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Can't launch the demo! Any help?!

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I've just downloaded and instaled FM 2015 demo and for some reason I can't launch it. I mean there is some stuff going on(SI and some sponsors logos animation) but when it comes to loading the main menu everything just freezes and I'm forced to restart my notebook. Is this some operating system/drivers issue or my hardware is invalid? I've tried to reinstall and even uninstall my VGA drivers but didn't help. Any ideas? My specs are: ASUS K50AB Notebook with Windows 7 64-bit.


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Without seeing the full specs it is difficult to check the hardware. Make sure that the graphics card driver is up tp date and check that your antivirus is not blocking the game from running. If you still need help , read the help threads and then open a new thread in here: http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/418-Crashes-Game-Launch-and-Technical-Issues

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How long did you leave the main menu up and running before forcing to quit?

Unfortunately, I can't load the main menu at all, cuz everything freezes right before. But yes - I gave it some time to load... maybe like 30 minutes. Nothing happend. Anyway, some strange things going on. When Im tying to verify integrity of the game cache via steam, it also freezes everything at some point, which makes me thing that some software/hardware is in colision with particular FM file/files. A no... its not about antivirus.

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Can you try this to see if it helps at all.

- From your Steam Library right click on 'Football Manager 2015 Demo' and select "Properties".

- From the pop-up dialog box, you should be on the "General" tab.

- Select the "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..." button.

- In the pop up box, type in (without quotes) "--disable_benchmark".

- Select 'OK' and then try and launch the demo.

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Can you try this to see if it helps at all.

- From your Steam Library right click on 'Football Manager 2015 Demo' and select "Properties".

- From the pop-up dialog box, you should be on the "General" tab.

- Select the "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..." button.

- In the pop up box, type in (without quotes) "--disable_benchmark".

- Select 'OK' and then try and launch the demo.

Unfortunately, didn't help. Ive also tried to reinstall steam and demo(took me bloody 2 hours) but didn't help either.

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I had a similar issue, I seemed to get stuck in a black screen forever . I tried pressing alt+tab to go to the desktop screen, then clicked on the demo window again, and there it was the main menu screen. Hope this helps.

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