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Board Promises

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I am currently playing a save with RB Leipzig. Got them promotode from the 4th to the 2nd divison in 3 seasons. My status should be untouchable or at least very secure by now, but its always only around stable because of my board. They always want me to play attacking football, which I don´t do, because we would concede a lot of goals then and wouldn´t be that succesful. Board promises is always listed as poor. I tried to take that clause out of my contract when negotiating a new one, but the board insists on playing attacking football and would not move. Now the talks were cancelled. My contract runs out at the end of this season. I would love to stay, but I´m afraid they will sack me once only because of this. Any ideas? Ony one else had something similar?

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I've had a little bit similar with AS Monaco, in which the board wanted me to make high profile signings, which I didn't. They removed it once I have improved the stature of the club. I'm afraid with yours it might never be taken out. If I was in you position I think I might just let my contract run out and move on. Keep trying to renegotiate without the clause in the meantime though.

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Thanks Wonky it worked that way! My job status went from secure to untouchable within one day...

That's brilliant. It's as if their motive all along has been to cut your wage. Well played, board, well played.

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