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Ronaldo to Barca

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Wanted to try them both in the same team, Ronaldo, Messi.

I did a little "cheat" or whatever u called it by adding a 2nd manager.

I put Ronaldo in the U19 team, made his morale worst possible.

I showed my intrest as barca manager for ronaldo, and accepted a 1mil bid.

After 10 tries he still wont sign.

Ronaldo, in the U19 team, morale worst possible, still wont sign for barca.

Now my FM is not in english. So how do I "praise" a player?

Ive only done something that would be translated as "show intrest for player"

and got media into it.

I want to make this happen in the 1st season.

Is this possible?

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And that helps me sign him to barca.. how long time?

Also no offers on him even when offered for 0... xD

Think I need to try again.

Also the moral is supposed to be low right?

And is it good i show my intrest? cause when I did ronaldo said he wouldnt want to play for barca

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