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Choosing bonuses for competitions.

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When you have to decide low, medium or high bonuses does the team play better and want too win more. Does putting your bonuses high give you a better chance of winning different competitions and will your team play better and try harder for results.

I will normally put high league bonus, low cup and if playing in it normal continental bonus. I was wondering if I put it high bonus on all of the competitions will I have better chances of winning a competition or does the bonus not really make a difference?

What do you guys set yours as and do you feel that contributes to your teams overall performance through-out the season.

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To my knowledge it does exactly what it says on the tin.

I set mine to high league and continental bonus and normal cup bonus. Some players react positively saying "Pleased that his efforts may be rewarded by high bonuses".

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To my knowledge it does exactly what it says on the tin.

I set mine to high league and continental bonus and normal cup bonus. Some players react positively saying "Pleased that his efforts may be rewarded by high bonuses".

I see that too and I was thinking that it will give them a boost and kick the season off with a boost but they don't really do anything special. From now on I may try increasing there bonuses to high.

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I give low bonuses for all comepetitions at the moment as my clubs finances are less than stellar; A number of players (but less than half) react badly and have pretty poor morale for at least half the season before finally getting over it. I haven't noticed too much of a detrimental affect to performance but there is the definite loss of morale.

ps. I wish I could tell my players that my finances are abysmal so won't be offereing lucrative competition bonuses as a result. they may still be disappointed but at least can understand the reasoning behind it all.

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The "Pleased that his efforts may be rewarded by high bonuses" will come up on a player's personal screen a number of times throughout the season and gives him a morale boost each time.

This is enough for me to award high bonuses on every option, regardless of my club finances as I feel the success I can potentially get in return will create a better income in the future.

Sometimes my squad bonus payout is greater than the prize money I get for winning a cup but that is irrelevant in my current game as I have plenty of money and don't mind "paying" to win a trophy.

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We're talking about a game, not real life.

I don't particularly like to see that my players need even more money as a motivation to win.

It's a game about football, footballers are motivated by money.

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We're talking about a game, not real life.

I don't particularly like to see that my players need even more money as a motivation to win.

Do you seriously think that every professional footballer is 'living their dream'?

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This is enough for me to award high bonuses on every option, regardless of my club finances as I feel the success I can potentially get in return will create a better income in the future.

Yeah I sort of do this. At bigger clubs it's no problem if the payout is more than you'll get as, being honest, it won't matter too much with your finances. As a smaller club though you can still offer large payments which don't go over the amount of which a club can bring in through certain trophies so you're still in profit, just not as much.

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I am playing FM Classic so not sure if this applies to the real game too.

But in the Prem i put all of the bonuses on high but find that's it's the lowest paid few players (usually youngsters) in the first team squad who react pleased with the high bonuses.

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i do not like people who are greedy thus anyone who is motivated by money gets sold out quickly. first reason is they are already payed insanely as it is, and the second thing is i prefer my players playing for honour of the club and fans.

this doesn't mean i do not give high bonuses, just that i don't like people who see my club as cash cow or a board to bounce even higher.

High bonus can also viewed that your club have high motivation to win that cup. Maybe SI need to make changes so the player that affected can have multiple "status" like : "Pleased by the club ambition", "Look forward for challenges", "Excited to compete", etc.

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With bigger teams i will set league and champions league bonus to high. If it gives me an extra 0.5% chance of winning then its a no brainer for me. Obviously with smaller clubs you often don't have the luxury of throwing money at things though.

I think that if you are a small club with little finances to play with, then you should not have the option to offer high bonuses.

This should be taken into account by the board and you should only be able to offer normal or low bonuses.

This feature should be more dynamic.

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I think that if you are a small club with little finances to play with, then you should not have the option to offer high bonuses.

This should be taken into account by the board and you should only be able to offer normal or low bonuses.

Well high/low is always relative to the finances of the club anyway. It's not like it's the same bonus for each club. At the end of the day, it just means that you'll have less money for transfers/wages next season than you would if you chose a lower bonus, so it's up to the player to decide if this is something they care about. For example, you can give a lower league cash-strapped team higher league bonuses if you think you can push for promotion - the payoff might well be worth it. Or high cup bonuses in the hope of progressing to the FA cup proper in order to reap the rewards of drawing a league team at their place. You only need one game against, say, Arsenal, to have your budget covered for a few seasons.

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With bigger teams i will set league and champions league bonus to high. If it gives me an extra 0.5% chance of winning then its a no brainer for me. Obviously with smaller clubs you often don't have the luxury of throwing money at things though.

That's exactly how I do it. When I'm rich I set them all to high without even thinking.

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  • 4 months later...

Not that this nebulous "bonus money" has any actual effect, but I always resent that when my team wins a cup or league, they get a payout, I get a message from the board saying "gee, that's swell, but we expect you to get right back to work making us look good, no parties or parade for you!" And with their minimum expectation that we win both the league and at least one of the two Scottish Cups, I always set everything to maximum - got to protect my job...

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