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Positions screwed when changing tactics

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Need help here !

I have created my main tactic, 4-2-3-1 Wide with 2 central midfielders.

Now, I want to create a sub tactic, based on the main one, by only moving down MCR --> DM and AMC --> MCR , so that I can switch during match to a mode defensive shape without having to stop the game and go to tactic screen.

Unfortunately, midfield positions are screwed every time I switch from one tactic to the other. Specifically, if I switch to my defensive shape during game, the MCR doesn't move and AMC --> DM !

Is there any way to counter this ?


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I have this exact problem, and it is absolutely infuriating. Switching tactics mid game is meant to be something you do in this version, but this bug renders the whole idea pointless because you then have to go into the main tactics screen to switch the players.

Previous versions didn't do this.

If I have a SC and AMC, and I want to move AMC to MC and the SC to AMC, for some reason it then switches the players in the 2 positions. I've tried everything in the tactics window to recreate them from scratch, move players around and it is not working.

Anyone got any advice?

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