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Balance VS Transfer Funds

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OK, i've got a question that has been bugging me for a long time...I managed to make my club very rich, i've had bank balance about 150M, wages 900k/1.8M and transfer budget of 370M. However, due to high wages costs and all that (Even if it's still well under the budget) and me not selling enough in the last couple of seasons, i've managed to get my balance to -30M. Now, how is it possible that i've gone to negative balance while on the other side i have almost 400M euros that i cannot possibly ever spend. And when i sell a player, allmost all funds go to the transfer budget anyway, while balance keeps dropping every month. So i've gone to the ridiculous position of having debt problem on one side and ridiculous unspendable amounts of money on the other. It gets more absurd - because of my 30M debt, chairman have took all of my 370M and reduced wages to 1.1M! So from unspendable budget that i've was making over the years, i've gone to nothing. The money is gone, the balance is unchanged.

Why did he took all my money, and why the balance hasn't been restored? I just don't understand how it works...

Any advice?

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Your transfer budget IS NOT a separate pot of money.

You have ONE bank account that all your money goes into and all your money goes out from.

The transfer budget is simply a figure for how much the board will allow you to spend on transfers, when you actually buy a player the money comes from your bank account.

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So they allowed me to spend 370M, even though i don't have it? Damn...I've been paying big money for players, assured by my big budget...How silly of me...But how silly of them to give me that much budget! I can't believe that i got from extremely rich to debt in couple of seasons...I thought i will be safe as long as my wages are under the limit...

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So they allowed me to spend 370M, even though i don't have it? Damn...I've been paying big money for players, assured by my big budget...How silly of me...But how silly of them to give me that much budget! I can't believe that i got from extremely rich to debt in couple of seasons...I thought i will be safe as long as my wages are under the limit...

Pretty much.

Depending on the chairman's attributes some will be tight with money while others will allow you to overspend.

Its also worth noting though that some tycoon chairmen will let you overspend because they have more personal funds to invest in the club when your bank balance gets low.

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So they allowed me to spend 370M, even though i don't have it? Damn...I've been paying big money for players, assured by my big budget...How silly of me...But how silly of them to give me that much budget! I can't believe that i got from extremely rich to debt in couple of seasons...I thought i will be safe as long as my wages are under the limit...

You're the manager, funds and money isn't your job. I use the funds I am given when I need to but I don't worry about the balances, that is the chairmans job.

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You're the manager, funds and money isn't your job. I use the funds I am given when I need to but I don't worry about the balances, that is the chairmans job.

Thats a narrow minded attitude to have tbh.

If you spend all the funds and the board have overestimated your budget your the one that will pay the price as you'll have no money to buy players and a much more limited wage budget in the future.

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Thats a narrow minded attitude to have tbh.

If you spend all the funds and the board have overestimated your budget your the one that will pay the price as you'll have no money to buy players and a much more limited wage budget in the future.

Actually it's my way of not worrying about it. This is not a financial manager, though as manager you can control your own fate. Notice I said I use the funds when I NEED TO, which means I am not foolish about it but it is also not my concern when I see a great player and I CAN buy him because the funds are available. The thing is, this approach is less narrow minded and something that you might find will help you stress less in he future. Try to keep in mind, money is not your job, getting wins is yoru job and you should use what is available to you when a good oppostunity presents itself. Nothing narrow minded about it, why the hell would anyone spend all of their transfer budget just because it is there? That is just plain stupid. My point is, the job of a football manager is not to worry about money and if you impliment that into your game and just work with what you have at any given time it will work itself out in the end. I have had the same things happen as the OP, so I work with what I have and what I don't, that is the nature of it, all one can do is focus on the players they have. It is far from narrow minded, I just didn't feel the need to type out a long draw explination.

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Well, in order to do my job and keep on winning, i've got to have steady wage and transfer budget. Why would i just let the club fall into debt and decline in stature when i can easily make it profitable again? I already cleared the debt, it wasn't a problem. And since the debt, wages i can offer to players have significantly declined, meaning i cannot sign big names, either due to high transfer costs or to high wages requierments. And to me, high wages budget is far more important than transfer budget - you can always sign player on free transfer, but if you cannot afford big wages you will hardly be able to sign big stars. So to me it was an imperative to get the club on its feet again - i couldn't wait for the board to magically clear the debt - and i don't believe they ever would.

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