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The Chalkboard Diaries

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I've been planning on doing this for a while but never really got around to it until today. So, I've started a blog and have uploaded a lot of content already. It's mainly all FM13 stuff that is uploaded and I'll add the older stuff at a later.

Currently there is stuff about;


Sheffield United


Player development

Custom Views

Understanding the Shouts


And a host of other things. I will be updating it quite often :)

There is over 44 articles up at the minute :)


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Really like the theme on the blog there cleon - so much so I'd want to use it :D (not that I have a use for it of course) KUTGW :thup:

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It's been a very busy 2 weeks since we opened and now have around 60 articles on the site. So we've added about 16 since we've opened. We tend to try and update as frequent as we can.

We've also has a lot of people submit content and want to be guest writers from time to time. For that I can only thank you. If anyone would like to be a guest writer or submit an article then feel free to send me a PM on here :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's a really good fm blog

Thanks, Glad you like it :)

So far I've had 5 different guest writers and got a lot more who has submitted stuff too. If anyone else would like to guest write or contribute then let me know :)

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  • 1 month later...

It's been a busy few months and loads of stuff are on the blog.

I started a series of articles a while back about When Real Life Meets FM. So Far I've added 2 of these and many more to add. I was lucky enough to speak to a chairman of a football club, the worlds oldest club in fact Sheffield FC. This can be found here;


and the latest is with a coach of Perth Glory FC womens side and can be found here;


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  • 4 months later...


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