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Setting yourself Rules/Challenges

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How do you keep your game interesting? I mean do you set yourself rules you muct follow?

I have played Cm/Fm for the last 12-15 years, i love the game but recently the last couple of games have lost the appeal, so i need something that challenges me and that does not make the game too easy or repetitive or just plain frustrating. I am currently trying to do what Cleon has done with Ajax, to me this is a good way to make the game better, concentrating on youth, developing the players how i want and also making money instead of spending it.

My rules for this game is -

  1. Anyone who wants over 30k a week can go
  2. I cant spend more than £2 mill on a single player
  3. I must try to encourage loyal/older players to become backroom staff
  4. I must get all the training/youth facilities to be state of the art
  5. Once i win everything i can i must consider resigning and doing it all over again with another club - Preferably a smaller club with not expectations.

I would like some more, so i am asking you for the rules you set yourself, to help me and others keep their game a little more interesting.

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6) Make a profit.

Not as interesting but its possible to do so, however I think this is what your getting at with rules 1 and 2. But it could just be condensed into the profit one. I can sign players for 20mil and pay wages of 50-75k and still break even, but only by good financial skills.

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the first challenge obviously is winning the league. i will go all out for it. if i have a 40 mil budget, i will spend all of it etc etc.

once i have won the title though, thats where the real fun begins (for me at least)

i usually start off with limiting my spending on transfers to 20 million for a season or 2, whilst at the same time focusing on youth, and preferrably people of the same nationality as my team (liverpool).

once i have won the league a couple of more times i start a "sell to buy" rule from then on. so if i want the next big english player i will have to sell one of my older players to afford them. other than that i must make the most of what i have, or get a bit lucky with players coming into my academy.

my aim being at the end of 10 years to still be having fair success, and being absolutely loaded, and having the england national team mostly populated by my players.

im 4 seasons in so far. my good youngsters are just starting to become good enough to play week in, week out, and perform to the level i need. havent won the title yet, but i started off with a sell to buy rule from the start on this save.

2nd place finish last season is definate progress though. if i put the budget slider all the way up to transfer funds, it says i have 112 million budget. havent touched it at all this season.

my transfer net spend over all 4 seasons is 18 million in profit, and i currently have 7 england internationals (4 regulars, 3 squad players).

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I like to have a 'negative net transfer spend' rule, meaning I have to make more money from transfers than I spend. Of course every 4 or 5 years I will spend more, but its a matter of the 5 year total transfer spend being less than the 5 year total transfer income received.

I won't sign anyone over 28 generally, and unless its a free transfer, I won't sign any one over 24.

My goal is always to win the league (and Europe as well, if possible) but I don't want to use short term fixes to do it. Meaning, no 48 month transfers. No superstar that arrives in January. My priorities are player development, tactics, squad selection, man management. Meaning, in any given fixture, except cup finals or difficult rivalry games, I try to run out 3 developing players, and then for subs I play it by ear, but if possible will give another 3 youngsters some minutes.

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