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The World Cup is already a failure - say Brazilians


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"It's completely not ready," said Stanio Silva, a soccer fan attending the game. Only half the seating capacity was used, and only a quarter of the temporary bleachers were tested because they had yet to clear safety checks. The VIP areas were still under construction, too, Silva pointed out. And there won't be a roof for the field. The cost of the stadium? A whopping $450 million.
It may be a nice party, but the World Cup comes with a hefty price tag. This World Cup will be the most expensive ever staged. Even with all the money spent, there are still several stadiums that are unfinished. The infrastructure upgrades — roads, airports, bus and train lines — are in even worse shape: Less than half of what was promised will actually be delivered, and many of the projects are incomplete.

Add to that a series of strikes and protests, and it's no wonder the mood in Brazil is grim. A new poll by the Pew Research Center showed that more than 70 percent of people are dissatisfied with the direction the country is headed. Sixty percent now believe the World Cup will be bad for Brazil.

"It's not a World Cup for the people, for the regular Brazilians who are crazy about football, who love the Brazilian team," Alcadipani said. "What FIFA has made — especially with those arenas, which are very expensive to maintain — is to create in Brazil a kind of apartheid football, where the blacks will be playing and the whites will be watching it, because the blacks and the poor people cannot access these stadiums anymore."

The World Cup was a dream, he says, that has become a nightmare for many Brazilians.


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