stats & other stats can also be read from the file.

So does anyone have studied on it?

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Why would you ever want to do this?

Do people not just play the game anymore?

To be fair, I personally would like more options for export from the game in this fashion. There's a lot of stuff in-game that it would be good to track and analyse in something like Excel for when the in-game tools aren't enough. You know, for the geeks like me. Would be nice if they could first fix the exporting of pages (unless it's already fixed in FM15, I haven't tried. Have my doubts though) from the game, and then add a bit more around exporting.

Having said that, I wouldn't go to the lengths of trying to hack into game files to do it. I'm not that bothered.

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