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Me and my friends have setup our first network game but are confused on a few things, would really be appreciate it if someone in the know could answer these:

- If we are player and a manager is not online what happens with their team? Will the computer take over and accept bids for players? In general how does FM handle offline managers.

- If a friend manager is online, and I make a bid for one of his players, which they accept and then go offline, will the transfer still go through? I'm talking about after successful contract negotiations the game asks you to the confirm the transfer, will the club confirm it on their behalf if they have gone offline seeing as they accepted the bid before? Or will the transfer be cancelled?

thanks very much for taking the time to read/answer these! Loving FM online so far. Any other tips about these sort of things regarding network games are welcome!


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Offline managers are treated as "on holiday." This works the same as a holiday in a 1 player game, with the game continuing and the assman controlling the team. In the hoilday menu you can set some options like "reject all offers," which can in part control how the AI deals with offers. I'm not sure if it is possible to set default holiday options for times the manager hasn't connected to the game.

The second example, I would expect the transfer to go through.

As for other tips, if you are untrustworthy have untrustworthy friends then be the host of the game. You can't cheat if you aren't the host.

Also you can capitalise on people's lack of attention to detail by doing things like sneakily putting in a future fee of £0 in a loan deal, which is easily unnoticed.

Don't edit the database. I have never seen such weird issues on FM as playing a network game with an edited database.

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thanks very much!

Would you recommend each manager sets himself as on holiday before they disconnect? Therefore enabling them to set how they want the club run when they are offline, such as "only sell transfer listed players".

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