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Football Manager 14 Feedback Thread - 14.1.4

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Yeah this is with catenaccio. My fans must be so torn between loving and hating me. I'm getting results but they're all smash and grab.

Nice work, results and trophy's over style and all that guff anyday ( im a chelsea fan :) )

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Not "on holiday", using Instant Result in FMC mode actually (you know that thing SI have been heavily promoting, and a feature Miles waxed lyrical about in the pre release vids). Also an issue SI claimed to have fixed 2 updates ago (but it wasn't fixed). As a moderator maybe you should not make assumptions about how people play the game. To be fair, and the point you probably attemped to make, my way of playing the game, is a minority way - I know and do appreciate that but it still stinks in my opinion.

This is a feedback thread. I can understand your frustration on an issue which is important to you, but please don't take it out on our moderating or development team. To suggest it's 'pathetic' and 'stinks' is unacceptable.

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Big positive difference to the ME! :applause:

I won 6-1 at home against Shaktar in my first post-patch match and that have me worried a bit. I pLay a relatively small team (Brøndby, Denmark) and hope that's a fluke, I wouldn't want the game to easy. I will play a handful or so games and come back with a more proper evaluation.

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This is a feedback thread. I can understand your frustration on an issue which is important to you, but please don't take it out on our moderating or development team. To suggest it's 'pathetic' and 'stinks' is unacceptable.

OK I apologise for the use of those two words, and I didn't take anything out on a Moderator I just pointed out that he made an incorrect assumption - which he did. My feedback is still that I think this particular bug is being overlooked in favour of bugs that get shouted about more. I am now assuming, assuming that this bug is a relatively less complex issue that the ME problems that have been worked over for the last few weeks. If I am missing a basic point there I apologise again. Was annoyed to see 6, 5 and 4 goals flying in all over the place too but I can live with those in a save game that has been updated several times - I guess that is just the way it goes.

Now, trying to be positive, I genuinely am pleased that the feedback generally seems positive but I would respectfully suggest that the coding time that went into creating the Match Plans wizard was a total waste of time as in this mode the Ass Man is incapable of making substitutions.

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Other than me, who can't open the editor after the new patch? (not sure if they are related though)

Comes up with this error message: "Failed to find language data, could not select language"

Anyone else than me who experience this? I would like to know if I am the only one who have this problem, or if it has anything to do with the new patch..

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Maybe you should be more clear when talking about the issues you're experiencing, then.

I often play the game by holidaying through matches, I don't see why that would be considered a bad thing.

Actually I have detailed the exact nature of this issue more than once, I just don't copy & paste all those old details into every new post, and as this is a new thread maybe I should have done - point taken. For what it is worth I never knock any way of playing the game, everyone should play it their way and be free to do so uncriticised.

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So far the ME is looking very much improved, nice work!

Are you guys noticing players asking for even more ridiculous renewals now though? It may very well be an isolated case of an insane agent, but I had saved a game before the update where one of my players was being a bit greedy, and after the update he's being even more greedy :lol: :

Current contract: First-team player, 4.300€ p/m, 3.300€ loyalty bonus, 400€ appearance fee, 100€ goal bonus, 300€ unused sub fee;

Pre-update demands: First-team player, 14.750€ p/m, 14.250€ loyalty bonus, 675€ appearance fee, 350€ goal bonus, 170€ unused sub fee, 25.500€ agent fee;

Post-update demands: Key player, 31.000€ p/m, 38.500€ loyalty bonus, 1.400€ appearance fee, 725€ goal bonus, 350€ unused sub fee, 54.000€ agent fee.

My side is a low-tier club in Portugal's Premier League (so not Lower League but not a top club either), the highest earner at the moment is at 18.250€ p/m :)

If you guys notice similar things, I'll go ahead and report it as a bug.

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Hey guys thats an amazing amount of fixes and I thank you....What about tutoring frequency didnt see it listed?

Along with this..IMO the ratings have actually decreased. I have played 5 games and with "good" results and by good I mean I won and with great possession and passing. The ratings were still low for anyone who didnt score or assist. I still cant understand how a midfielder who has a 90% passing comp and a high majority of tackles won gets a 6.7. Thats my opinion I would love it to be explained for maybe i'm missing something.

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Along with this..IMO the ratings have actually decreased. I have played 5 games and with "good" results and by good I mean I won and with great possession and passing. The ratings were still low for anyone who didnt score or assist. I still cant understand how a midfielder who has a 90% passing comp and a high majority of tackles won gets a 6.7. Thats my opinion I would love it to be explained for maybe i'm missing something.

They haven't decreased, the something you're missing is to play a whole season (or at least half) before making any conclusions :)

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I have a transfer listed player that has just attracted a loan bid from a lower league club. As they offered to pay just 20% of his wages I rejected it outright, telling them the offer wasn't good enough. I believe the wages saved there would be so negligible that I would be better off having him continue turning out for my reserves and offering cover for my first team.

The player comes to me the next day and says he would like to know my reasons for rejecting the loan bid from Leyton Orient. Fair enough, he's wanted to leave for a while. But the only two options I had to reply to him were "I don't think you'd get enough first team football at Leyton Orient" (not true, he's a good Championship player and they offered key player as squad status) or "I don't think a loan to Leyton Orient would be the right move for you". Obviously neither of these are true in my case, surely I should have the option to tell the player that the offer we received for him wasn't good enough? I want to be able to tell him that accepting such an offer would not be in the club's best interests, yet neither of the just 2 options presented to me were relevant to me in this situation.

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I have a transfer listed player that has just attracted a loan bid from a lower league club. As they offered to pay just 20% of his wages I rejected it outright, telling them the offer wasn't good enough. I believe the wages saved there would be so negligible that I would be better off having him continue turning out for my reserves and offering cover for my first team.

The player comes to me the next day and says he would like to know my reasons for rejecting the loan bid from Leyton Orient. Fair enough, he's wanted to leave for a while. But the only two options I had to reply to him were "I don't think you'd get enough first team football at Leyton Orient" (not true, he's a good Championship player and they offered key player as squad status) or "I don't think a loan to Leyton Orient would be the right move for you". Obviously neither of these are true in my case, surely I should have the option to tell the player that the offer we received for him wasn't good enough? I want to be able to tell him that accepting such an offer would not be in the club's best interests, yet neither of the just 2 options presented to me were relevant to me in this situation.

I agree, please post this in the bugs forum.

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A question: how can we see what players have personal conflicts with one another?

I can, of course, see it in the very nifty new ambassadorial duties section in the conversations with captain/vice-captain, but is there a way to see it without talking to the captain or vice-captain? Nothing is showing up on the players' with interpersonal difficulties information screens.

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Some decent improvements to defending overall. Really really disappointed fullbacks still are unfamiliar with the concept of being goal side of their opposing winger.

Even set to specific marking they are just letting wingers walk past them.

If you could produce some specific examples for the bugs forum it would be appreciated.

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Err, just saw the ball go into the goal, hit the back of the net, bounce out into the goalie's arms and apparently, it hit the post. O.O

Remember - this is a feedback thread.

Examples of bugged instances still need to be logged in the Bugs Forum and supported with .pkm files.



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Remember - this is a feedback thread.

Examples of bugged instances still need to be logged in the Bugs Forum and supported with .pkm files.



I replayed it after the match - in the interest of doing just this - and it correctly bounced off the post when I watched the replay. Still report or no?

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The ME looks a lot better but my issue with patches (and with this game) is that now my team cannot score despite dominating. I have not changed anything at all so I am putting it down to the ME changes. The problem I mentioned with the game which compounds this issue, is that the game does a bad job of letting you analyze why your team is playing the way it does. I don't have time to watch the entire match all the time - this is a game - so I think the next game needs a much better way for us to analyze matches without the answer being to watch the entire game all of the time.

Quick example - since the patch, 6 games. Total domination, 5x the shots compares to the opponent, many non-long shot chances. Total number of goals scored 5. Before the patch, the dominating stats I am seeing now would produce 3-0 results. So now it is less than 1 goal per game, fine but I have no way of knowing why. Everything seems exactly the same, I am just not scoring. Bad run of form for my strikers? Maybe I guess but I have a feeling I need to go back down the road of trial and error to find the tact that works...

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The ME looks a lot better but my issue with patches (and with this game) is that now my team cannot score despite dominating. I have not changed anything at all so I am putting it down to the ME changes. The problem I mentioned with the game which compounds this issue, is that the game does a bad job of letting you analyze why your team is playing the way it does. I don't have time to watch the entire match all the time - this is a game - so I think the next game needs a much better way for us to analyze matches without the answer being to watch the entire game all of the time.

Quick example - since the patch, 6 games. Total domination, 5x the shots compares to the opponent, many non-long shot chances. Total number of goals scored 5. Before the patch, the dominating stats I am seeing now would produce 3-0 results. So now it is less than 1 goal per game, fine but I have no way of knowing why. Everything seems exactly the same, I am just not scoring. Bad run of form for my strikers? Maybe I guess but I have a feeling I need to go back down the road of trial and error to find the tact that works...

Post about this in the tactics forum and see what analysis people can come up with in there.

This patch has shored up the defense massively, it's no surprise that certain tactics will be less effective.

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Also, after a few matches, my thoughts:

1. Processing on match-day and otherwise is quicker, somehow. I don't know how, but... Nice.

2. Waaaay less shots and waaaaay more ball retention, including some passing inside the opposing penalty area instead of blasting the ball into orbit pointlessly. Much more in line with my tactical setup. Huzzah!

3. Ratings seem better, although a little lower for my fullbacks. Probably this is because they were tweaked prior to the update and need re-tweaking in terms of instructions.

4. My centrebacks pressed WAY too much. Previously with both set to close down, what would happen is one would press and the other would cover, but now both charge willy-nilly after the player with the ball. Fixed it with instructions, so no problem, but an interesting change.

5. I actually saw a couple of near-post crosses to my 5'5" striker of speedy doom, which is fantastic. Previously they were refusing to cross to him at all.

6. Match graphics are a little jerkier than they were.


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I replayed it after the match - in the interest of doing just this - and it correctly bounced off the post when I watched the replay. Still report or no?

I would. Better to log something that you feel was wrong and have it "in the system", than just leave it as a bit of feedback in here.

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Could anyone confirm for me if the 'fullback getting low ratings'-bug has been fixed? I don't see it anywhere in the fixlist and it's the first bug in my FM-history that bugged (haha..) me. Thanks in advance.

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Played 4 games since updating to the 14.1.4 patch (using the same tactics as before), so I can only generally say that it looks better.

One thing that has caught my attention though is the 3 red cards I have received in those 4 games (playing as Arsenal in 2021).

Two of the red cards were for two footed lunges in unthreatening positions and the other was 2 yellow cards for talking back to the referee.

The thing is that there were quite a few other 2 footed lunges which went unpunished. I couldn't/can't tell the difference between them.

I think I'll wait a bit to see if there is a trend, before posting in the bugs forum.

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"- Allowed overage players to feature in Swedish Reserve league"

Finally! Thanks.

I see that the rare issue with the lowest division in Sweden expanding with one team/a year is not yet fixed. I understand that this issue is a hard one. I'm just wondering if a cause has been found yet? Is it totally random or is it something that we as players do (or don't do) that causes this bug?

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My experience with new patch:

- Still lots of shots on goal (not necessarily on a target)

- Before patch ~1/15 of shots was either a CCC or Half Chance. Now it's more like 50% of shots. Quite a change.

- Better movement of ball makes a better viewing experience. More interesting to watch the games.

- My favourite: Better keeper involvement (passes back to keeper when player under pressure and keeper passes to backs)

- This ME is starting to look really good.

All in all (and as always) these 'big(ger)' patches makes for a better gaming experience :applause::)

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Well I have played a few games, I am maybe not in the best position to give feedback as I am currently tinkering with a new formation but here goes anyway.

I am really enjoying it, I see my team and unfortunately the opposing side having some great build up play and passes, strikers look a lot better, I have seen my striker and shadow striker (yes Ackter I have 1 of those now :p ) scoring some smashing goals.

I love how frustrating the ME is, yes you read right "love how frustrating the ME is".

Playing against the second from bottom team (I am in 4th) I have at half-time 79% of the ball, I have done squat with it, only 3 shots at goal, they have set up camp and I can't break them down, I changed a couple of things at half time and a couple of other things during the second half but to no avail, it ended 0-0 and I will be the first to say "it was my tactics" they were simply better setup than I was, the next game using the same tactics I beat Bayern Munich 4-0, yeah take that!

A narrow 2-1 loss to Real Madrid followed and then a 3-2 loss to the team just below me in the league.

That last game was a kick in the teeth, while the game was very even 2 of my CCC's hit the bar and another one from range also hit the bar, they scored 2 goals from 25 yards, like I said a kick in the teeth but those are the breaks.

Anyway the ME is looking very good, now if you don't mind I have a tactic to perfect! :)

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I have a transfer listed player that has just attracted a loan bid from a lower league club. As they offered to pay just 20% of his wages I rejected it outright, telling them the offer wasn't good enough. I believe the wages saved there would be so negligible that I would be better off having him continue turning out for my reserves and offering cover for my first team.

The player comes to me the next day and says he would like to know my reasons for rejecting the loan bid from Leyton Orient. Fair enough, he's wanted to leave for a while. But the only two options I had to reply to him were "I don't think you'd get enough first team football at Leyton Orient" (not true, he's a good Championship player and they offered key player as squad status) or "I don't think a loan to Leyton Orient would be the right move for you". Obviously neither of these are true in my case, surely I should have the option to tell the player that the offer we received for him wasn't good enough? I want to be able to tell him that accepting such an offer would not be in the club's best interests, yet neither of the just 2 options presented to me were relevant to me in this situation.

I already posted in the bug forum about a similar case, but I did not focus on the available reply options. It's here http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/375244-14.1.3-FM-Loan-nonsense . Feel free to add that part.

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Played a game straight after posting here (#141) and now I have my 4th red card in 5 games. Once again an unnecessary two footed lunge from my 29 year captain Jack Wilshere.

This issue reminds me of the Beta, when I was getting a ridiculous amount of red cards.

Going to add this in the bugs forum.

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Played a game straight after posting here (#141) and now I have my 4th red card in 5 games. Once again an unnecessary two footed lunge from my 29 year captain Jack Wilshere.

This issue reminds me of the Beta, when I was getting a ridiculous amount of red cards.

Going to add this in the bugs forum.

Would you mind posting about it in the tactics forum as well, please? See if we can work out if there's a particular tactical influence to it.

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