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When the boiling point is near, how do you cool down?


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I recently started a new save in FM2013 (i posted about it in the tactics forum) and, even if i knew i would struggle during the first season, nonetheless the game is throwing its best at me.....

I'm not used to rage-quit like some people do: reloading a game in which i quit while losing is like cheating for me so rage-quitting = starting over. I avoid it.

What i usually do is this: i bite my hands while i wait for the end of the match (while swearing and insulting the game, my players and anything that eventually would come to my mind). After the final whistle i get out of the match screen, save and quit without reading any of the news on my board. I recently quit smoking so my only solution now is walking back and forth in the room mumbling dreadful curses and causing my wife to threaten she will call for psychological assistance if i keep reacting like this to a computer game.

I then leave the game for a period that is proportional to the offense taken and play again only when i feel recharged and ready to get some new hits on my chin.

And you? How do you react to the evilness of the ME and the unfairness of the best game ever made for a pc?

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I get so engrossed in the game I sometimes get a nervous sweet. Normally happens in closing stages of a league season or cup final. The end result I have big sweet patches under my arms that stink and have to wash my armpits or in extreme cases jump in the shower.

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i close my laptop, often harder than healthy and play fifa, where i can control what my players do or don't. Usually takes me some time to get back to FM though, because the idea of returning to the game to a bunch of messages about a shock defeat isn't apealing at all.

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It can be rough.

Season 1 with Oxford City I get promoted.

Season 2 we finish 12th

Season 3 we finish 7th (1 point from the playoffs)

Season 4 after 6 games into the season we are 20th and I get sacked................growl!!!!

Deep breaths...go for a half an hour walk....and then start applying for new jobs. Tis the life of a manager.

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In my earlier years I could get really really mad and usually hit the monitor (slap to the side) and/or hit the keyboard. :D

Nowadays I just suck it up and keep playing and if it really really starts to tick me off I just shut it off and stop playing for the day.. monitors, keyboard and mice are way too expensive too keep replacing them :D

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In my earlier years I could get really really mad and usually hit the monitor (slap to the side) and/or hit the keyboard. :D

Nowadays I just suck it up and keep playing and if it really really starts to tick me off I just shut it off and stop playing for the day.. monitors, keyboard and mice are way too expensive too keep replacing them :D

Mice still get it in our household... Just recently one got destroyed when the cord got stuck under something during an annoying streak in FM - ripped it straight off. Never buy expensive mice because I know they will eventually be the victim of FM frustration anyway.

Funny (scary really) how a computer game can make a grown man behave that way. You try to tell yourself that it's not that important and to not get worked up - then it sucks you in and throws you off anyway. Guess that's one of the reasons why it is as addictive as it is. I never play any other computer games anymore because I get bored with them in about 15 minutes. Bought FIFA last year for the first time in god knows how long - played it for a couple of hours and never touched it again. Gaming just doesn't appeal to me anymore like it used to. But the thought of not playing FM? Not having it.

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Mice still get it in our household... Just recently one got destroyed when the cord got stuck under something during an annoying streak in FM - ripped it straight off. Never buy expensive mice because I know they will eventually be the victim of FM frustration anyway.

Funny (scary really) how a computer game can make a grown man behave that way. You try to tell yourself that it's not that important and to not get worked up - then it sucks you in and throws you off anyway. Guess that's one of the reasons why it is as addictive as it is. I never play any other computer games anymore because I get bored with them in about 15 minutes. Bought FIFA last year for the first time in god knows how long - played it for a couple of hours and never touched it again. Gaming just doesn't appeal to me anymore like it used to. But the thought of not playing FM? Not having it.

Yeah, its the same here.. I dont bother buying games anymore.. well at least not as I used too.. I cant get excited over Call of Duty/Battlefield/Fifa anymore.. The only game I definitely buy every year is FM. And then the occasional zombie shooter.. (DayZ, 7 days to die etc..)

I bought myself an expensive Logitech G700 to replace my old G500 (which broke after years of abuse..) and promised myself to never throw it like I used to.. it took me 2 days and then I got mad and slammed the mouse into the table and threw it against the wall.. luckily nothing happened to it (yay Logitech!) - my wife told me I needed to take anger management classes! - I told her I just needed to improve my team so I could start winning and then I'd never be angry again! :D

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Yeah, its the same here.. I dont bother buying games anymore.. well at least not as I used too.. I cant get excited over Call of Duty/Battlefield/Fifa anymore.. The only game I definitely buy every year is FM. And then the occasional zombie shooter.. (DayZ, 7 days to die etc..)

I bought myself an expensive Logitech G700 to replace my old G500 (which broke after years of abuse..) and promised myself to never throw it like I used to.. it took me 2 days and then I got mad and slammed the mouse into the table and threw it against the wall.. luckily nothing happened to it (yay Logitech!) - my wife told me I needed to take anger management classes! - I told her I just needed to improve my team so I could start winning and then I'd never be angry again! :D

Wow just typed that mouse into eBay and it looks sweet

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I open the window and throw my laptop out of the window.

Then I realise my savegame is on the hdd, run down to fetch it, go out to buy a new laptop, install fm and recuperate the savegame from the old disk.

Afterwards when I tend to boil over again I remember myself of the hazzle it was last time ... not to mention the financial cost.

In short: I don't get mad again, except for the occasional battered keyboard.

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Once in a two-player game on my computer, I fired one of my friend's youth players for some minor disciplinary issue. After "being in control" of a game (which I lost) and clicking continue the game automatically switches to the other human manager, but in my rage I didn't notice so I released the poor fellow!

Needless to say, this resulted in a lot of laughing afterwards, as we pictured the rival team's manager turning up in the office and furiously firing a random teenager. Then leaving.

Usually I just brood for a little while, though. The days of firing random youngsters are over!

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i close my laptop, often harder than healthy and play fifa, where i can control what my players do or don't. Usually takes me some time to get back to FM though, because the idea of returning to the game to a bunch of messages about a shock defeat isn't apealing at all.

I find FIFA more stressful than FM. Probably coz I'm crap at finishing and I play online

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This game may be good but for sure is not healthy, at least not for me and my finances. During the years i broke a laptop (threw it against the wall after conceding one minute before the penalty kicks in a cup final) and several mice and keyboards. Oh, a monitor too, several years ago. But i improved during the years: now i can control myself better. Probably FM is like a drug: the more you use it, the more you need before you get enough of it.....

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I just mentally adjust to the fact that things aren't always going to go your way in the game, and when a bad result comes, I try to learn from it, or just shake it off as being one of those days that happens in the simulation just like it does in real football. With that mindset, I've never had a problem, obviously if I was underachieving for a couple of seasons in a row and couldn't do anything about it I'd be frustrated, but I'm usually there and there abouts in the long run.

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Always play whilst surfing the net so as soon as I feel like raging I load up youtube (if not already on it) and watch random videos. Puts me back in a good mood to forget about the robbery that just happened and advance forward :)

Anyone react like this tho?

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Always play whilst surfing the net so as soon as I feel like raging I load up youtube (if not already on it) and watch random videos. Puts me back in a good mood to forget about the robbery that just happened and advance forward :)

Anyone react like this tho?

Dean windass will do that to you.

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