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Woodwork obsession

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So I was really frustrated during my first season with how often I hit the woodwork, so throughout my second season I monitored how often I hit the woodwork. In total, I scored 86 goals and hit the woodwork 101 times, which is frankly quite ridiculous. I remember in one memorable game, Lewandowski was desperate to end his goal drought and ended up heading onto the crossbar twice in a minute from quite literally 1-2m away from the goal with the goalkeeper already beaten.

I'm dropping many points because I'm hitting the woodwork in the last few minutes of the game, or even pretty much throughout the entire game. Sometimes although I hit the post 3-5 times in a game I still win by a large margin which is good, but it's still so frustrating! How could I hit the woodwork more often than I actually score?

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I suppose it would improve if you don't have nervous or complacent strikers. Keep them in a state of eternal bliss. Or you can change your tactics so that you have multiple sources of goals, so that you are not depending on that one striker to hit the net every game, because everyone have bad days occasionally.

Can I ask how many goals your goalscorers are getting? I usually get quite a few woodwork hits too, but it's usually in games where I'm hitting 30+ shots, winning with 4 or more goals and quite frequently because crosses are bouncing of the crossbar.

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Lewandowski was desperate to end his goal drought and ended up heading onto the crossbar twice in a minute from quite literally 1-2m away from the goal with the goalkeeper already beaten.

Ivica Olic did this in real life earlier this season.

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