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Has anybody created Player Development Spreadsheets

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Has any body created Player Development Spreadsheets?

I need a way to track and review player development, and base decisions off when I am away from my Home Computer, and as I cant download FM at work, I need a spreadsheet that I could email back and forth and make decisions when I am away?

I thought I would check here first before I started to make my own for idea, or a sneaky download!

Cheers guys!

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This a great idea. I actually installed the game on my work PC, just to be able to *check* things from time to time. Was a complete disaster. I have since uninstalled it.

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I have FM installed on my work computer as well but really have to resist not to load it. When i'm working from home though....

Yeah i've had massive development spreadsheets in the past with every player in my squad's attributes, calculated best role capability, tracked development year on year. Also included finances and finance projection so that i could work out who i needed to sell or what i needed to do to make my finances grow. I've also done match stats analysis to work out how often i concede goals and against who so that when i'm back on the game i can look at those teams in more detail to see how their play exploits my weaknesses.

Takes a while to maintain though so has to go hand in hand with a slow period at work to get away with it.

The advantage with Excel though is that people think you are doing a really complex piece of work so leave you alone.

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How did you do the player calculation for best role? I can do the finance no problem and a simple way to judge and keep track of what the player has done training wise should be simple enough, but that role calculation is interesting.

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Just using the football manager guide website to get key attributes and doing a formula for each one.

Not an exact science but makes you look at players in a slightly different light.

Some people around here will argue that the highlighted attributes in-game, which is where FM Guide gets the attributes, isnt the best way to judge a player and can limit you in certain situations.

Very interesting to see some spreadhseet models around here.

Ill be trying to do an spreadsheet of my own to judge my players performances, using stats like Key Tackles, Key Passes, Interceptions and others.

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Well some on here also argue to not take too much notice of clear cut chances, key passes and tackles. :-) in all seriousness I use the default as a base and add things like work rate, stamina etc dependent on the overall style of play I'm going for. It's good for spotting youth players to retrain in a different position.

Will take some screen shots and share tomorrow when back at work.

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It's because it depends on what you actually want from the role. The in game attributes are there to make it easier for those who struggle or need guidance. If you don't need that you can go outside the boundaries of what is deemed 'normal'. Myself I do this a lot. I have a treq who isn't good technically, he lacks vision, he isn't creative and can't really pass. Instead I use someone who is a beast, a physical destroyer and who can put a challenge in. It's all about what you as the user expect/want from the role :)

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As promised...a few screenshots of my Metalist Kharkiv game spreadsheet from back on FM2013. Had a lot more time at work to analyse things. :)







Percentages, vlookups, conditional formatting, formulas...it's an Excel lovers dream. :) (sadly no macros as that would be too far).

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I made a web based application about a year ago that used image analysis to extract information from screenshots and enter it into a player database, but I haven't finished it and it's not updated for FM14. If there's enough interest I could maybe be persuaded to finish it sometime... :D

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That would be really good as it took me a good couple of hours to type up all the data. Would be great if you just plug screenshot data into excel.

You used to be able to print statistics and data in older version of FM/CM? Can you still do that and then just print to a text file/spreadsheet?

Remember in the days of CM01/02 having a ring binder with all my teams statistics from each season that i'd printed out. If my future wife knew i could be this geeky she'd be having second thoughts..... :)

....it's bad enough that i play FM in the first place.

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I made a web based application about a year ago that used image analysis to extract information from screenshots and enter it into a player database, but I haven't finished it and it's not updated for FM14. If there's enough interest I could maybe be persuaded to finish it sometime... :D

Wow that is awesome. I would absolutely be interested!

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Wow that is awesome. I would absolutely be interested!

Cool. If I get some spare time the coming weeks I'll try to finish it. I was planning on tracking development across saves as well, so that you can compare how your player turned out compared to the "average development" in the community, and such. Could be quite interesting to make such a site as you could aquire a lot of data if enough people used it, allowing for some interesting statistics and such.

Maybe you could also search for players using other peoples data from seasons "in the future" to search for a player that can turn in to the player you are looking for, if that makes sense. Probably cheating according to many, but hey, just don't use it in that case... :)

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Cool. If I get some spare time the coming weeks I'll try to finish it. I was planning on tracking development across saves as well, so that you can compare how your player turned out compared to the "average development" in the community, and such. Could be quite interesting to make such a site as you could aquire a lot of data if enough people used it, allowing for some interesting statistics and such.

Maybe you could also search for players using other peoples data from seasons "in the future" to search for a player that can turn in to the player you are looking for, if that makes sense. Probably cheating according to many, but hey, just don't use it in that case... :)

Yeah, all great stuff. Ideally in my mind, there would be a way we can export this data, even just a hideous "data-dump", then all we would need is a decent reporting/Analysis tool to link up to it....... oddly enough that is the profession I am working in currently ;)

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I've been trying to get a working sheet on excel before but my knowledge of the program seems to be way to limited, when i see jamez_b's approach :D

jamez_b could you maybe upload a clean layout sheet? then i could work on/with that. that way i hope maybe to even increase my excel skills ;)

because one of the things the FM14 misses for me is a way of tracking development, i really don't like the training window, maybe its because i am on a macbook but the development curve of each attribute is extremely small and i can't really see much, exept huge changes. there seem to be a few graphic issues on a mac anyway but thats a different point now.

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I use a Mac at work and can see it fine on the graph. You sure you are looking at the right thing? The one in the players profile? Player profile > development tab > training then where it says 'attributes' above the actual attributes change that to the graph and its perfectly visible as it replaces the attribute panel until you leave the profile page.

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so after a couple of days of hard work here is my spreadsheet, i did leave out the cwb and the sw position but for all other i did add a formular to see there strength for each role, these formulas are based on the in game important attributes for each role, if you want to add your players in there you need to leave out the L,M,N columns and of course every column after AX in oder for the formulas to work. i hope this can help a few of you, i did get a couple of better player ratings after adding my team and playing players at there "best" role.


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so after a couple of days of hard work here is my spreadsheet, i did leave out the cwb and the sw position but for all other i did add a formular to see there strength for each role, these formulas are based on the in game important attributes for each role, if you want to add your players in there you need to leave out the L,M,N columns and of course every column after AX in oder for the formulas to work. i hope this can help a few of you, i did get a couple of better player ratings after adding my team and playing players at there "best" role.


Looks good. Did you insert your players data manually or is there any possibility to insert data directly from FM?

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This a great idea. I actually installed the game on my work PC, just to be able to *check* things from time to time. Was a complete disaster. I have since uninstalled it.

Wow, great to see everyone is thinking the same as I am. I'll never install FM at work cause that would be the end of my professional career. I do however take a laptop with me at lunch sometimes where I have FM installed and "check" stuff. I never did a spreadsheet though but love the idea!

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Looks good. Did you insert your players data manually or is there any possibility to insert data directly from FM?

well thats the hustling part, i inserted all data manually. took a few minutes but as i said the results are pretty good. it also made my way of play much more fluid, because now i use players in different roles in my formation. for example exchange an BTB(s) for an CM(a) or a T(a) for a F9(s) or FB for WB, its just small changes but it does seem to disrupted the opposition because the players do preform a bit different do to the role. also its much more realistic in my opinion so i enjoy the game a bit more now :)

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First of all great job people this is excellent to come back to! Good discussions and great implementation.

Would it be possible to predict how they would develop if you gave them a certain role to train to or specific attribute, that way you could plan your players development and play around with how this may change their attributes.

For example, I have a young defender and I want to nurture him to become a beast of a center back. It would be nice to plug his training schedule plans into a player development forcaster and have an estimated increase in his attributes, so input tackling for 6 month and see how much he will increase in that stat, then forcast for 6 months with heading and see how those attributes would be affected, also the same idea if you gave a striker a F9 schedule then AF schedule as you want a well rounded striker that can play high or deep (but then again, I guess thats why they have a CF role right? haha)

I guess the program would need to know the variables of all the hidden attribute, ambition, proffesionalism etc

I hope yall get what I mean, and I hope it makes sense I am work at midnight here so a little out of it! hahaha

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No its impossible to forecast what attributes will ever become its impossible to guess or estimate. There have been some out there that claimed to work but they didn't and was just conning people to actually pay for the programme, so if you see anyone saying they have a programme for this then they are 100% lying.

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