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You know people say keepers are bad or bugged is it true?

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Ive been playing football manager since 2012 and obviously currently playing 2014 ive always thought keepers were not special though. Heres my example though in those games 2012-13-14 i have never had a goalkeeper in team of the week i dont even think ive had higher than 7.1 rating.

1. I was going to just post something pithy, but then you, (and others like you), will continue in the belief that you are not responsible in some way for what you are seeing.

Instead I am going to post some facts and figures.

This next bit will be my GK's average rating in recent seasons.

2033/34 7.27 avg over 50 games played.

2032/33 7.04 avg over 56 games played.

2031/32 7.13 avg over 60 games played.

2030/31 6.96 avg over 39 games played. (He was only 20yo this season and obviously still developing).

2029/30 7.01 avg over 25 games played. (He was only 19yo this season and obviously still developing and although he was owned b y me, I actually loaned him out so he was being managed by the AI).

2028/29 7.15 avg over 8 games played. (He was only 18yo this season and obviously still developing and was owned by someone else so managed by the AI.

So those are average ratings. I think you would agree that there must have been absolutely loads of individual match ratings at better than 7.01. Agreed?

If I can get a GK to average over 7.01 and the AI can get a GK to average over 7.01, then what are we doing that you aren't? Serious question.

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Ive been playing football manager since 2012 and obviously currently playing 2014 ive always thought keepers were not special though. Heres my example though in those games 2012-13-14 i have never had a goalkeeper in team of the week

My current GK has been received the following awards.

Serie A Team of Month.

Champions Cup Dream Team.

Serie A Team of Year.

Serie A GK of the Year.

Serie A Team of Month.

Serie A Team of Week.

Serie A team of Month.

Serie A team of Month.

Serie A team of Week.

Shortlisted for 2033 Golden Ball. (People have also claimed that this doesn't happen to defenders or GK's).

Serie A Team of Month.

Serie A Team of Week.

Serie A Team of Month.

Serie A Team of Week.

Serie A Team of Month.

Serie A Team of Week.

Serie A Team of Month.

Serie A Team of Week.

That's just from the last year.

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The only time ive seen a higher rating is if i holiday the match because it makes the keeper have more saves. .

Do you think that there is a reason for him making more saves, or do you think that it's just a complete coincidence or just random?

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If i look in my games now i will have in a really good game 20 shots 4 on target and 2 goals and the opponent has 4 shots 1 on target and 1 goal. The amount of times the game lets your players sky the ball or hit the side netting is crazy high. In the next fm i hope they somehow change it so players hit the target a little more but the keeper just saves it like its a bad shot its weird.

Ive had games where i had 7 shots 1 on target score 0 and my opponent has 3 shots 0 on target and scores 1 its so dumb. 1 shot on target in the whole game and it was me and they score the keeping well not the keeping the way the game is coded is really stupid in this regard to me i dont know if anyone else feels like this.

Conclusion i would prefer to have 15 shots 8 on target 0 goals than 21 shots 2 on target 0 goals and then i can be like wowwwww that keeper played so amazing i wish my guy was that good also i just think its cos players are made to hit the ball a lot ive had it on the left side close the net and its 3v2 and 2 guys in space on the right but 90% of the times smacks it into the side netting or 8% of the time actually passes it and 2% of the time scores himself.

You seem to think that the team who has the most shots should win the game? It doesn't take into account how good the players are who are taking these shots, doesn't consider where these shots were taken from or whether the shooter was under pressure from a defender while shooting or anything else. You are basically just saying. "More shots = should win game". I can't begin to explain to you how wide of the mark you are.

You seem to be complaining about a stuff that lots of people commonly complain about on here, but the reality is that you are doing so because you don't know why these things are happening or how to stop them from happening.

I keep telling myself not to respond to idiotic posts but I was unable to resist with you.

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Do you think that there is a reason for him making more saves, or do you think that it's just a complete coincidence or just random?

No what i mean is if you holiday a game it will be like 10 shots 9 on target and your keeper saves shots. If you play the game its 10 shots 2 on target and your keeper saves 0-2.

I mean ive played with the big teams won everything and ive had golden gloove keepers.

played with blackpool got to cl

currently playing with oxford city first season sitting 2nd.

Im not complaining that keepers are completely useless beings. im just saying that why in matches is shots on target always so low compared to shots. like they have 10 shots 4 on target 3 goals that means your keeper saved 1 because the rest was off target.

Doesnt matter anyways i guess as long as your winning.

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The only time ive seen a higher rating is if i holiday the match because it makes the keeper have more saves. If i look in my games now i will have in a really good game 20 shots 4 on target and 2 goals and the opponent has 4 shots 1 on target and 1 goal.


But honestly, do you really believe this?

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For me I think my keeper gets better ratings when my team plays worse. If we are overrun and my keeper has to make more saves then obviously he gets a higher rating. As I have a defensively very solid setup my keeper can often be left without much to do except take goal kicks for much of the game. This obviously doesn't make for a great rating as he hasn't done much to merit it. In either instance my team had the best defensive record in the league last season, despite my keeper only averaging about 6.8 - 6.9 for the season, so I would say it doesn't really matter.

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Im not complaining that keepers are completely useless beings. im just saying that why in matches is shots on target always so low compared to shots. like they have 10 shots 4 on target 3 goals that means your keeper saved 1 because the rest was off target.

If you're seeing more than twice as many shots than shots on target, then it's likely to be a tactical issue. If it's somewhere near 50/50 then you can safely assume that your tactical approach is balanced.

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The 2034 World Cup has just finished and my reserve GK, (who I don't even like), (actually I have just sold him to Valencia so he is no longer even mine), has just won GK of Tournament with an average of 7.22 over 6 games managed by the AI.

There are lots of really really really big clubs who have poorer GK's than him, (and I suspect that human managers pick GK's poorly too).

It turns out that I don't even know exactly what the definitions of GK attributes are, but I know what a good GK is and isn't. That puts me at least a couple of steps ahead of the AI for a start.

Most of my competition have a significantly poorer GK than this bloke, (who also happens to be a Model Pro), but did any of them come in for him when I was selling? No.


haha. Any the Reserve GK in the World Cup Dream Team is also my old Danish GK, (who I have also just sold). Again, it wasn't a big club that came in for him. The AI are absolutely pants at identifying what is and isn't a good GK. Loads of wasted attributes usually.

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I don't know about bugged, but it does seem that goalkeeper ratings a little off. I've had games where my opponent has had like two shots on target and scored yet my GK still gets a 7.0 rating or higher. I mean, no matter how good his passing was, there's no way he deserves a high rating if he lets a goal in when there was only two shots on target. I've found that goalkeepers only get a low rating (I consider 6.6 or under to be low) when they let in 3+ goals or they make a massive mistake like misplacing a pass to the opposition and it leads to them scoring.

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I'd be careful looking solely at ratings, to an extent. This being a computer program, how could they work other than by adding up numbers and statistics? For fun I put Messi, the lil' stick, in between Barca's sticks for a couple of weeks. His ratings sometimes didn't look too bad (not that they looked good, mind -- winning any awards was out of the question). However, fielding the team like that by accident could promptly prompt another "AI is better at finishing" threads. As, for all of Barca's dominance, the number of shots on target that went actually in was... well, pretty high-ish to say the least and cost games. The ratings overall likely weren't that low as he didn't have enough opportunity to make an ass out of himself due to so few SOT against. That said, some of his keeper behavior and movement would make your blood boil, so do this at your own risk.

btw: Very nice touch!


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