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FMC: I am ready to accept it

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When I first started playing FMC, it felt like something was missing. Maybe it even felt like a lot of things were missing? It was strange and new but as time went on, I started to really find it to be a decent experience. I thought to myself, "I will play a few seasons on this while I wait for the next patch to come out" and then 14.1.4 came, I loaded a full game and found it to be, well, too much. I started to remember the things I thought I missed in the "full" game, only to find I didn't miss them at all anymore, they were more minor annoyances now. Truly if the goal of FMC is to streamline the full game then the goal is being achieved marvelously. I couldn't be bothered anymore to go to a player, set his individual training to play a new position and wait for it to become decent when in FMC I can just play him there until he gets it. I don't miss setting up training or having to make changes every few minutes in a game to counter the oppositions changes like some chess match. I do still feel like some things are missing in FMC, but they are things to suggest to add for future versions, not things that are missing because I miss them from the "full" game, what's so full about it anyway? I don't miss long, repetitive and tedious press conferences, do you? I once fancied myself a micromanaging fanatic and could never have fathomed enjoying a more streamlined version of this game.

I hope to start a good conversation with players who are in the closet about being converted to FMC. I realize there is some misconception that this version of the game is like the baby version, meant for amateur players... I could go on, but I find these stereotypes to be very wrong. The need for tactics is just as evident in this version, it is just faster, the ME is the same. My game I wanted to play for just a little while is now about to reach its 20th season, something I have never done in the full version.

What do you think you miss from the full version? What were your initial thoughts on FMC and what are they now that you have played it more?

I am honestly at the point where I will likely never go back to the full version, especially if FMC continues to get better in the future and I hope players will get involved in making it better! I know we should get together sometime and make a manual for it or at the very least, have enough people posting that this forum is dug out of sub category obscurity. I think FMC should have its own tactics sub forum.

I am ready to accept that FMC is the version of the game I will most likely play from now on. I even tried a skin for the full version that allows you to have Instant Results and you know what? It's still not the same! What is it about FMC that once you play it, it grows on you? Maybe we will even hear from some people who played it a lot and felt the opposite? I am very curious to hear more. My little FM clique is at 15 people now and it is kind of amusing but 10 of us now play FMC exclusively. I started this trend here and maybe we can spread it further?

Let's discuss.

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I am in the same boat as you. I have been playing FMC, then FM full, then FMC, then FM full, and so forth. I keep coming back to FMC. In 2013 it was not as worked out as it is now in 2014. I keep going back to FM full to have more analysis tools, be able to scout more and train in more detail, to be able to tutor players, but then in the end I don't use the tools afterall and I keep going back to FMC.

It just feels simple. Even though I watch the match almost in full each time in FMC as well, I still go through the seasons more quickly. I don't have to bother with training or the press conferences. It saves a lot of time and clicking. I look at the opposition and my team and have the freedom to adjust if I want to. Or, if the tactic is clicking, I just keep it and keep flying through the fixtures.

What do I miss? For me personally, I really like to start without transfer budgets. I like the teams in the first season to be the same as the real start of the season. Sometimes, you feel like influencing a player a bit (a specific attribute).

There are improvements that can be made but it is very enjoyable.

And for those who think this is the easy version, I don't think it is. The match engine is the same, tactics apply the same. If at all, it might be harder because you have less control of development and you cannot influence morale through player talks. You really focus purely on tactics and transfers and once you try it, it really feels just enjoyable - which also has to do with the nice, clean, and friendly layout.

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I've read some posts on other forums by the more hardcore, full-version crowd, where they look down on FMC, like it's some diet version for the annoying casual gamers crowd. I wouldn't give a flying toss if anyone made such comments at me, that I was some baby who couldn't handle the full version man's game. Play whichever version suits you, that's all it comes down to in the end. I applaud SI for creating Classic, as some players had lost FM due to the rising level of commitment the game needed, which was beginning to become overwhelming for some, due to several reasons. As far as some who say it's easier, let them sit in front of an FMC game and watch their team playing well below expectations, and then realise they can only fix it with tactics, not by some well chosen, or luckily chosen team talk at half time. A good way to look at it, is us FMC'ers can actually have a life outside the game :p

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i made a break from the FM-series.

The last one i played was FM2010, but i could not get addicted like in previous versions.

The best series were CM 00/01 and 01/02. I was satisfied with text comments, 2D engine was ok, but i could not get used to the 3D engine. Now i like the 3D engine, but its not a must.

I have to work >40h a week and i want to play more seasons than just 3-5 of a FM-Version.

Therefore i am very happy, that the classic mode is introduced.

The good old champman feeling is back :-)



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Just tried FMC for the first time and I think it might be the future for me.

Was struggling to get into a save on the FM14 full game. I'd invest so much time setting everything up in the preseason, then get into the season and my tactics aren't working how I envisioned, so it's either change them up and lose precious tactical familiarity, or start over back at square one. It got to where I just wanted to get back to playing games and getting a feel for the ME without worrying about all the other stuff, so I gave FMC a shot and it's exactly what I needed.

There's a few things I miss, particularly in player development - individual training, tutoring, PPMs. Maybe that will become an issue as I get into a long-term save, and I'll go back to the full game. But I certainly don't miss press conferences, team talks, staff hiring, or tactical familiarity.

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There's a few things I miss, particularly in player development - individual training, tutoring, PPMs. Maybe that will become an issue as I get into a long-term save, and I'll go back to the full game. But I certainly don't miss press conferences, team talks, staff hiring, or tactical familiarity.

I missed this stuff too for a while but the rest of the game makes up for it. I still hope more control is added to the future versions of FMC for this stuff but for now, FMC is a terrific way to get away from all the other hassle. Individual training is different, you put a player in say FB position, he will start training all relevant stats for that position. Tutoring would be cool too and really, we ALL scream to have control over the PPM's lol but these small things you will find aren't as big a miss as you first thought once you really get into FMC, I promise! :) I hope you have a great career in your current FMC save!

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Just tried FMC for the first time and I think it might be the future for me.

Was struggling to get into a save on the FM14 full game. I'd invest so much time setting everything up in the preseason, then get into the season and my tactics aren't working how I envisioned, so it's either change them up and lose precious tactical familiarity, or start over back at square one. It got to where I just wanted to get back to playing games and getting a feel for the ME without worrying about all the other stuff, so I gave FMC a shot and it's exactly what I needed.

There's a few things I miss, particularly in player development - individual training, tutoring, PPMs. Maybe that will become an issue as I get into a long-term save, and I'll go back to the full game. But I certainly don't miss press conferences, team talks, staff hiring, or tactical familiarity.


I agree with you. There are also a few things I'd like to be addded which won't harm:

- Tactical analysis tab

- saved game editor with a mass edit feature, so I can nerf all these silly Newgens.

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Yes, it might become my main choice for the future as well: what I miss the most?

- Tactical Analysis tab;

- A bit more control on individual training (but simplified compared to the full version);

- Team Talks before/during/after a match (with the option of leaving them to the Assistant Manager).

That's it, really.

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If I could load expanded databases in FMC (lower leagues/custom leagues), I would play it more. I do like the removal of the 3 nations limit, but I'm still a flipper between FMC and full FM. So, I'm not ready to come out of the FMC closet because I still openly go both ways...er, wait a minute, that's not what I meant to say. :o

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If I could load expanded databases in FMC (lower leagues/custom leagues), I would play it more. I do like the removal of the 3 nations limit, but I'm still a flipper between FMC and full FM. So, I'm not ready to come out of the FMC closet because I still openly go both ways...er, wait a minute, that's not what I meant to say. :o

Yes it is.

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I haven't tried FMC yet, though from what I can tell it's basicly set up so the game is like it used to be about 6 or 7 (maybe even 10!) years ago before they started adding all the endless fluff. I should probably give it a go, because alot of the stuff that's been added in over the years is really annoying (press confrences, individual 'chats' etc).

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I haven't tried FMC yet, though from what I can tell it's basicly set up so the game is like it used to be about 6 or 7 (maybe even 10!) years ago before they started adding all the endless fluff. I should probably give it a go, because alot of the stuff that's been added in over the years is really annoying (press confrences, individual 'chats' etc).

This is fairly accurate, though it is obviously more modern than even then but it does remove things that are useless and pointless to actually playing the game (opinions!) like press and such, but not completely! There is still a very minimal amount of it, like one question from time to time, which is WAY more fun and acceptable. Please come back and share one way or the other your experience with it!

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I first got into management games back in the mid-late 90s, they always seemed pretty straight forward and I liked that. The older I got the more complex the games became, which I didn't mind for a time, but the older I got the less time I had to commit to them.

I've not played an FM game since 2010, and back then I just couldn't get into it - I tried so hard but there were just far too many elements to consider. I'd put in 3-4 hours on it and not even reach my first pre-season game. There was a time I would have embraced the idea of this level of control, but with work and family commitments outside of playing the game there was never a chance for any momentum and enjoyment really, which is sad because as I'm sure you can all relate to, once you get the FM bug it's hard to resist...

Personally, I disliked the team talks, press conferences, training set ups etc and resented doing them. It slowly ate away at my desire to play the game and I eventually packed it all in.

Fast forward to now and I've had FM 2014 just over a week. I'd read only a bit about classic mode and was really interested to give it a try. So glad I did. It's given me the desire to play again and seems to contain all the elements I enjoyed before, and none of those I didn't. I've whizzed through a (highly successful) first season and am still learning little things about the game.

For me, personally, I think FMC is completely ideal for those who simply don't have the time to get involved in a full game. It's perfect for my needs with working 38 hours a week and a family to look after. A couple of hours every other night and a bit extra on a weekend is brilliant. It's a fantastic game.

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