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Football Manager 2009 and Football Manager Handheld

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Looks cracking.

Will we still be able to play using commentary only though? Hopefully we will, we all have our prefered method of doing things and mine is to have commentary only.

Already the new features look amazing, and i'm sure they are only a tiny portion of what's in store.

As for being able to play as a bird - ok, that's not realistic in the realms of real life football management but it's not an issue really as we can just select ourselves as being male.

Personally I might have two saved games, one as a male and another one for the weekends.. ;)

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a few questions

1.how many different camera angles are there a broadcast type camera angle

2.can you create a widget that lets you do tactics?

3.in the press conferance how does it register your words that you put in.

4. can you call a press conferance whenever you want?

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Looks like they've improved the problematic areas, or at least so they say, so I'm looking forward to the demo.

However this 3D is something I'm certainly not likely to use. Based on the clips in these videos I don't like the looks of it at all.

Remember that Miles said in the video that the 3D system shown is only 50% complete. Wait for the demo and see what it looks and plays like then before making a decision.

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Wow, really glad SI are re-considering their rather basic financial part, That they apparently try to give the specifics of each league a proper shot, because really, the whole thing is still rather very basic even in the latest, FM08. But given that they're trying to model the footballing world as realistic as can be, that was a must at some point or other.

That aside, good, professional presentation. Though it would've been even more awesome if it was a bit more about showing how things actually work, and a little less about telling how they're supposed to work. :D Work in progress or no. So it indeed means proper 3D presentation of the matches, which I'm confident these guys are absolutely capable of doing, PERIOD. And everybody who thinks otherwise doesn't even need to worry, so no need at all to make a fuss about it. As that question about camera viewpoints has been asked before, I'm wondering if they consider including a manager's POV camera, from within his coachin zone or something. You know, like the real thing.

Can't wait for the demo, though I'm very damn much into the thick of FM08!

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Where does it say there is an overhaul of the transfer system?

It hasn't been overhauled. Miles said the transfer part of the game has been removed completely and re-written from scratch.

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SI: Promise me you'll replace that awful grass texture with something nice and great looking?!

Now you mention it! :D In the age of hi-def, i think we should have better grass

Mind they are using Virtua Striker stuff i think, and last one of them was 2006 it says on wiki

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Can I jusy say that i've just seen the screenshots of the 3D pitch, it looks brilliant, the players look so refined and detailed from a long view, I would have thought it would be like stick but i'm very impressed! Can't wait to see how they play in a match and how they move around etc. Btw...I wonder when they kick the ball their legs move and also when they run etc.

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Um nice observation. You just made me more curious and want to get FM09 immediately:D
Anyone think there may be something about Nike in this years version? With the boots in the teaser/logo picture, and Nike stuff dotted around the videos.

Or am I reading too much into it...?

Knew I shouldn't have posted it wilst the woman argument was going on:rolleyes:

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Oh my freaking word!

Incredible, two features that i have been scepticle about Press Confrences and 3d graphics, but looking at the screenshots i have no worries, i was thinking 3d like pro evo or such but i love it that way it is awsome! The press confrences i love! "The way i run the club is my buisness" hilarious but also its great, you can storm out that is great and i like the way that you have to think about it there are lots of things that you don't really have to think about in fm 08 like half time talks i can tell my assistant to sort it but with press confrences you look like you have to think, I really love the look of it. I wasn't too excited because i thought what else can they bring in, schoolboy error. I loved fm08 but I didn't feel it was incredibly different from 07 it looks totally different this year, I know i haven't played it yet but well done si it looks amazing and i only know a few features, also love the assistant managers extra advice, cos i don't understand tactics and things so someone telling me things lik it would help if you had a goalkeeper will really help or other such things that will actually be not obvious to me.

Wow I am so excited.

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Well, if you look closely the ad stands have only RGB color masks on them - the ads will come.

You're right....at the moment they're just test banners. If they go the way of FM Live you could possibly see outside advertising firms using the internet connection to put ads there. Dont know how well that would go down with all of us though.

Remember Football Manager 2005 cover featuring Puma jacket on the "manager"? It didn't mean licensing then...

Probably right....but it would be pretty sweet to have some kind of official license on the sportswear side of things. BTW its not just the ball, as others have said theres the Nike boots in the banner images too.

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Here are the Football Manager 2009 "screenshots" hosted at my website, portuguese FM fansite Clube Manager Portugal (cmportugal.com)

952t.jpg 953t.jpg 954t.jpg 955t.jpg

(as I´m only allowed to post 4 images per post, I´ll put them separate)

Is it just me or do the players look too small in proportion to the pitch? MIght just be the pics & I'll assume all looks ok on screen.

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Great features inplemented by SI. Had a great freak out when Miles said they had a 3D engine lined up... I really hoped they wouldn't, then he said 2D will still be implemented -> Made me smile again :D Just hope the visual look of 2D would be a bit improved.

Another thing that should really be added is when you add a new manager with his reputation/experience set at International Footballer, shouldn't he have apps for his country? It's minor things like this that make a game good too :D

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Love the Storm Out option!!! Absolutely brilliant addition!!!

I actually wonder what's the impact of this...

What's the difference between saying something reasonable and something like "2 pints and some chips, please"...

Can anyone clear this up?

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You're right....at the moment they're just test banners. If they go the way of FM Live you could possibly see outside advertising firms using the internet connection to put ads there. Dont know how well that would go down with all of us though.

In-game advertisements have already been announced, though explicitely for FML only:


Football Manager to get in-game ads

In-game advertising is set to feature in upcoming Football Manager titles, following the announcement of a deal between SEGA Europe, Sports Interactive and IGA Worldwide .

The deal, which includes the MMO game Football Manager Live, will allow brands access to advertising prospects similar to those available in the real football environment, including league and tournament sponsorship, and pitch-side billboards.

"The Football Manager series boasts 3 of the top 5 fastest selling PC games in history and we are extremely enthusiastic about partnering with Sports Interactive and SEGA on these world-leading titles leading into the Euro 2008 series this summer," said Justin Townsend, CEO of IGA Worldwide.

"The unique opportunities available to our clients in these titles offer unrivalled exposure, engagement and accountability whilst adding realism and context to a game environment that prides itself on these same qualities."

Although Miles in another thread on the old forum stated that:

But, from an FM level, it won't slow the game down, the ads will be able to be dynamic (as in changeable if someone is online) or static (if you aren't online when you play), and will be fully in-situ (as in, would only appear in situations where you would expect them to in real life).

That was late May, mind you, but my guess is the banners are one place where they will appear.

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In-game advertisements have already been announced, though explicitely for FML only:


Although Miles in another thread on the old forum stated that:

That was late May, mind you, but my guess is the banners are one place where they will appear.

Thats why I said "If they go the way of FM Live".

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Thats why I said "If they go the way of FM Live".

Yes, sir, my bad, I haven't had the priviledge to test it ;). I somehow doubt they make an active internet connection one of system requirements for the game, which would point towards static ads shipped on the game DVD. I do not see SI going for fake ads, to be honest.

Well, something more to think of till mid-November.

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Remember that Miles said in the video that the 3D system shown is only 50% complete. Wait for the demo and see what it looks and plays like then before making a decision.

Must take comments like these with a pinch of salt though. They've been working on it for three years, yet it's 50% done and now they're going to do the other half in the couple of months between now and the release? Unlikely.

The 3D had to be introduced at some point though. I guess it will get a lot of feedback and by FM 2012 or so it should probably turn out alright. The step from 2D to 3D cannot be compared to the jump from commentary only to 2D though. Too many factors to consider here - animations, collision detection, proportions etc. I said it in another thread - I've yet to see a 3D representation of football that looks anywhere near convincing and doesn't get repetitive after a season so I doubt this will be able to cut it either.

As I said though, it doesn't bother me at all as long as 2D will also be there. Personally I'm much more excited about the the improved features/modules like the transfer system and regens.

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Yes, sir, my bad, I haven't had the priviledge to test it ;). I somehow doubt they make an active internet connection one of system requirements for the game, which would point towards static ads shipped on the game DVD. I do not see SI going for fake ads, to be honest.

Well, something more to think of till mid-November.

I've got so used to people on the BETA forum, I automatically think that all these people are playing it ;)

Im of the same opinion of you.....SI wont go for fake ads. They'll either have a load of pre installed ads (might get a bit boring and old after a while) or have the internet enabled ads for those with an active connection and when there's no connection use the pre-installed ones.

They could easily ship new ads with new patches and updates too.

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Kudos to SI for at last attempting to take the game to the next stage, and I didn't expect them to go 3D this year as it looked like with the last few versions they were content with what they are doing to the game for the time being.

But i'm confused why the have kept the 2d, looking at the video of part 2 the difference is clear and you would imagine that most people will use the 3D view.

If the 3D match engine is superior then why do SI feel they need to include it the 2D, out with the old in and with the new should be the case.Why would you wan't play with the old engine ?

Glad to hear they have ripped out the transfer code and started again, do we think they have done the same with the training code ?

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Got to say I am impressed and very happy, more than happy in fact, with what we have been so far given about FM 2009 - with of course more features and in depth detail about all features to be given to us up until the demo release so there is even more for us to wait for.

So I would firstly like to thank SI for yet again improving and revamping the game to make it better and better for all of us each year and as always I will be buying the game at release.

Though I think with the release of information some fans are missing the ideas behind points, especially of the 3D engine that has been developed for FM 2009.

SI have not spent time to implement a 3D engine to sell out, just to get more money or to look cool (as someone tried to put it across in a post), they have done it for us, and only for us, and why did they do it for us, because we asked for it.

For the past few years there has been a constant call for a 3D engine to support the strongest management sim on the market, and no one can even try say that for the last few years, every time it has come close to the information release, there hasn’t been 100 posts at least, looking to see if there will be a 3D engine or pushing the idea to the brink that people where really getting annoyed with hearing about it.

By no means did we ever expect SI to develop a 3D match engine that would look as visually stunning as the likes of the Fifa games (not the manager games, the actual play football games), all we needed was an average looking engine where we could see our decisions as a manager come to life in front of our eyes.

The 3D match engine will, I have no doubt, bring cause for people to proclaim the game is cheating after the games release and as we can now see incidents fully to try back up our reasons, its going to be never ending but if SI can make the match engine read our tactics with all the player instructions and team instructions we set, and it shows well, then the engine is a success – simple as that, we cant help if stupid things happen, they happen in real life, football is a funny old game as they say and its never been a pretty game.

For all those who hate the idea of the 3D engine, why do you think SI left the 2D version in, because they know for a fact it will not be everyone’s cup of tea, and also not every system may be able to deal with a bit more power required for it, so they are listening to us and still letting us chose what we want as the users to use for our own experience.

From my own personal view, I wasn’t bothered if FM remained 2D or went full 3D, as I believe they will work to the bone to make sure the engine works strong, though I can say I am really happy that you have the choice of which as from my view, I like to build and develop tactics, and I share them, and this can really help not just me but others when making tactics, we can now see better with problems and fix them with a better tactics system (TBA) and also the assistant manager feedback.

Really looking forward to more information and the demo, sooner we hear more the better, really wanting more - well done SI.

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And another friendly finished 6-0.

It uses the same match engine as FM Live with a few updates and its pretty much perfect. I've played over 1,500 games in the last few months and there's nothing too obvious or anything that occurs too often in the way of bugs or obvious crapness.

By no means did we ever expect SI to develop a 3D match engine that would look as visually stunning as the likes of the Fifa games (not the manager games, the actual play football games), all we needed was an average looking engine where we could see our decisions as a manager come to life in front of our eyes.

The 3D match engine will, I have no doubt, bring cause for people to proclaim the game is cheating after the games release and as we can now see incidents fully to try back up our reasons, its going to be never ending but if SI can make the match engine read our tactics with all the player instructions and team instructions we set, and it shows well, then the engine is a success – simple as that, we cant help if stupid things happen, they happen in real life, football is a funny old game as they say and its never been a pretty game.

Its the same engine as the 2D variant, just with a 3D graphical representation laid over the top.

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Errrr nah I don't like women because I said it's a rubbish feature. What an extremely odd thing to say.

To the poster who said 14 year olds arent managers, I know. Which is it doesn't let you become 14 in the game. You're not really Joe Public either, the experience options are all to do with being involved in football previously, whether it be internationally or at an amateur level.

It really is a poor feature. Then again, it does massively reflect the nature of todays society . PC gone mad.

Been reading the Daily Mail recently have we?

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Kudos to SI for at last attempting to take the game to the next stage, and I didn't expect them to go 3D this year as it looked like with the last few versions they were content with what they are doing to the game for the time being.

But i'm confused why the have kept the 2d, looking at the video of part 2 the difference is clear and you would imagine that most people will use the 3D view.

If the 3D match engine is superior then why do SI feel they need to include it the 2D, out with the old in and with the new should be the case.Why would you wan't play with the old engine ?

Glad to hear they have ripped out the transfer code and started again, do we think they have done the same with the training code ?

I see what you're saying, it does seem a tad strange to have both 2D & 3D but I'd like to have the option as to which one I use. At the moment my prefernece is 2D and if that wasn't in 09 then I wouldn't be buying it.

A 3D view is not something that I look for in these games, but when I get hold of 09 I'm going to give the 3D view a good go to see if I like and if my PC can handle it. If one of those conditions isn't met then it's back to 2D for me.

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If the 3D match engine is superior then why do SI feel they need to include it the 2D

If they didn't then I (and I'm sure many others) wouldn't be buying the game. Simple. Why is the commentary only still there? Because there are still people that don't even want 2D. Why would SI take the option out if there are people that still use it?

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