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Unhappy about training workload

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Iif you look at work load in the top right of your second screenshot it says workload is heavy. Is the teams overall workload heavy but he isn't getting any individual training, which is the screen you're showing?

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Iif you look at work load in the top right of your second screenshot it says workload is heavy. Is the teams overall workload heavy but he isn't getting any individual training, which is the screen you're showing?

Nope - overall team workload is average. Not sure where the "Workload: Heavy" as shown is coming from?

Any one have any ideas?


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Are you sure you're not getting mixed up with the known Beta issue where having too few coaches was causing players to complain that their trraining workload wasn't giving them enough attention?

I'm pretty sure that this isn't that. How would having too few coaches mean that players' workloads were too heavy?

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Yes I have this too. And no, the team workload is "average" and I have a large number of coaches, all training areas considered 4, 4.5 stars and coach workload light or average. No one has high workload and yet a good quarter of my Chelsea players are making this complaint. Definitely leaning towards bug right now.

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At the time I took that first screenshot, four other players were complaining about heavy workload in training.

If everyone else has a lesser workload then the 4 players have either a PPM set to be trained, learning a new position or a role focus. It's the only thing that makes a players individual workload different. Or they have really bad hidden professionalism and that's why they are complaining. Those are the only reasons.

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This is intended behaviour.

FM15 has changed how we are supposed to set up coaches for team training - SI "fixed a bug" (their words) from previous versions of FM that kept coaches' workloads at "Light". All we used to do was allocate one coach per training category and everyone was happy.

Training has now been changed to better reflect real life in as much as in real life it is highly unusual for a coach to specialise in just one area of training (eg., in FM terms Ball Control or Shooting). Thus, it is now intended that we should allocate our coaches in a similar manner.

So, because of training workloads and players becoming unhappy we are now supposed to :

- Allocate each coach to more than one training category

- Have more than one coach cover each category

So, for example, we would allocate coach A to Ball Control + Shooting. We would allocate coach B also to Ball Control + Shooting. Coach C gets Tactics and Defence as does coach D. And so on and so on. You keep allocating coaches in this manner until their training workloads reduce to Average. NOTE - you may need to allocate more than 3 coaches to a category to get workloads down. Also note that for this purpose your reserve/youth team managers and their assistants count towards the coaching staff - as does yourself as Manager.

Additionally, you may find it beneficial to reduce the size of particularly large squads. Smaller squads = lighter training workloads. Remember, squads share some coaches so reducing the size of your reserves (for example) may help your first team training happiness.


There remains the ability to dedicate one "specialist" coach per training category as we always used to so. Employ your specialists, then, if workloads are Heavy, merely take one of your non-specialist coaches (or managers) and split their time between all of the training categories marked as Heavy. Repeat this with another non-specialist coach or manager until the workloads reach Average. If you don't have any spare coaches or managers for this, just employ the cheapest, crappiest coach(es) you can find and split their effort between categories. Again, reducing the size of squads will also help.

Example - you have 2 Fitness Coaches and one specialist coach covering each of Ball Control, Tactics, Defending, Attacking and Shooting, giving you a total of 7 coaches each covering one category. Workloads are Heavy in all categories. You then take your Reserves Assistant Manager who hasn't been allocated to any category yet and split his time equally between all 7 categories. As a result, workload remains Heavy in 5 categories. You then reduce the size of your reserves squad by 5 players but training workloads remain Heavy in 4 categories. So, you employ the cheapest coach you can find in the database and allocate his time to those remaining 4 categories. All areas become Average workload and all players are happy.

Personally I prefer the intended way of doing things, but if you are dead set on having just one specialist coach per category (which really isn't necessary now) then the workaround works.

Edit - of course if your general training is not set up properly in the first place, this will have a knock on effect when you come to start individual training plans and, therefore, individual workloads.

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That's all great but not the issue here, his issue is individual player workload not team workload if what he posted in the screenshots above are actually accurate and took at the same time from the same save.

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Could it perhaps also be related to the player's natural fitness?

Low natural fitness + average workload = heavy for that player?


and maybe low professionalism causing him to complain about it

Low professionalism players complain more about heavy workloads yes. But not low NF players.

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I too have this issue. Case in point an U-18s player, complaining that their workload is too high. The workload says it is heavy, but his individual focus is on average and his the team training is also supposedly average. All coaches have a light workload. Pictures below:

Player in question:


The U-18's schedule:


And the coaches screen:


I appreciate that coaches shouldn't have anything to do with the issue, but thought I'd cover all bases. I don't understand, or perhaps it's just not clear in-game, why players (mainly younger players) have their workload set to high when everything is 'average'. Unless individual training should no longer be applied to u-21s and u-18s.

On a side note, and this sort of applies to being unhappy about the training workload: when players complain that they can't see their individual training focus improving any further, is there any way of seeing what they should be improved/or at least what would appease them in terms of training focus?

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I've got a few players who are unhappy with their training workload - but I'm unsure how to give them a lighter regime?


So he's not doing anything extra individual work? Then I'm not sure what's up, but with team training your changes will come into effect on the next week. The ongoing week is locked into whatever you had it set at previously. It doesn't look like that's the case though.

I too have this issue. Case in point an U-18s player, complaining that their workload is too high. The workload says it is heavy, but his individual focus is on average and his the team training is also supposedly average.

For you the case is perfectly clear though. Your player has average workload from general training and on top of that does an average amount of individual work. Average+average > average, right?

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Question.. It was driving me crazy yesterday night, it happened twice on the same couple of players.

Player: Workload too high

Me: Switch Focus intensity to medium instad of high

Player: Hey coach, i'm not getting enough attention in tactics training (i'm not sure of the english translation of the exact message, i'll check tonight)

Me: Switch Focus intensity to high


What the hell does it mean that he's not getting enough attention?

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Question.. It was driving me crazy yesterday night, it happened twice on the same couple of players.

Player: Workload too high

Me: Switch Focus intensity to medium instad of high

Player: Hey coach, i'm not getting enough attention in tactics training (i'm not sure of the english translation of the exact message, i'll check tonight)

Me: Switch Focus intensity to high


What the hell does it mean that he's not getting enough attention?

This means you don't have enough coaches covering the tactics category.

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  • 5 years later...
On 10/11/2014 at 09:37, herne79 said:

This is intended behaviour.

FM15 has changed how we are supposed to set up coaches for team training - SI "fixed a bug" (their words) from previous versions of FM that kept coaches' workloads at "Light". All we used to do was allocate one coach per training category and everyone was happy.

I've no idea which version the original poster was talking about, but I play FM14. And I'm having a similar problem.

As an aside, this is about the third time I've registered with the forum. For some reason, when I went to sign in, it asked me to "complete registration". I registered years ago. I'm pretty sure I have had to re-register at least once or twice since then. And now, again. Anyway... back to the point!


Training has now been changed to better reflect real life in as much as in real life it is highly unusual for a coach to specialise in just one area of training (eg., in FM terms Ball Control or Shooting). Thus, it is now intended that we should allocate our coaches in a similar manner.

So, because of training workloads and players becoming unhappy we are now supposed to :

- Allocate each coach to more than one training category

- Have more than one coach cover each category

I don't think I'll be able to do that. I'm not allowed to hire more than three coaches. So I have a fitness coach, training in the two fitness categories; my Ass Man, who is training in five categories (including the two GK categories); and another coach concentrating on his two best areas of Ball Control and Attacking. So unless I stretch them all very thinly, and watch the quality stars drop, I can't do either of these suggestions. Note that the game says, on the training screen, "The more areas a coach covers, the less time he's able to spend on each area, reducing the quality of training."


So, for example, we would allocate coach A to Ball Control + Shooting. We would allocate coach B also to Ball Control + Shooting. Coach C gets Tactics and Defence as does coach D. And so on and so on. You keep allocating coaches in this manner until their training workloads reduce to Average. NOTE - you may need to allocate more than 3 coaches to a category to get workloads down.

More than three coaches to each category? I only have three coaches! All my workloads for each category say "light".


Also note that for this purpose your reserve/youth team managers and their assistants count towards the coaching staff - as does yourself as Manager.

I'm not listed in the training screen, so I can't allocate any training from myself.



There remains the ability to dedicate one "specialist" coach per training category as we always used to so. Employ your specialists, then, if workloads are Heavy, merely take one of your non-specialist coaches (or managers) and split their time between all of the training categories marked as Heavy. Repeat this with another non-specialist coach or manager until the workloads reach Average. If you don't have any spare coaches or managers for this, just employ the cheapest, crappiest coach(es) you can find and split their effort between categories. Again, reducing the size of squads will also help.

I can't employ any other coaches, no matter how crappy. Also, I couldn't afford any other coaches.

Edited by Union Jack Jackson
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9 hours ago, Union Jack Jackson said:

I don't think I'll be able to do that. I'm not allowed to hire more than three coaches. So I have a fitness coach, training in the two fitness categories; my Ass Man, who is training in five categories (including the two GK categories); and another coach concentrating on his two best areas of Ball Control and Attacking. So unless I stretch them all very thinly, and watch the quality stars drop, I can't do either of these suggestions. Note that the game says, on the training screen, "The more areas a coach covers, the less time he's able to spend on each area, reducing the quality of training."

Of course you can do that, it's literally the only thing you can do - unless you want some training areas not covered at all :)

Work with the tools you have and if, in the short term, that means spreading your coaches thinly then that's what you do.  Over time and depending on how your team perform, your Board will allow you to hire more coaches.  I have a lower league save going at the moment and I can't hire any coaches at all, just myself and my assistant, yet I still cover all areas of training - albeit very thinly.

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