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Android Phone and iPad

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I have been playing the game on my Android phone but will be buying an iPad-mini within the next few months. If I want to play the game on both devices am I right in thinking I will have to buy the game twice?

If both devices were Android or both devices were Apple am I right in thinking that I wouldn't have to pay twice? But because they're different then I do?

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  • SI Staff
If both devices were Android or both devices were Apple am I right in thinking that I wouldn't have to pay twice? But because they're different then I do?

Thats exactly it - unfortunately because the platform holders take a 'cut' of the sale price and the stores are tied down to the platforms its unavoidable them being done as seperate games and thus two seperate purchases.

If both devices were from Apple or ran Android then you could purchase once and install on both devices.

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