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High % of Injuries During Games

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I seem to go through phases in a season where I pick up 2 injuries per game and these tend to be of the serious variety, with players out for, anywhere between 6 weeks to 3 months.

My players aren't over trained and I never let players go below 75% condition during matches. Any thoughts on where I might be going wrong, or what you tend to do to avoid this happening?

Cheers guys.

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I'd say twists and strains mostly - a torn hamstring being a favourite!

None of the players are injury prone, have low natural fitness, tackle hard or have poor low match fitness going into games. The only one you've mentioned @OxfordUnitedFC is a slightly high tempo @ 12 which I generally play at. Cheers for the replies.

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I'd say twists and strains mostly - a torn hamstring being a favourite!

None of the players are injury prone, have low natural fitness, tackle hard or have poor low match fitness going into games. The only one you've mentioned @OxfordUnitedFC is a slightly high tempo @ 12 which I generally play at. Cheers for the replies.

How much of the game would you normally play at a high tempo for?

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All depends on the scoring to be honest and some other factors, but rarely for the full 90.

The lowest condition stat for one of the players being injured was 72. Most of the others were 80 or above.

IRL a team wouldn't get anywhere close to playing high tempo for 90 mins. If they need to score you tend to see them playing high tempo for 10 mins or so before taking a breather and then going again if a goal is still needed. So if you're playing at the highest tempo for 45, 60 mins at a time then i'd expect injuries.

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Yeah playing high tempo is likely to make the condition go down quicker, muscle pulls or strains often aren't caused by low condition IRL though. High tempo should mean that they will be making many more sprints which increases the the chances of a muscle strain, pull. I've seen plenty of muscle injuries IRL after 25,45,60 mins which aren't down to low condition but just as a result of a quick sprint.

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Cheers. I'll try to play at a lower tempo for majority of the 90, but I'm yet to be convinced this is the cause of my injuries. Muscle pulls and strains IRL are generally caused by a failure to warm up correctly before kick-off/half-time, or as you point out, from a quick sprint or a lunge even.

Maybe warm-up routines is something to be incorporated into FM14! Cheers for the input.

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Maybe warm-up routines is something to be incorporated into FM14! Cheers for the input.

Possibly or telling your subs to warm up as they're likely to be coming on soon. As you say its not something that we have any control over at the moment so i guess we can only assume that warm ups are either always done well or have no effect, i guess its the latter.

One other thing is with so many people playing this game different people will see different injury tendencies, i believe i experience too few injuries where as you believe you have too many. It must be near impossible to program it so every game experiences the same % of injuries.

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