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Official Football Manager 2015 Classic Mode PC/Mac/Linux Feedback Thread

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Okay, so we're live everyone! Football Manager 2015 is out now!

So please keep all your feedback in this thread, as always please keep it constructive.

FAQ Link: https://support.sega.co.uk/hc/en-gb/sections/200673772

If you have any issues, please report them on our Bugs Forum which can be found here - http://community.sigames.com/forumdi...015-Bugs-Forum

Any technical issues, please post them here - http://community.sigames.com/forumdi...orkshop-Issues

Thanks, and enjoy!

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What timing, my laptop is busted, off for repairs tomorrow. Got a loan of an old one this evening, uploading the beta, 93%, my net cuts out for about 2 minutes, you go live for the full release and I'm back at 5-10% and hours to wait.


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If I take charge of players individual training, will ass man still secretly make my players learn ppm?

I don't believe so. By taking over an individuals' player training it should prevent the AssMan from getting involved at all. I'm sure Lucas will confirm when he has a spare moment.

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If I take charge of players individual training, will ass man still secretly make my players learn ppm?

No, you control all of his training, rather than its constituent parts. This makes sense too as the additional options add on time to his training schedule so its really important that it's an all or nothing scenario

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Since FM2012 that i dont play FM, because i dont have a lot of time. In one year i do 3/4 seasons not more.

I dont have time for trainings (with a lot of parameters to define), press conferences, conversations with players, etc...

FMC is probably for me as i am reading.


1 - The players have the same atributes as in normal mode? mental, physical, tactical, speed, defending, etc etc.... or the atributes are more simple?

2 - Before the games and in half time I could say something to players to moralize them?

3 - I could see the game match as in normal mode?

4 - During the game i can do some instructions to the team, like do more pressure, attack more, etc (as in normal mode)?

5 - For buy/sell players, define contract durations, bonus. Make loans. Sell player with money + loans,e tc.... is the same as normal mode?

6 - I can search players to buy by attributes?

7 - When I define formation, for each position i can say what player should do in game?

Thank you

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HIFK in Debt bug still not fixed altough it was acknowledged good time ago. (Btw, where are the bug forums gone??)

If I start with HIFK in Finnish first division, the club has debt of 342M euros. Quite easy to replicate.

Makes playing with the team quite difficult! Luckily we can't edit the database in classic mode...

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1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. Yes

All in all - a lot of "Yes" answers :D

Thank You very much.... one more question... why i see Fm 2015 "Standard" (i dont know whats this) price lower 50% than other sites!!!?? its the same game?! :)

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HIFK in Debt bug still not fixed altough it was acknowledged good time ago. (Btw, where are the bug forums gone??)

If I start with HIFK in Finnish first division, the club has debt of 342M euros. Quite easy to replicate.

Makes playing with the team quite difficult! Luckily we can't edit the database in classic mode...

Isn't that a data error rather than a bug? Prob best posting it in the Finnish Data Issues thread. :thup:

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The games won in a row stat at top of the centre list. Unless I am interpreting it wrong, but surely to the left you can see arsenal have a run of WWWXD so they would at least be classed as having won 3 in a row, instead UTD sit alone having won 2 in a row. All other teams appear to have won 1.

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So I signed Adriano on a free taking a chance and 6 months on he is still a fat knacker but now he doesn't turn up to training then he reported back twice stating he was ready to play, that's two news items in a row, bug?

I'm all for him being an arse (we just reached a 3 figure mutual termination) but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to try and deal with this as I thankfully (I love classic mode) can't talk to him.

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All is good so far, except the important attribute highlights are still too light when comparing players and when choosing a role in the tactics screen or when editing player instructions.

I'm checking in the skinning forum if we can somehow change that ourselves hopefully because I'm going insane trying to compare players and I can't tell if this attribute is important or not for the role. This lightish yellow highlight on the white not good.

Other than that all going smooth.

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I must say that although I have no issues wth the amount of injuries in general (about 5 simultaniously on average, seems alright), the amount of knocks I'm getting per game in the match is very high to be honest. Higher than usual in FM at least. In my last game I had about 12 knocks divided over 6 players, who were all match fit by the way. And this is quite average in my current save. My training is handled by the assistant and all players are happy with the intensity of the training. I have stopped using 3 substitutions (I always save one just in case), because otherwise I'd end up ending games with 10 men (or less) due to in-game knocks/injuries and not having any substitutions left. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a known issue, but the amount of knocks per game seems too high. Let me emphasize once again that I have no issues with the amount of injuries in general, just the amount of knocks/injuries during matches.

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I must say that although I have no issues wth the amount of injuries in general (about 5 simultaniously on average, seems alright), the amount of knocks I'm getting per game in the match is very high to be honest. Higher than usual in FM at least. In my last game I had about 12 knocks divided over 6 players, who were all match fit by the way. And this is quite average in my current save. My training is handled by the assistant and all players are happy with the intensity of the training. I have stopped using 3 substitutions (I always save one just in case), because otherwise I'd end up ending games with 10 men (or less) due to in-game knocks/injuries and not having any substitutions left. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a known issue, but the amount of knocks per game seems too high. Let me emphasize once again that I have no issues with the amount of injuries in general, just the amount of knocks/injuries during matches.

To answer myself: I've just seen a statement from SI from which I derived that I have to tone down the intensity of my tactics a bit. Will see of that helps :)

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Well, I succumbed and brought FM after a 1 year hiatus so some of what I'm mentioning my have been introduced in FM14.

The autosave setting is very useful, so now on a manual save it will use the settings for autosave rarther then overwriting the existing save. That will be a bit of a time saver.

I like the way the match widgets fade out a little when the ball is in the area they are it, although I think that auto minimising them would be a better option just like in replays.

The animations are good, even on my poor PC at low details.

I can see where SI are coming from with the new tactics screen, there are some useful things on it that can help selecting the right sub for the position as now you can see if they can play there and how effective they will be.

It still needs quite a bit of improvement as the pitch is kind of wasted. It is possible to have more info show on the pitch like role and duty. There is something in the skinning forum that adds that.

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Another batch of feedback since playing the final version for a while.

Here's how i like to play the game, as a preface for my feedback: Pick a team in the lowest league in England, instant result almost all games, focus on building through staff and players with minimal tactical fussing. I usually like to create a system, and then find players for it. This is kinda backwards, i know, but i like it. The goal is always the CL, but I've never actually done it. I'd venture to guess there's a lot of people who play in a similar fashion, and just get bogged down by the full fat version.

Now, most of the feedback from beta thread applies, but i'd like to add one point of contention.

I get that classic is supposed to be streamlined and does a great job of it. I greatly enjoy playing a ten-year career in a handful of real life days. My argument though, is that you could add a lot more from the full fat version without slowing down the experience at all. I - and i'd like to think a lot of Classic players too - still love the simulation aspect of FM. So things like a single reserve team, fast position learning, the unlockables - they detract from the wonderful simulation experience by gamifying it too much.

On the flipside, stuff like expanded staff, proper u-19 system, expanded statistics, and realistic training wouldn't detract much at all from a streamlining standpoint, but would add to the simulation experience.

My main feedback, in short, is that i think classic mode could still be etched a bit closer to the complexity of full fat mode, without impeding the streamlined experience. If complexity can be added without slowing it down - which i think would be pretty achievable - i don't think many would oppose to it.

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Oh no, i didnt do a good job of explaining myself.

I love the new training, it's actually exactly what my feedback is going for: added complexity that doesnt complicate anything - unless you want it to. Exactly what i'd love to see more of in Classic.

The "realistic training" comment was meant to underline an earlier point about the way-too-fast position learning (not training in general) - it's too gamey and detracts from the simulation aspect.

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I'm struggling to play Classic this year (which is a shame as I love that mode), due to the sidebar. On the main game, I've got a skin which leaves just the icons there, and it really opens up the rest of the screen. I use a laptop as opposed to a big, widescreen PC monitor, so the screen looks far too cluttered with the sidebar taking up about a fifth of it. It's expecially brutal on the tactics screen, which is annoying enough to use this year anyway.

I really hope we can get either a new skin or a mod from someone which makes the sidebar icons only. Until then, it'll be the full game only for me this year. Which when I think of my great Hibs/Fortuna Sittard saves on FMC14, makes me sad.

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