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Spanish B teams - Why won't they accept transfers for my players?

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So all my bad youth graduates, I transfer list and stick in my B team. I was wondering why there were no takers, only to look closely and realize the "Mallorca Hierarchy" is "taking care" of the transfer by rejecting it!!! This player is transfer listed and the bid is reasonable and it's really making me mad that they won't accept the offer.

I always disliked the Spanish B team system when there are better systems for reserve teams. If the B team won't even accept transfers for transfer listed players, what is the point of even utilizing the B team!?!?!

Case in point, my B team doesn't even have a head coach. The guy was fired years ago but apparently the board doesn't care about filling the position and I don't have any power over my B teams staff.

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You actually don't have control over selling/loaning players when they are in the B team, it's a separate club you can stuff players into and they will choose what to do with them. If you look a little closer, you will notice they set transfair/team status on their own.

Solution 1: Don't use the B team for players you're trying to sell, add them to the unwanted list in the main club instead.

Solution 2: Make a B club manager and you will get total control over B activities.

Edit: Oh and the reason they don't hire personal is because you're stuffing the high wage guys into the team breaking their finances so they don't have any free spending money for personnel. A B team ENTIRE wage budget is less than what one of your first team players is paid most likely.

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You actually don't have control over selling/loaning players when they are in the B team, it's a separate club you can stuff players into and they will choose what to do with them. If you look a little closer, you will notice they set transfair/team status on their own.

Solution 1: Don't use the B team for players you're trying to sell, add them to the unwanted list in the main club instead.

Solution 2: Make a B club manager and you will get total control over B activities.

Edit: Oh and the reason they don't hire personal is because you're stuffing the high wage guys into the team breaking their finances so they don't have any free spending money for personnel. A B team ENTIRE wage budget is less than what one of your first team players is paid most likely.

All you've said is simply not true. Yes, spanish B teams can hire players on they own, but such a player becomes part of the whole club structure meaning you are able to swap him between B/C/first team. If you don't leave the transfers for B/C teams' manager(don't remeber where you can do that in game), you will be responsible for all transfers in the club, but if you do so, it won't help, cuz there is a bug related to the spanish B teams' managers' responsible for transfers, which I've reported few months ago. As far as I know, SI has been looking into it ever since.

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Uhm, everything I said is true due to the way B teams is broken at the moment.

The BUG is that it's supposed to be an integrated club in the mother club, but it isn't, so it still has separate wages and management decisions.

Make a shadow manager and make him be your B team manager and you will see the finances for the B club, every time I use my main manager to add a player to the B club, the B club wage budget goes haywire because it has a very small SEPARATE wage budget from the main club.

Say you manage Barca and move Messi to the B club, now the B club think it has to pay Messi insane wage, even while the mother club pays it. This will make the club set it's transfair budget to zero to maximize the wage budget, but it will still think it's short XXX to pay the wage, so the manager can't hire.

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  • 4 years later...

'stuff>responsibilities' thats where you will find this but I think u forgot to do 1 thing before  starting the game, most of the B teams are in 'second division B' league its not second div, which u forgot to add u probably added just the second div so u cant control those players, because by default every single responsibility is set to go by u, so create a new save and add the 'second div b' and u ll hv it, but still its buggy, whenever u try to promote or demote any player to b team its transfer status is always set to 'backup' u then manually have to set their transfer status back to oiginal one.... 

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