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My suggestion for the next fm: Personal life

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I would like to see personal life like they have in fifa manager. the reason i want this is that i like football manager better and really like the personal add that fifa manager adds. I think football manager is the best in the end but it would be cool to have a personal life.

What would be cool in the system would be:

If you get a son/dauhgter with your girlfriend/wife you can start being a manager as him when you retire

buy houses and other stuff (also like fifa manager)

Talk with your players about how their family is doing. (if they have a personal problem they come to you to talk about it)

same sex relationship

Feel free to suggest other stuff to it :)

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Whilst I think it's a very unlikely suggestion (that's simply not the game FM is), I would recommend you post your ideas in the Official Wishlist thread, where they will get more attention:


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The lightbulb is in no way justified.


For the record, the only part I even vaguely agree with is the son idea, but you can already do this by just adding a new manager with the same surname. Needless to say, the rest sounds like cringeworthy FIFA style nonsense.

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I've said before that there is a market for a game which operates in this sort of way, as there is for a game in which you're a chairman controlling every little thing, which is why these suggestions do keep cropping up. The thing is, FM isn't, and has never been that game. It hasn't built its fanbase from taking that approach, and doing so would be a serious shift in emphasis from what the game has always been about. They're not bad ideas, but they're not FM ideas.

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I think FM is about beeing a manager, about the time a person spends at business, not about beeing a person as a whole.

Mourinho buys a new house? Klopp switches form playing tennis to golf? Your local teams manager buys a new car? Is it really of interest? Does the team play better football, gains more money or attract better players? I dont think so.

As someone said, FM doesn't want to be "Sims: Let's kick it!", and it dont need to be. The social part of the manager takes time from the developing-team, time that is better spent in the core elements of FM.

That's my point of view

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I'm with the majority here too,one of the many reasons FM is always light years ahead of FIFA is because of these dumb ideas that FIFA bring into their games.

It's called football manager for a reason,we are football managers and not personal life managers.

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Oh dear. Every few months, one of these crops up. Dreadful idea. T'is a football management sim, and I'd hope it'll be kept that way.

Thankfully I don't believe this sort of thing has *ever* been on the devs 'for future versions' list :)

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