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Limited number of columns in team selection?

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Not working for me. I can have the default 8 or 9 but others won't show.

If I go into "Customize Current View" and add columns from there they don't show in most instances. Sometimes they do but then randomly disappear when I interact with the team selection and I can't get them to reappear.

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I know some people have issues with changing column widths, but your situation I haven't seen reported here. Judging by the lack of responses, it's not a well-known issue. Could you raise it in the UI bugs forum? Mention your resolution and as much detail as you can about what you're trying to do. :thup:

Link: http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/448-User-Interface

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Same for me. I have 14 columns but loads more room, but any I add don't appear but no longer appear in the list of columns I can add. It's like they have been added off screen and no amount of resizing the columns will fix it.

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