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Just back with FM 14, a few questions

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Okay, these have probably already been covered but I've not been able to find the answers

A few quick questions you guys can probably answer pretty easily

1) Has Time Wasting been removed? I assume not but how do we implement it now?

2) No Pass to Feet option in the Shouts anymore? I take it it's the TC's default now?

3) How do we ask Strikers to swap position? I see I can for wide men but can't see the option for strikers

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1. It is tied to Mentality still (less time wasting in more attacking Mentalities) and is available to be tweaked as a Team Instruction for certain Mentalities

2. It is tied to passing style. So if as a team you play shorter, you are more inclined to pass to feet (or indeed if you instruct individual players to pass shorter). A longer passing style will more typically play higher pass. As with all FM settings, it is not an on/off switch, just an increased tendency to pass that way

3. You can't. Wide midfielders only. Strikers will still naturally swap position occasionally during games anyway, as they always did

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