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Board Expectations: Possession Football, Attacking Football etc

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Have been trying, unsuccessfully, to find out how you are assessed by the board. I am being asked to adhere to possession football and attacking football.

Possession football: What possession % are you expected to achieve and over how many, presumably competitive games, is this based? Presumably a rolling %?

Attacking football: Is this assessed on goals scored, shots on target, shots taken etc ?

It would be great if the criteria used were clearly set out somewhere for these, and the other potential expectations that the board expect you to adhere to.

Would appreciate feedback and links to any official descriptions etc.

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During fm14 beta I played a whole seasons with possession football as expectation with most of my games having between 50-70% possession, using control as my main tactic but the board confidence on this point never moved away from 50%. I m starting to think that those expectation are bugged. Did you actually manage to move the confidence score on the possession expectation?

As for attacking football I think the number of goal scored shots on target etc.. probably don't matter. In fm13 I was playing with a low budget team that was subpar on those points yet I managed to get a high confidence rating on that by just using the attacking tactic.

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Thanks for response. I am currently approaching end of pre season in my first long term save and no movement so far on possession/Attacking football despite 60% possession and plenty og goals/shots. I am assuming that this is because friendlies do not count and/or insufficient competitive played so far. Somewhat worried that you wonder if there is a bug based upon your experiences.

It would be good if SI could provided some details explaining how you are assessed against each of the possible board expectation criteria you can be asked to adhere to as there seems to be no "hover over" tool tip guidance and nothing in the online manual.

Surprised that you expected to agree to something without being given some form of indication on how your performance will be measured/assessed.

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This kind of board expectations was bugged in the beta but should work better now.

My guess would be that posession is evaluated on the percentages indeed. I would guess that anything above 50% should be alright.

Attacking football was iirc mainly judged by the number of goals scored, not by tactical settings.

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Not sure how attacking expectation work in fm14 as I havent played a team requiring it but in fm13 as I said my team was subpar in goals/shots etc.. it was anything but an attacking team except for the tactic that I was using and yet I was getting full confidence score for that. As for possession being fixed after beta, I cannot confirm or deny that yet, but I should be able to finish another season with a team using that expectation in about a week to see if I can move that confidence bar away from 50%.

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Attacking Football is simples, they want goals by your players, and lots of it, doesn't matter how you score them as long you do. Possession football on the other hand is pretty tricky, I mean unless you are Barcelona/Real Madrid I hardly think you can dominate possession every match? Personally I would try and talk to the board and remove the Possession football philosophy.

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I already did although it was mixed with another bug during beta. I had not received an answer to the report regarding this though.

Edit: Actually I think the report was left unanswered for both bugs until the end of beta when the beta bug forum closed.

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How far through are you? If it's 20+ games then that's probably enough. Assuming you've had more than 50/55% possession basically every game.

Any chance of some official feedback from SI as to what citeria are used to judge/measure your performance for each of the possible board expectations.

Your response above seems to imply that possession football is assessed over a 20 game period (rolling, presumably? Do friendlies count?) and that 50-55% should be ok. Would 50-55% average possession over a twenty game period be required to maintain the board assessing you at the initial 50% start point? Would 60% move you up to 60% achievement?

Some concrete feedback would be really appreciated, irrespective of whether there is a bug, on how you are assessed.

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  • SI Staff

I don't really know how it's determined, but there ought to be a visible effect change after 15/20 competitive games if you're consistently getting above 50% possession, if you're always completely dominating games with 60%+ I'd imagine the board confidence would increase quicker. But I seriously doubt it's a case of 60% possession=60% confidence, because 75% possession in a cup match against lower league opposition is not going to raise the confidence to 75%. Hope that gives a better idea

That would be great Bluemagic, could you post it in the forum I linked in post #8?

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I don't really know how it's determined, but there ought to be a visible effect change after 15/20 competitive games if you're consistently getting above 50% possession, if you're always completely dominating games with 60%+ I'd imagine the board confidence would increase quicker. But I seriously doubt it's a case of 60% possession=60% confidence, because 75% possession in a cup match against lower league opposition is not going to raise the confidence to 75%. Hope that gives a better idea

Still none the wiser really. Find it very surprising, and disappointing, that there is no guidance/information anywhere on this in manual or tooltips given that when you take on a managerial job your are asked to accept, or propose changes to, various expectations that the board have. Hopefully some definitive guidance will eventually surface on the forums.

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Five competitive matches played and board pleased with attacking football and showing as 100%. Do not believe its down to goals scored, must also take shots into account although not sure whether shots on target treated more favourably than shots off target......oh for some definitive guidance....

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