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FMH15 ''scrapbook''

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  • SI Staff

Multiple reasons:

* Allows you to store players from a game and compare them against players in another game

* Allows you to recreate players from a game by 'importing' them into a new game as part of the MyClub feature

* Allows you to store a snapshot of a player and then compare it against him later on in the game

* Allows you to share your players with friends so they can compare them against their players

* Its nice for nostalgia reasons to be able to still view players from early on in a game

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That's amazing Marc, I've wanted this feature for a while but I never would have been able to put it into words.

In the past I've been keeping a save file from every season I play so that I can go "back in time" and see how good a player was a few seasons ago, but this is obviously so much better.

Are there limits on how many players you can scrapbook?

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  • SI Staff

I think I put the limit at 100+ within a single game HOWEVER you can also export them from the game totally in which case they're just files and there is no limit at all (so 100 at one time in a game but you can remove and add them from exported files as you wish).

PS - You can do full 'normal' in game comparisons with scrapbook players - when you go to compare players just select 'scrapbook' as the filter to see those players.

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First of all whole new game is great...and this scrapbook ia also very interesting, and I see that you explain meaning of this feature, but what I wanted to ask you if I changed some players statistic and position, for example Holmes from Portsmouth, who is left winger, and I change his position to be only right winger or striker (with in game editor), is it possible that next time when I decide to play a new game I just import him in game and that he is is then right winger, so I dont need to change his position again by ''in game editor''.....I hope that you understand what I want to ask you :)

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