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How important is formation familiarity?

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I just started playing the FM 2014 beta as Watford. I raced through pre-season with the assistant manager taking control of all the friendlies (just because I wanted to play a few competitive games with the match engine before I went to bed, normally I wouldn't rush so much).

When it got to the first game of the season, I changed the overall formation to a 4-5-1 and the tactic familiarity was roughly half full.

I went on to get about 3 draws from 10 games and the rest were defeats. Watford have a lot of good players now but many of them are new and probably don't speak the language properly yet. Could this combination of too many new players and a lack of familiarity with formation and each other lead to such a poor set of results even with a high caliber of player?

I guess what I'm asking is, how important is it for a team to be completely familiar with a formation and is it more important in this version than in previous ones. If for any reason I needed to change formation for a one off game (or during a game) and my team weren't fully familiar with it, would I effectively be giving my team a death sentence?

How many formations would you want your squad to know fully? And what kind of variations would you have?

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It's probably the most important aspect in terms of players fully understanding how you've instructed them to play and the system they'll be using. Until it's fluid for all you could find you see daft little mistakes and are quite inconsistent.

It's no more important on FM14 as it was in FM13 though but it is pretty vital :)

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I guess I could have 8-9 friendlies in pre-season instead of 5 or 6 so that I build up the familiarity a bit more before my first league game. I've struggled with Watford the past two years because they've had so many new foreign players/players on loan and it takes me a good half a season to hit any kind of decent form.

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Formality levels seem to be taking forever to fill up, but my main query is:

Do the main team instructions (new ones) have any bearing on those levels? Im still getting confused as to them being classed as a "shout" or a pre game team instruction.

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Formality levels seem to be taking forever to fill up, but my main query is:

Do the main team instructions (new ones) have any bearing on those levels? Im still getting confused as to them being classed as a "shout" or a pre game team instruction.

Have you switched your match preparation to "tactics only"? That helps tactical familiarity grow faster.

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Formality levels seem to be taking forever to fill up, but my main query is:

Do the main team instructions (new ones) have any bearing on those levels? Im still getting confused as to them being classed as a "shout" or a pre game team instruction.


I'm pretty certain its still the exact same as FM13. So any changes to player roles/duties etc are fine. But if you change a players actual position or the actual team settings then you'll be penalised and will lose some tactic familarity.

To get familaiirty to rise quicker you need atleast 10 friendlies, match training set to 50% and match focus set to tactics.

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