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Eleven players injured!

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10 games played in this season. Total number of injuries I’ve got from beginning of the this season is about 14-15.

Average Injury Proneness of my players is about 8! It’s a almost perfect Injury Proneness!

I just don’t buy players with Injury Proneness more than 12 because my experience show if a player have Injury Proneness about 15 that means 70% of time he will be injured.

I keep perfect rotation players play if they have more than 95% condition. During the match players who have lower 75% condition got substituted.

I keep all players 100% match fit.

You say randomness is good? It’s make game looks real?

Now image situation when all Barca players players injured the same time.




Daniel Alves

Gerard Piqué

Sergio Busquets

Jordi Alba

Cesc Fàbregas

Alexis Sánchez

Pedro Rodríguez

Javier Mascherano

You say no way It could happens it real life and I agree with you but in FM it easily could happens because of randomness I’ve got such situation in my save. There’s must be something to prevent it. I don’t know call it “injury diminishing”.

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11 is harsh but why can't it happen? I've played shedloads of seasons at loads of levels and never seen 11 of my first team squad out at the same time so you're unlucky. I'd be pulling my hair out as well!

Or you could do just a Wenger and get on with it. He's currently top of the PL with:

Rosicky Calf/Shin Injury no return date

B Sagna Hamstring Injury 26th Oct 13

T Walcott Abdominal Strain 26th Oct 13

S Cazorla Ankle/Foot Injury 19th Oct 13

Y Sanogo Back Injury 19th Oct 13

L Podolski Hamstring Injury 26th Oct 13

A Oxlade-Chamberlain Knee Injury 10th Nov 13

V Diaby no return date


That's 8 of his first team squad out, 3 less than you and Arsenal are top of the league. Stop whining. :)

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Yes, you have been unlucky there.

Last year Newcastle had 12 first team players out at one time and 41 significant injuries (out for more than 2 weeks) for the season. QPR had 36 with 11 being out at the same time. It is unfortunate, but it does happen.

How often do you have 10 or 11 players injured at the same time in the game? Not that often I suspect. It is why it a squad game :)

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According to steam a peak of 42,914 people played were playing FM13 today. There are what, maybe a few hundred professional football leagues in the entire world, so there were at least 100 times more simulated leagues going on than there were real ones. And those simulated leagues don't happen in real time, they zip through the games.

Statistical freak events are always going to be a lot more common in FM than they are in real life even if FM is a perfect simulation simply because there's vastly more virtual football being played than real football.

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Injuries are one of those things you notice when you have them, but don't when you haven't.

Lots (all?) of the stats in the game are tested over extended periods and compared to real life stats, and they are tuned to be as close a fit to reality as possible.

Whilst you have an unfortunate number of injuries, it is likely that the distribution across the league is fine.

The law of averages means that what goes around, comes around, so you'll probably have a relatively injury-free spell in future.

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Would anyone be complaining if there were no injuries in the game? That would be a bug that would need fixed, not this. You get injuries sometimes. Most of the time it's to a few players at most, so no problem. Sometimes it's to your entire team. These things happen. Deal with it and move on.

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