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Need some help playing against the big teams

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Hi all,

I'm playing as Inter in the first season, with the most recent update. I'm just looking for some advice as to how to set Inter up tactically against the big sides. I've been pretty well dominant in the league against the smaller teams so far (16 games in), however I've struggled a little against Juve, AC, Roma, Napoli. Here's some screen shots for some context;

Main Tactic

This is the main tactic I have used so far. I've gone with the traditional 3 at the back for Inter, with all my CBs performing pretty well as you can see. I've then gone with 2 WBs. My team philosophies and instructions can be seen in the image. The only player instructions I've got are for the WBs and they are: get further forward, cross more often, stay wider (+ maybe dribble more from memory).

**EDIT: I'm trying out CWBs for the Torino game, normally they're just WBs set to support.**


Results and League Table

I seem to be scoring for fun and not shipping too many at the back (only Juve have conceded more). Here's the table and my results so far for some context.





So what's your problem?

You may be looking at my results and wondering what my problem is, you may not be. I fear that my results have being going well because they should - I'm Inter Milan after all! By that I mean, I'm usually playing worse opposition so you could argue it doesn't really matter what my tactic is.

As you can see, when I've faced some of the bigger teams I haven't performed particularly well, or particularly badly to be fair. However, here's the match stats against Juve - we were woeful!

Juve match stats


I was playing with a similar set up to my main tactic, trying to sit deep but then build with low tempo, controlled possession. It failed miserably. I decided to switch it up for the AC game and went with the following tactic;

Possible new "Big Team" tactic


And this was the result;


So, can you guys help me out? You can't complain I haven't given you enough detail :p! Is it just my players aren't quite good enough to compete against the bigger teams? Are my tactics not quite up to scratch? In the AC game I was dominated for most of the game but only 1-0 down, I went with my main tactic for the last 20 minutes and nicked a goal and I think had one disallowed.

My goal is to compare more equably with the likes of Juve and AC, rather than constantly being on the back foot.

Cheers all.

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