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player wages - is this normal?

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i play a game with savona and i just finished my second season, winning the lowest league, and winning the league after promotion..

i kept a tight wage-budget, using only about 50% of my wagebudget, although i kept bleeding money each month..now that the last game in the league was played i had 2 cupmatches left, but suddenly i see that ALL my players wages got cut to about 10% of what they were for the whole season, i didn't do anything.. and my wagebudget also got slashed to about 10% of what i have had for the whole season...

is this normal? is it cuz the "season ended" or is it cuz i got in the red financially? (it still feels strange that all the wages change)..

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ooh....and player value droped like hell aswell... i hade players worth millions (swedish currency) now they only worth like a fraction of that..so selling players to get the books in orders is a lost option..

what the hell happend to my save??=??

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What you are being shown on screen might be the same but there is a GUI bug that changes the currency under the hood, go to preferences & change the currency, save the changes & then change it back to the currency you want.

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It's a bug that's been in the game for years but as there doesn't appear to be an obvious trigger it seems to be one that is almost impossible to catch.

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consider yourself lucky.. I get this bug constantly.. :/

I've burnt myself on it several times where I've accidentally bought players for ten times their worth because the currency changed from Danish DKK to UK Pound without me noticing.. :/

So my bid of 7m DKK was actually 7m £, but the GUI said DKK........ I thought I was making a great transfer for a huge talent.. turned out he was incredible expensive.. like 3 times my club record :D

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