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Impossible to sell players

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I'm currently in my third season and managed to sell only one player for 2k. At the moment I have 4-5 players transfer listed. Clubs are showing major interest but they don't make any real offers.

For example I offered 50k value player to the clubs for 20k. Instantly 7 clubs popped up and showed interest. That's it, nothing more.. they just dont make any offer!

Then I asked my DoF to sell them. I put other player (120k value) to unwanted list for 60k. Some clubs are showing interest again and this time one club made offer. And they offer me 1.5k + 14k over monthly installments. Like what da heck! Are they trying to make a joke?

Sometimes I get an answer from clubs that the price is too high for them. I lower the price over 50% and make new offer. Still same fraking answer! For fck sake , how low it should be then? Until I give my player away for free?

It would be really awesome if they just would gave me a proper number - like "We think the current price is too high for us, but we are prepared to make the offer for .... amount." Then it's already up to me.

Another thing is that atm scouts reports are giving us appr. transfer value of the scouted player. But it would be really cool to get same info for our own players. Just a small info that their transfer value is around of ... amount. It would make much easier to offer them to other clubs, because currently I don't have any clue about their real value. :(

Plus quick question about DoF - what attributes are needed for them if I only want them to sell players? Is it just determination or smt else?

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I believe this is something that is highly tied with the wages issue that exists right now.

Human players are oftenly forced to pay excess amounts of wages compared to the AI. This in turn means that the AI won't be interested in signing players who are payed more than what they deserve and who will most likely ask for similar wages when they go to them. (from a direct transfer at least, the AI doesn't seem to have any difficulties making them accept wages that are below even 50% of what they used to get after their contracts runs off.)

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I'm playing with Alfreton and won just promotion to npower League 1. Players have decent stats for League 2 player, not good enough for higher leagues i'm afraid.

@Apos - yeah, I'm struggling with signing also. Asking wage is usually just too high for me and agents are just mean :D

I just remembered that last season I asked board to raise wage budget, because I couldn't renew my team players contracts.

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I've got clubs that won't even pay 10k for a decent player. A player valued at 160k. Interested but not that interested i guess. And players are valued very low, i mean players that have been constantly in the team of the week and some in the team of the year, season by season remain valued very low.

And a funny thing i've saw. Juventus were trying to co-own a player for 675k and they couldn't transfer him for lack of funds...JUVENTUS lack of funds !!! They were champions an year before and playing in CL and couldn't free 675k - ilogical and unreal...

I manage Glasgow Rangers

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The thing were clubs aren't prepared to make a bid while the asking price remains as it is, is very frustrating. It's such a waste of time lowering your requested amount a bit at a time until you get a bite, when in the real world you'd say "well how much would you be prepared to pay, ballpark?" and take it from there. I don't see any game reason for this obfuscation.

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i really struggled to get Joe COle off my books from January in the first window. no one would take him and his wages on. in the end i got him out for 150k (value was 1.8mill) and i had to pay 35k a week for his wages.

Carroll on the other hand, was completely different. he was worth 10mill. i offered him for 15mill at the end of the first season and spurs bit my hand off. its now november and he's sitting in the spurs reserves, complaining that he wants to go out on loan because he hasn't played a single game.

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Transfers from human clubs are still very bad. 20 seasons now without the AI making a hostile bid for one of my players.

I hope SI fix it. I don't think it's wages because in my latest game I've only been buying players who are serious value for money and take wage cuts.

Oh trust me, if they are taking wage cuts for you, you don't want to see how low they can go for the AI teams if they are on a free transfer.

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They might don't do hostile biddings, but the moment i transfer listed Anita i got 50M from Arsenal for him, 45.5M for Corchia from Man City and 30M from tbh can't remember for Bocchetti. If they really need the players they will pay outrageous money.

I do agree that they are not agressive enough, nor smart enough, all these 3 were 3 stars, i had M'vila so no damage from Anita, i went to get Danilo 3.5* for 37M and Wilshere for 38.5M. Gotta love the fact that once you have plenty of reputation you just need to tell a player he should be in your team other than his and most times they ask to be transfer listed.

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It is not a problem selling players once you become a top 10/20 club with worldwide reputation and your players are considered superstars. Then you can offload anything for at least base value. The problem isn't in the very low leagues either, since it is logical that no-one down there has any money so all transfers are either for peanuts or for free. No the problem is from mid-level professional clubs (L1 etc) to mid-table top division clubs, and it has been that way for years. No club wants mediocre players because they already have lots of them, and no player wants to go down a notch in reputation in order to get game time. So these clubs won't manage to sell players and thus they won't free up money to buy any either. That's a "Mexican stand-off"...

For this to be fixed, SI must -enforce- (yes, literally - hardcoded if necessary) that every club on the planet will get rid of at least 3 squad rotation-and-below players and one first-teamer every year, and sign replacements for them that are at least as good.

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I have managed to sell a few players on my way up the leagues,I had to devalue them somewhat,maybe if a player was valued at 200k I would sell him for 100k,only 1 player has left for his value and that was because Everton bid the buyout clause for him 475k.

I am now in the Championship and I have a 25 year old striker that scored 20 goals last season in the Championship and is valued at 3.5 million and I can not get anyone interested in him,I have even offered him out for 1.5 million and the only interest I got for him was from Rangers and they wanted him on loan,after they offered a monthly fee of 45k and I accepted it turned out they did not have the money.

I can't get any offers for him and it looks like I will be stuck with him in my reserves until his contract ends.

I don't need him as I made 2 big signings for 2 young guys from my nation that will be leading Premiership strikers in the future and then signed 2 foreign guys for free that are better than him,albeit on higher wages.

Playing as Tonbridge.

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Gallas>Free/Monaco(His value was £650k)




Real and Man City bid £40m for Bale which I rejected. Real went to £50m and I accepted. He went from 90k to 130k in wages. No problems for me here, although I see some abominable transfer business by AI clubs, such as Chelsea selling Mata to Utd for £15m plus Johnny Evans, and Hazard to Utd for £40m. So dumb.

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Except few rare exceptions the rule is :

If a player is valued f.i. 5M and you sell it, you are forced to sell him at 2-3M, if the player is over 25-26 years you have to sell him at ~750k.

If a player is valued f.i. 5M and you buy it, you are forced to pay him around 10-15M.

ps. once, a team asked me a structured deal of 18.5M for a player valued 280k, typical AI behaviour.

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Carroll on the other hand, was completely different. he was worth 10mill. i offered him for 15mill at the end of the first season and spurs bit my hand off. its now november and he's sitting in the spurs reserves, complaining that he wants to go out on loan because he hasn't played a single game.

That's the biggest achievement I've ever heard anyone having on any FM EVER. Carroll is ridiculously hard to get rid of at a good price. After his loan at West Ham, he came back to mewith a value of £4m, kept offering him out at gradually lower and lower prices. His wages were the main reason I wasn't getting any offers. Eventually he went to Villa for £1.4m and I had to pay £40k a week for 3 years. I still have my defenders go in hard on him. I want his legs broken.

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Placing players to transfer list makes clubs to think that those players are available for loan. So instead of transfer I got several loan offers. Well, I guess its better than nothing. At least now I don't have to worry about their salary :)

Im trying to get better DoF for next season. Maybe it makes some difference, maybe not. Hopefully new patch makes it easier to sell.

edit: Just sold my sub-keeper for amazing 7k. Felt like a victory! :p

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Except few rare exceptions the rule is :

If a player is valued f.i. 5M and you sell it, you are forced to sell him at 2-3M, if the player is over 25-26 years you have to sell him at ~750k.

If a player is valued f.i. 5M and you buy it, you are forced to pay him around 10-15M.

ps. once, a team asked me a structured deal of 18.5M for a player valued 280k, typical AI behaviour.

Absolute rubbish, there is no such rule.

There are several reasons why some users have issues with transfers, some are partly down to something they have done whilst others are simply a general misunderstanding of how transfers work.

1) High wages have already been mentioned and its an issue AI clubs have as well. The fact is if you pay a player more than his worth to other teams he will be more difficult to sell. The users that have difficulty selling players often are the same ones that overpay their players and don't negotiate very well/at all with contracts. They also aren't prepared to let a player leave if he requests too higher wage.

2) Reputation - This often causes issues, a common one would be "I offered Wayne Rooney for nothing and no-one was interested". Reputation is the issue here, Rooney is a 1st team player for one of the biggest clubs in the game, realistically there are only a handful of clubs he would move to. Other teams don't make offers because they don't feel they have a chance of signing him.

3) Money/Transfer fees - Quite simply some users expect too much, below the Championship its fairly rare for teams to pay transfer fees. At that level most players move on frees or at the end of their contract.

4) Gameworld - This doesn't get mentioned as often as it should in these discussions. If you use a large database (Lots of players) compared to the number of active teams in the gameworld there will simply be too many players available and the market will be flooded. Just like in real life for any industry a flooded market is good for buyers as prices are cheaper but bad for those selling.

Thats not to say transfers are perfect, they aren't and there are still some minor issues. The most obvious is that we have to offer out to sell a player far too often due to it being too easy to palm the AI off when they enquire - the AI needs to be more aggressive in chasing players but SI are walking a fine line as if they make it too aggressive many users would moan about losing their players. Overall though transfers work fairly well.

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4) Gameworld - This doesn't get mentioned as often as it should in these discussions. If you use a large database (Lots of players) compared to the number of active teams in the gameworld there will simply be too many players available and the market will be flooded. Just like in real life for any industry a flooded market is good for buyers as prices are cheaper but bad for those selling.

You are wrong here,because activating a larger database more often activates foreign teams on the transfer market as well. At 80.000 players I have teams from Qatar,Saudi Arabia and whatnot asking for players, something that would absolutely never happen with a small database. Larger databases seem to have a better transfer market in fact.

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You are wrong here,because activating a larger database more often activates foreign teams on the transfer market as well. At 80.000 players I have teams from Qatar,Saudi Arabia and whatnot asking for players, something that would absolutely never happen with a small database. Larger databases seem to have a better transfer market in fact.

But how many active players do those teams have in their squads compared to "grey" players?

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It is strange at times. I have James Tomkins who is now an England International in game and yet his value is only around the 5 Mill mark. I don't want to sell but you go and try and buy other players who aren't Internationals and they go for 10 - 15 million. In my game WBA got relegated so I went for Chris Brunt and Jonas Olssen who were obviously unhappy at being relegated. WBA were quoting me 9 million for Brunt and 12 million for a 30 year old Olssen which is quite literally ridiculous for a relegated team especially when their values are so much lower. I can only assume they don't need the money.

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You really are just wrong.

20 seasons without ANY aggressive AI bidding is a BUG!

It's only a bug if it happens to everyone though. I'm over 20 seasons in have sold 85 players for a total of €544M. I only offered out a handful of those, the vast majority were from AI bidding.

Coincidentally (?) I have never over-paid players and have never had a problem selling players.

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It's only a bug if it happens to everyone though. I'm over 20 seasons in have sold 85 players for a total of €544M. I only offered out a handful of those, the vast majority were from AI bidding.

Coincidentally (?) I have never over-paid players and have never had a problem selling players.

Perhaps you want to read the thread again? Especially the title. :D

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I've been moaning about this for years and there has been little or no improvement with each annual release. The best game for transfers for me was CM 01/02 I believe, we're now in 2013 and the transfer system hasn't come along way at all. Maybe it's gotten worse. If SI are happy to charge us all money for every annual release I would expect some improvements on the main areas of the game that the users feel need to be improved.

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