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ok i give up

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As a loyal fan of cm/fm series some of my thoughts on the game. i've been playing these series for 14 years now; one my most anticipated game year in and out and i put more than 1000+ hours every year. but the direction sigames going seems a bit lethargic to me since the lack of competition for this type of game. i pre-order every year just to support the franchise knowing the fact that i can buy the full game around Christmas for %50 percent off since you guys release the beta of the game in my opinion during November and then do the polishing up with next patches. lets take this years game for example; with the game you released this year i feel like i been robbed. we always had issues with the launch of the game with annoying bugs like injuries, set piece goals etc. but this your it is a whole new level with the current situation of the match engine. defending problems, set-pieces, passes, shots nothing works as intended. in my energie cottbus career with 50% of time spent on match training after 6 months some parts of tactics familiarity is at awkward level. transfer offers from other clubs are ridiculous. top free agents getting no offers from other teams after their contracts expired. now with all these issues i feel like i am a beta tester who paid the full price for a game i want to enjoy. i do not want to buy a game that i will have to tolerate until you make the required updates. i want to buy a full game that i can enjoy when i pay for it. so that's it wish i could have explained my thoughts more extensively but i lack the required typing skills for it.

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To be fair mate if you thought this years beta was bad you should have seen last years. To me this is the best ME to date and a vast improvement on last years game which I felt was more akin to ice hockey. In my mind there is clearly an issue with pressing and tackling in the current version of the ME and hopefully this gets cleared up but if you want to skip the teething troubles then its best to wait until March to get the best version of the game :)

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