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The Mr Moneybags - Challenge

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We have all at some point or another wondered what the point in earning all this money as a manager is when you have got no where to use and nothing to do with it!

So to try and solve this - I present the Mr Moneybags challenge, with the very simple goal to make as much money for the manager as you possibly can!!

This challenge is three fold;

1. To make the most money possible.

2. To make the highest weekly wage.

3. To have the highest value contract. ( Weekly wage x weeks in job).

Any takers for the richest one going?

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, it would be good challenge if you were not allowed to start with top teams. Better yet, if you could only start after a year with previously non-playable team (same as other popular challenges). Then it may attract some interest.

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