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Unable To Select European Leagues When Starting A New Game

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Hi folks,

I was playing the FMC version on the beta, but now the official release is out I am trying to load the full version. The problem I am experiencing is that when I am asked to select the nations/leagues that I want to play I cannot select the many of European leagues, such as EPL, La liga, Bundesliga etc. There is a yellow triangle with a exclamation mark beside them. The problem is just affecting European leagues.

Any help would be great.


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Are you using any editor files? or have you edited any competitions etc?

Welshace you are a star.

I had a look at the data editor files and I realise I had copied an old player update file across from 2013 by mistake. Once I removed the offending folder everything was fine. I just tend to change the year on my SI folder each year removing the old version game files as this is where my faces, badges and kits etc are stored.

Anyway, thanks again.

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