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Original Country Name Remains....


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OK, I have attempted to replace the Hyundai A-League with a League from Monaco...

Instead of replacing the clubs, i renamed them, and changed thier other stats etc to be more fitting to the nation/state.

I changed all clubs to Europe as the continent and Monaco as the Nation....

changed the league name, finals series name and the Pre-season cup name and also the nations etc

Now i can access the league and it's obviously playable when i start up the game, but it still comes up under Australia (but has no flag)

Is there any way to change this?

I have tried swapping the nations around so they are under different unique codes but that didn't work (which i am now going to have to change back, as all australian players are now Monaco nationals :|)

also how do i get melbourne and adelaide out of the asian champions league?

I had a look in Dave's Guide to League Swap/Super Leagues but couldn't find anything...

i hope i didn't miss something :confused:

Thanks in advance

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Have you edited the necessary things to make Monaco an active nation (not sure if that's the right term). Also I assume when you talk about unique codes you mean the TLA's so if you have swapped these correctly then I'm not sure what the problem could be caused by.

For the champions league teams, have you changed all the details on the competitions page for each team to make it seem as if they were never in the A-League and don't have a continental competition selected?

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