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pre season what do you guys do ?

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English leagues. Rest period (holiday) set to 5 weeks, allways.

When pre-season starts:

First week: Light training (Default focus, low intensity), All individual training off, match prep focus set to tactics only and on max intensity. No rest before or after matches.

Second week: Training focus set to fitness, high intensity. Match prep same as above.

Third week: Training focus still fitness, very high intensity. Match prep same as above.

Fourth week: Still fitness, high intensity. Match prep as above. Rest after matches permitted.

Fifth week: General focus set to team cohesion, high intensity. Match prep as above.

By this time the season should have started, or is about to.

Sixth week: Individual training schedules turned on, highest intensity. General training focus kept on team cohesion untill end of August, default (normal) intensity. Then I switch to default schedule where it stays for the rest of the season. Match prep focus can now be set according to my preferences; intensity on next highest untill all tactic familiarity bars are on fully fluid. Usually this happens at end of August or 1-2- weeks later, provided you don't do many changes to your tactic(s) while this goes on. When they are, match prep intensity turned down to low. This does not change for the rest of the season, but halfway through the season (after christmas) I turn general team training intensity down a notch, to low. Individual training intensity are kept on highest all the time, unless player(s) are set to train new position or ppm's in addition to their "normal" individual training - then I have their individual training intensities set to average. The idea is to avoid any player stuck on very high total training workloads for long periods. The rest stays the same untill season end. I don't use any other general training schedules than default, fitness, and team cohesion.

I keep the amount of pre-season matches to about 5 or 6 - usually I'm satisfied with what the ass. manager sets up.

I use a more simplified approach for the U18 training, and their general schedules don't change much through either pre-season or season, but individual schedules are set month by month for them. 3 weeks of high intensity fitness training in the pre-season, then onto default schedule and intensity. I don't aim for every junior player to train to the best of my - or their - ability; I'm only interrested in the truly gifted youngsters. For the bulk of them I follow my coaches advise for individual training focus, and I only take a more personal interrest in the youngsters I deem to be exceptional talents. I think it's important to keep the youngsters total workload on a medium level, so I keep an eye on that. Match prep for U18's kept at next lowest intensity throughout.

Match prep: Except for the first few weeks of pre-season, when it's on tactics only, I set my focus to teamwork, and it stays there. I play a very fluid tactic/formation, and teamwork is the most crucial "boost" area for every match.

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