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The 'It's about time the Match Sounds got sorted out thread'

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The one thing that has not changed in every iteration of Football Manager is the sound, and I think it's time to change. Not only are they becoming more and more inconsistent, but frankly not at all representative about the world of football. Not everywhere in the world has an English-speaking, English-sounding crowd.

Perhaps going down the PES route of having different crowd noises for different areas of the world. Such as 'North America generic' 'South America generic' 'Southern Europe generic' etc. The sounds will obviously replicate the areas in which they are being played - occasional drumming in the background, higher pitched whistling... greater velocity, even eventually resulting in different reactions to goals, the 'yeah' being replaced by 'ole' for instance.

I'm sure there are reasons for the standstill; but surely it's becoming less and less plausible to blame hardware for it. More and more of us are following the technology trend with Windows 7 , with high end I5's or I7's, and more then 6GB of RAM to match.

I do understand (or rather I'm guessing) the reluctance to undertake such work so far as I'm guessing it's not on a lot of people's wishlists and they don't want to exclude people from enjoying the game on low hardware. So I propose the idea to include further/more match sounds the same way we all choose our 3D match engine quality, scalable depending on the specs we have.

Considering how the game has taken stride forwards in literally every aspect apart from this, surely it is now time to max out the immersion experience.


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i agree with you TN but at the moment I believe SI is sticking with this as a lot of people play with sounds turned off and for them it would be too much to spend people and money on part of the game they deem seldom used.

There are though, few custom made soundpacks you could google for. Much better than original sound in fm and i've also made audio commentary sound pack so, till SI decides to spend some money on this areas (at least to enhance current system so it is at least more moddable for fanbase to make own add ons) nothing much you can do.

Steam Workshop for the latter, Paid DLC for the former.

Why not?

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Yeah I'd like the sound to get an overhaul, but really not that many people (seem) to use it, so it's not the highest thing on the priority list. Hopefully with the Steam Workshop someone can produce a decent soundpack for FM14 as I'd definitely use it.

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Yeah I'd like the sound to get an overhaul, but really not that many people (seem) to use it, so it's not the highest thing on the priority list..

Even more reason to give people the option of buying it if they want as DLC. It's a win-win situation as far as I can see.

Hardly a surprise people allegedly don't use it since it has stayed at exactly the poor level since FM 09, and actually probably the latter Championship Managers too.

Ah I remember on the old CM's the 'Sack the Board' and club specific chants. Those were the days.

Anyway not exactly talking about reinventing the wheel here, just a small handful of packs for different regions of the world would absolutely do.

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that is the vicious circle. seems like not a lot of people use the sounds but i bet a lot of them do not use the sounds because they are so poor and generic. so, if SI tries to do something abou it, at least update the way they are played so more than one specific chant can be used per team, people will do the soundpacks and everyone will be happier.

If the game had chants and things relating to the game like "Getting sacked in the morning ect" or your own fans would sing about you then YES I would use them. :eek:

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i decided to play with the sound on today.

i took liverpool to arsenal. Arsenal won 3-2 at Emirates but the crowd didn't even increase their sound level when Arsenal scored. it stayed the same, constant, low hum.

even if the hum of noise went up and down, depending on how the home team were doing or when a goal is scored for either side, that would make me more likely to play with the sound on.

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Personally for me the reason I play with sound off is because I rarely play at the normal highlight speed, so the sounds don't really have the chance to get involved.

Loved hearing my fans booing a specific player whenever he got the ball on a previous version, so I would be up for better sounds.

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SI could make match much more "live" with good sounds. Poor sounds are reason why so many people say that they dont care about sounds and prefer to listen music while playing. Sounds are the least improved feature in this game. Totally undervalued.

Was there some band making sounds for old CMs?

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Personally for me, the sound of the kicked ball is rather annoying. Even more so when the crowd is a little sparse. If there was a mega sound pack mod that was stable, perhaps. The DLC point though sounds good to me.

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that is the vicious circle. seems like not a lot of people use the sounds but i bet a lot of them do not use the sounds because they are so poor and generic. so, if SI tries to do something abou it, at least update the way they are played so more than one specific chant can be used per team, people will do the soundpacks and everyone will be happier.

I dont use them because FM is something I do whilst watching TV or a movie etc. Even if the sounds were amazing Id turn them off as they arent needed.

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So let me get this straight...

The argument for paid DLC sound enhancement goes thus:

1. People turn off the sound because it's rubbish.

2. Nobody uses the sound.

3. Because nobody uses the sound, fixing the rubbish sound isn't a priority even though "audio" is one half of any multimedia package (the other being video).

4. Because SI did a poor job on the sound and nobody listens to the awful sound, the fans who don't want to listen to the awful sound should pay extra for SI to do what they didn't do in the first place.

Yeah, that sounds rational and reasonable, let me just go get my wallet.

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surely the reason everyone turns the sound off is that its terrible? It's by no means a necessity, but, personally, if it sounded like anything other than bad aerial feedback, I'd have it on for immersion.

The first time i loaded up a match and the sound came on I honestly thought my laptop was malfunctioning.

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surely the reason everyone turns the sound off is that its terrible? It's by no means a necessity, but, personally, if it sounded like anything other than bad aerial feedback, I'd have it on for immersion.

The first time i loaded up a match and the sound came on I honestly thought my laptop was malfunctioning.

No, the reason I personally turn it off is because I don't want to have sound on while I play. Last time this came up, many said the same.

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So let me get this straight...

The argument for paid DLC sound enhancement goes thus:

I'll straighten it for you.

DLC is not compulsory. Are the majority going to use the in-game editor? Are the majority going to buy any more challenges? By the same token, are the majority going to use sound enhancement packs? No reason at all it shouldn't be DLC in the future then.

Moronic sarcasm therefore totally unnecessary.

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I'll straighten it for you.

DLC is not compulsory. Are the majority going to use the in-game editor? Are the majority going to buy any more challenges? By the same token, are the majority going to use sound enhancement packs? No reason at all it shouldn't be DLC in the future then.

Moronic sarcasm therefore totally unnecessary.

I think personally that calling the person unwilling to pay extra for something that should be included in the original product "moronic" is probably inaccurate.

But I suppose you prefer to buy your food as an extra after purchasing the packaging?

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I remember the old CM game where you it had fans singing. That was brilliant and I wondered why SI stopped doing it. Every year I start with the sound on, in the hope they have brought it back. And every year after playing one match I turn the sound off, disappointed that it is rubbish again. I don't understand why they took it the fan chanting out, thus making the game worse?

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I think personally that calling the person unwilling to pay extra for something that should be included in the original product "moronic" is probably inaccurate.

Well we heard from Neil Brock why it's not in the original product; and that's because they are not sure that people would care; (the notion of which, btw, I question, since many millions buy the game and don't post on here; so the vocal few on a forum surely cannot claim to represent the wider public) but again, the whole point of paid DLC is to give the option to people to choose if they care or not.

Who's to say that some who don't use sound wouldn't use it again if enchancement was offered. And don't tell me it would be such hard work to put together.

It's foolhardy for SI not to try it.

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Yeah I'd like the sound to get an overhaul, but really not that many people (seem) to use it, so it's not the highest thing on the priority list. Hopefully with the Steam Workshop someone can produce a decent soundpack for FM14 as I'd definitely use it.


Nearly 60% of the customers are "not many"?

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I turned off the sounds at one point a few years ago, I think when the 3D engine was introduced, because it caused some crashes for me (may have been something to do with my sound card, but never mind). Since then I have always turned them off because they do not add much, don't sound fantastic and are just one more thing that can cause issues. I also like to watch a show on my second screen, or listen to music or watch TV while I play FM (and to help out with the inevitable waiting), so I don't mind it at all.

However, if sounds were improved it may be worthwile turning them on again. Does need to include good quality sounds that aid the immersion and with crowds that actually react to what is going on below on the pitch. And hopefully reflecting the different football cultures we come across as we travel the globe :)

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Well we heard from Neil Brock why it's not in the original product; and that's because they are not sure that people would care; (the notion of which, btw, I question, since many millions buy the game and don't post on here; so the vocal few on a forum surely cannot claim to represent the wider public) but again, the whole point of paid DLC is to give the option to people to choose if they care or not.

Who's to say that some who don't use sound wouldn't use it again if enchancement was offered. And don't tell me it would be such hard work to put together.

It's foolhardy for SI not to try it.

I totally see the point - but still think it would be thoroughly unacceptable to charge for something that should be included as standard. As some others have pointed out, the sound side of things hasn't seen any improvement in years now, so I'm pretty sure we've paid for any prospective sound DLC several times over already.

Free DLC would be fine and great and wonderful. Paid... would just be too shameless, especially in light of the effort that's gone into FMC that could have gone into sound packs. (FMC is essentially just a cash spinner [this really isn't a criticism, per se, mind you; I'm perfectly happy for SI to make money off of those willing to indulge in microtransactions - that's just how the market is right now], if you think about it; we already had a cut down version of the game: it was called assigning your staff to duties.)

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Nearly 60% of the customers are "not many"?

I'd be willing to bet that 60% don't buy the In-game Editor. Probably not even close to half that.

As far as I'm concerned it's down to laziness - one thing that reviewers always pick up on in reviews is sound and it always lowers the final score which in turn affects the metacritic.

...Ok by bringing Metacritic into things I know I'm clutching at straws. I've said all I can say on this.

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Yeah I'd like the sound to get an overhaul, but really not that many people (seem) to use it, so it's not the highest thing on the priority list. Hopefully with the Steam Workshop someone can produce a decent soundpack for FM14 as I'd definitely use it.

Hey Neil!

Could it be possible to use Championship Manager 2003-2004 sounds on this Football Manager 2014? The sounds are GREAT, i mean its pretty much realistic.

You said that most of the players do not use the sounds, have you tough that maybe that reason for that to happen is that the sounds effects are to static?


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So let me get this straight...

The argument for paid DLC sound enhancement goes thus:

1. People turn off the sound because it's rubbish.

2. Nobody uses the sound.

3. Because nobody uses the sound, fixing the rubbish sound isn't a priority even though "audio" is one half of any multimedia package (the other being video).

4. Because SI did a poor job on the sound and nobody listens to the awful sound, the fans who don't want to listen to the awful sound should pay extra for SI to do what they didn't do in the first place.

Yeah, that sounds rational and reasonable, let me just go get my wallet.

I laughed :)

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I'd be willing to bet that 60% don't buy the In-game Editor. Probably not even close to half that.

As far as I'm concerned it's down to laziness - one thing that reviewers always pick up on in reviews is sound and it always lowers the final score which in turn affects the metacritic.

...Ok by bringing Metacritic into things I know I'm clutching at straws. I've said all I can say on this.

If someone is reviewing FM and marks it down considerably because of the sound, then they probably shouldn't be reviewing it in the first place.

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I remember around the time of FM2005 or 2006 and there was a sound pack with a "sack the board" chant (which played when you weren't doing very well), a "referee's a ******" chant (which played when the ref made a bad decision) and loads of specific team chants, they really added something to the game I thought. Pity the sounds have not improved since then.

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Has anyone managed to get a previous soundpack working with FM14? If so, what folder did you copy the sounds to please? I find the current sounds awful, just a constant crowd hum noise in the background with no reaction to what is happening on the pitch.

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Some of the older sound packs from FM 11,12 & 13 work and some don't,the most stable one is the commentary based one but it's not to everyones taste. I for one would like a dedicated sound pack for FM14 and I can't understand why others can do without,I mean would you enjoy a REAL game of football if the crowd were totally silent ?? I think good sounds really add to the tension and atmosphere and are integral to the game ! I used one in FM13 that had great sounds and that included some very "industrial" and humerous chants but sadly it causes FM14 to crash !

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