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Most frustrating of them all!

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I'm using Arsenal.. Have signed some quality I.e khedira and howedes.. I train defending high and use 4231.. I just cannot stop leaking goals no matter what I do!

Any suggestions that could help?? In last years version I won it in my second year.. IVe just been fired but will clearly add myself back in there again..

Ive tried everything from marking tighter to closing down more to even tying to push higher and nothing just seems to work..

If anyone has any suggestions besides take to my laptop with a sledgehammer would be greatly appreciated!


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High lines are sceptible to over the top pacy forwards....Im guessing you are playing Mertesacker at CB along with Howedes?

Both are rather slow and that may be the problem....High line has its benefits but it needs to be deployed correctly and with fast tracking defenders.

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